The common cold lingers on. Yet another day of suffering with the addition of the dreadful post-nasal drip. The last occurrence of the common cold was a year ago, and it went on for several weeks. Oh, the agony.
Typical Moody Hottie |
Naturally, I was not even in the mood to entertain the idea of homelessness, no less motorhomelessness. In fact, I have been in no mood for anything. I just want the disease to disappear already.
Typical Credible Hottie |
Incidentally, I have been having second thoughts about mummifying the "blog." Yeah, next I will have second thoughts about homelessness. Soon I will have the same dubious credibility as the central bank of empire.
Typical Young Hottie |
Really, though, the only worthwhile aspect of the "blog" is the embedded pictures of young hotties. The rest is nonsense. I could post the pictures of young hotties on the social media conduit. Why bother?
Typical Existential Hottie |
The crux of the matter is that I am going through a severe existential crisis (exacerbated even more by the effects of the common cold). Confusion is the result. Yet, only a series of tragic circumstances has brought me to the crossroads of "hell" (term used loosely). I failed to integrate into the "social fabric."
Typical "Social Fabric" Hottie |
Foremost, most people in my age group are grandparents. Obviously, due to defective genes, I was shunned by all babes. There's no other reason. My sole human purpose of reproduction was therefore thwarted. And, I was literally left out in the cold. In the days of early humans, my brethren were sacrificed to Molech. In modern times, we of defective genes are social outcasts.
Typical Social Media Hottie |
With no lineage, I am essentially shunted into a long wait for the relief of death. In the interim, I will have to tolerate a "purgatory" of meaninglessness as an old codger. Not even the social media conduit can save me.
Typical Practical Hottie |
And, what about the homeless motorhome (read: minivan)? Was all that money wasted on nothing? I love the minivan. I am not like other old coffers who waste money on expensive sports cars just to fool themselves into believing that young hotties would be attracted to them. The minivan is a great motor vehicle. I have not hit my head on any part of the vehicle. So, no concussions are likely.
Typical Numbered Hottie |
Homelessness has not been ruled out yet. So, the minivan may still become a homeless motorhome. The "blog," however, cannot continue much further. Its days are numbered. My credibility is at stake. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! And, of course, the intrusive visit by the despicable surveillance robot at 7:40pm HST seals the fate of the "blog."
Jesus, whom some call the Christ, was childless (as far as we know), so was Leonardo da Vinci, I believe Socrates and a host of other Greek philosophers, etc. You've made bad choices. The motorhome is just consumerism. Worse than a smartphone because at least the latter is essential nowadays (which is why everyone is addicted to it, the addiction is a passing phase, until the novelty is overcome and it becomes second nature, give that another five years), whereas the motorhome is buying into a failed and passe paradigm. You should sell immediately so as to cut your losses and be able to accompany your friend to Vietnam. True homelessness means to get rid of this attachment to material objects like the motorhome and live in hotels and other forms of transient housing (such as a tent like me much of the year, but you are not ready for that).