Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Master Plan - Financials

Financial planning at this point in time is really like gambling. In fact, that's what it is ... one big casino. A while back, I stated in the "blog" that I was ready to put every last dime of my life savings into the stock market. Did I follow through? No, I am not a gambling fool. Instead, I have keep all of my assets, albeit liquid, in very conservative money market and bond funds.

Typical Liquid Hottie
There is no doubt in my mind, though, that interest rates will never rise above zero percent in my lifetime, at least in empire. Why? Well, there is just no way that the empire can service its huge $17+ trillion debt if interest rates were to even rise by one percentage point per annum.

In the meantime, we can expect the empire and the thieves on Wall Street to find new and imaginative ways to steal our money and assets. Take ObamaScare, for example. Also, note the "asset recovery" and "ten-year lookback" provisions for certain medical entitlement programs. We must find ways to protect or hide assets, especially if the senior citizen years are right around the bend.

With that said, I have not established any financial policies as of this date. Liquid assets are neither being moved or spent. I have, of course, looked into precious metals, not as an investment, but as a hidden store of assets. Word has it, though, that gold can now be confiscated in the event of an empire emergency. Thus, any precious metals purchase must be done with vendors who do not maintain any records of transactions. And, I have been told that a 9mm semi-automatic handgun will necessary for security purposes (i.e., protect the precious metals).

Something is going down as we speak. The oligarchs of empire have made the decision to engage both China and the Russian Federation in a game of brinkmanship. The endgame is war, thermonuclear war. I have discussed the scenario in the old "blog" previously. The war planners are expecting limited nuclear engagement, just enough to reduce the population and shuffle the global power structure, but not enough to cause a "Nuclear Winter." For the oligarchs to consider such a foolish plan, there must be something terribly awry in empire.

Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
Hard as it may be to believe, the idiotic 31-year-old "chef" is following through with his plan to become a wealthy male escort ... errr, massage therapist. He is taking classes at the community college. How he came up with the $6,680 tuition for the eleven-month program is ... Heck, can you say, "Parental support"? What a maroon!

Surveillance Mini-Update®
Is the Google® surveillance robot still hanging around? Is the sky blue? Is my homeless buddy really homeless? Is the ol' lavahead a "terrorist"?

Monday, April 28, 2014

Saga of the Water Flosser

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit (always on Monday and Friday). Moms and I ate lunch at the Panda Express® as usual. I ordered entrées with more vegetables, attempting to be healthy and all. That's not including the fresh vegetables that moms prepares and brings along.

Of course, we had to shop at Longs® because that's what all the senior citizens do. Moms always runs into a lot of other senior citizens whom she knows. Fortunately for me, the Waterpik® products were on sale. Very timely, eh? So, I purchased a top-of-the-line model to replace the dysfunctional unit. Then, moms and I shopped at the only supermarket in the entirety of Hawai'i Kai.

Typical Waterpik® Hottie
Later, I ended up at the gym for my usual Monday workout. By the way, I have been struggling to complete my revised 50-minute cardio workouts. Pathetic considering that I used to take three aerobics classes in a row in the old days. When I checked my weight on the digital scale after the cardio session, I was stunned to see that my weight was 140 pounds (wearing gym attire). Just last Friday, I weighed in at 143 pounds. Whoa, Nellie!

At the start of my evening outing in Kahala, I donated the old Waterpik® unit to charity. Then, I decided to eat dinner at the fast food joint. Never mind that yesterday found me dining at two different fast food joints as I always do on Sunday. Long story short, I ordered two greasy "value menu" items and a medium-sized vanilla milkshake. Well, hey! I'm shrinking! I need to consume more junk food.

All that to say ... I highly recommend that everyone procure a Waterpik® appliance and use it religiously. Your teeth and gums will love you for it. Your dentist will thank you. That reminds me, I have a dentist appointment on Wednesday. Sheesh!

Well, April has been a very expensive month. Automobile registration ($360), wireless speaker ($150), Waterpik® flosser ($45), and probably about $130 for the dentist. Oh well.

Homeless Buddy Mini-Update®
My homeless buddy will apparently be requiring foot surgery for both feet. Thus, he will need the motorized wheelchair. He has applied for a rental unit in Chinatown. It is not low-income housing, but the rent for a furnished room is $425 per month. He has urged me to apply for a rental unit there as well.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saga of the Wireless Speaker

On Friday, my evening outing objective was to be the purchase of the Bose® SoundLink® Mini at the fruit-based computer store (an authorized Bose® reseller) in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I was about the purchase the item in question with my sole credit card when I was asked for an identification (ID) card. Say what? No ID, no merchandise, I was told. Okay, see you snobs later!

Typical Audiophile Hottie
Of course, I could have just waited until the next morning and made the trek to the Bose® showroom. However, I walked over to the Radio Shack® store, a place that is always completely empty. Overpriced, questionable merchandize, and no brand recognition. Yet, I ended up purchasing an Auvio® wireless speaker. I have a pair of $9 Auvio® earbuds, probably the best sounding earbuds at any price. So, when I listened to the floor model, I was quite impressed. The unit is fairly large and heavy, by the way. It is not battery powered, thank goodness. So, it's not a portable wireless speaker. I purchased the device for $150 with my credit card and no ID.

Upon returning to Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I unpacked the device. I discovered that it was previously opened. That's probably why it was a "clearance" item. Who cares? I am now less likely to obsess over keeping it meticulous. Once paired with the Nexus 7 tablet computer, it provided excellent sound in my squalid room. The bass is quite amazing. And, the damned thing gets real loud. I have been enjoying a House Music marathon since then. Yeah, one-man house party, just like the old days.

Typical House Party Hottie
Why did I waste money on another wireless speaker? Oh, I don't know. In a few years, I may not have much of my hearing left, so I may as well enjoy it while I can. I will probably be downloading a few flicks via bit-torrent, and the wireless speaker will provide me with the poor man's "home theater" experience. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
My essential appliance, the Waterpik® flosser, has developed a leak in the nozzle handle. The device appears serviceable, so a replacement part may be available. Otherwise, a new unit will be necessary. More expenses. Was the wireless speaker a prudent purchase after all?

Surveillance Mini-Update®
The ridiculous Google® automated surveillance drone is still at it. What is the plan? Who is the "terrorist"?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Master Plan - Constraints

In developing a senior citizen "master plan" for myself, I must consider the various constraints. In the world of science and engineering, the numerous constraints are mathematically derived. In the world of humans, constraints can be both real and imagined. My first goal is to eliminate the imaginary constraints. So, here are the constraints that I have verified as real:

Eyesight. The eyes will grow weaker with age. In my case, my eyes are already a disability, so I can only expect my vision to worsen. Astigmatism and cataracts may also present themselves.

Hearing. Hearing will most certainly weaken. The ability to detect lower sound pressure levels and frequencies at the extremely ends of the audio spectrum will only diminish. Say, now is the time to procure the Bose® SoundLink® wireless speaker, eh?

Mental Capacity. The human brain physically shrinks as we age. If dementia is present, the shrinkage and deterioration is further accelerated. There are method to circumvent the deterioration by promoting "dendrite sprouting." That's why senior citizens are seen working vigorously on boring crossword puzzles. The ol' lavahead has vowed not to join the party.

Musculoskeletal. Physical deterioration will be most pronounced and will occur in rapid succession. Muscle tone and muscle mass will decrease with age. Bones will shrink, bend with gravity, and become brittle. Skin elasticity and hair pigmentation will disappear. Joints will become stiff and arthritic. Motor coordination will be non-existent. The spinal column will compress and shorten the torso. Of course, the first major milestone will be the natural deprecation of the Vienna Sausage.

Internal Organs. The various internal organs of humans will deteriorate with old age. Cancer, organ failure, and increased susceptibility to diseases will be common threats.

Mobility. All of the preceding constraints will affect mobility, not only the ability to transport oneself locally but also the ability to relocate to more distant locations.

The aforementioned constraints will exponentially increase in magnitude with respect to age. At nearly 60 years old, I am now at the gateway to decrepitude. I can expect minor increases in constraints until 65 years of age. After that, each additional year will will bring the potential for rapid degeneration. The mortality timetable is very unforgiving.

My exact time location on the mortality timetable will determine my life-style (e.g., my remaining tenure at the gym and the type of workouts, my ability to purchase and appreciate useful and useless possessions, my ability to operate a motor vehicle, and so forth). And, given family antecedents including pops and my blood uncles, I have about 20 years remaining. Please refer to the "blog" posting of March 19th titled, "Thoughts on Life Expectancy."

Typical "Good Years" Hotties
I assume that I have five "good years" left in which I can maintain my life-style and activities with negligible changes. If I am fortunate, I can possibly achieve seven "good years." Unfortunately, the Vienna Sausage will most likely be totally dysfunctional within three years. Well, no need to worry about babes anymore. No more hurdy-gurdy videos either. So, the Vienna Sausage will be the first geriatric casualty.

After the "good years" are spent, there will essentially be no need for me acquire anything beyond the basic necessities. Bad eyesight and poor hearing negates the need for technology toys. Owning and driving a motor vehicle will no longer be possible. Stylish clothes will be a big joke. Long story short ... if I have any inclination toward rampant materialism, then I only have five years to fulfill my desires.

And, don't believe the hype about the "Golden Years." There's no such thing. Sure, there are active 80-year-old senior citizens. I see them at the gym every day. Believe me, the term "active" is purely subjective. For the most part, "active" senior citizens can more readily be seen purchasing numerous bottles of cheap booze at the local supermarket ... denial of death in action!

Homeless Buddy Mini-Update®
My homeless buddy is still up to his old tricks. He has ordered a luxury motorized chair which will be mostly subsidized by entitlements. He will still be paying $1,100 for it. He is also attempting to rent a low-income unit in Chinatown for $450 per month. He is putting off his colon cancer surgery until he can find housing. Aside from that, he has signed on with even more "free" services that are available for the homeless.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Uncle Mike

Uncle Mike (moms' side of the family) was always my favorite uncle. I had first met him when I was quite young. He was a hermit living in a truly rural area on the Big Island. Moms and I had visited his hermitage for a few days. There was no running water or electricity in the hermit shack. Light was provided by kerosene lanterns. Rain water was stored in a tank outside. And, there was an old-fashioned outhouse with no sewage lines.

Uncle Mike refused to move out of the hermitage even under extreme familial pressure. Eventually, though, he suffered some kind of mental breakdown. He could no longer speak. He somehow found his way to Hilo town and passed a hand-scribbled note to a local shopkeeper requesting help. Long story short, my uncle ended up in the Kane'ohe State Hospital, the only facility for the clinically insane. As I recall, he went through Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), which is rarely deployed anymore.

Uncle Mike was never the same after the ordeal. He was also a chain smoker of cigarettes. Thus, he ended up succumbing to emphysema. I had previously wrote of Uncle Mike's legacy in the old journal, so I will not belabor the point any further.

Typical Silent Hottie
Now, I find myself having great difficulty in conversing with people. Actually, I don't want to talk. I don't want to hear other people flapping their lips. And, I don't want to hear myself speak. Silence is golden, I keep telling myself. Am I consciously following in the footsteps of Uncle Mike?

Well, I came to the startling realization that my current gym attire will probably last through my remaining tenure at the gym. I'm thinking that I will probably be "good to go" for another three to five years. After that, I will only be wasting time and money. I should be well on my way to decrepitude by then.

I seem to have not grasped the fact that I may have only 20 more years to live. Whether I live longer or not is irrelevant. My last ten or so years will be tortuous. How can anyone tolerate decrepitude or senility? You may have noticed that I have not yet unveiled the "master plan" in the "blog." Yeah, there isn't one. I have yet to come up with anything viable. Sheesh!

Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
Alan has been in Arizona, allegedly at his "McMansion," for seven weeks now. The length of time seems extraordinary. He's never been away that long. I don't believe that he paid the Slob Manor rent for this month either. At his age, I suspect that Alan is totally incapacitated, or he's dead.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thoughts on Everything

Last night, I procured a bowl of soup and a free tuna sandwich at the sandwich shop in Kahala. Subsequently, I walked next door (with the food) to the fast food joint and purchased a "value" menu yogurt parfait. I then consumed the entire meal in the dining room of the fast food joint.

A few minutes into the dinner extravaganza, I espied Reggie, the confirmed derelict, sitting at a table nearby. He had brought some kind of canned food with him. He was eating its contents straight out of the can. A cup of water and a plastic spoon was courtesy the fast food joint. Of course, I am not ridiculing Reggie for eating canned food. I spent years eating mostly canned food, and now possibly suffering from endocrine disruption due to the plastic-lined cans. But, I digress.

Typical Vortex Hottie
There is now a whole class of people like Reggie. Most of them are homeless, but quite a few are not. They have no future. Why? As the empire moves rapidly to an oligopolistic state, there will be few "winners" and myriad losers. The ranks of losers is already swelling, but its numbers are sure to continue increasing. I, myself, am gradually being sucked into the vortex.

In the meantime, I continue to remain vigilant and resistant to the temptations that can rapidly reduce me to a Reggie-like life-style. Yet, how will I manage as I become a decrepit (and helpless) senior citizen? Who or what will protect me from a decaying society?

Mike Ruppert, author of the book, "Crossing the Rubicon," committed suicide earlier this week. "Rubicon" was one of the first books that got me started on a multi-year research project that delved into current affairs, conspiracy theories, politics, economics, finance, religion, world history, cosmology, quantum physics, genetics, evolution, and so forth. Wayne Madsen has composed the best eulogy (posted on the Intrepid Report site).

I have been viewing a few mainstream flicks via bit-torrent downloads. What a wasteland! Even in a state of extreme boredom, I can barely entertain myself with most of the fodder. Yet, most people seem to be addicted to flicks and pathetic tube programs. I can safely say that hurdy-gurdy videos (read: "pr0n") are so much better ... well, as long as the Vienna Sausage is still functional. I take that back. Most of the hurdy-gurdy videos are pretty bad (i.e., poor video quality, bad editing, horrendous camera work) as well. About one in a hundred video clips is a "keeper."

In my day-to-day observations, I have found that a good majority of people are spending a lot of time staring at small rectangular screens (i.e., "smartphones," computers, tablet computers, portable game consoles). Then, at home (if they have a place of residence), they spend lots of time staring at a big rectangular screen. There just isn't much quality content. So, why waste time on that crap? Seems that our lives are becoming so rote, so mundane, that we need to escape to a virtual world of excitement. Of course, what can we expect in an oligopolistic state?

My observations have also focused on the myriad senior citizens in my vicinity. I see the everywhere ... on the bus, at the various dens of consumerism (read: shopping malls), at the gym, at the various fast food joints. Senior citizenry is not "golden." Rather, it is a "living hell," what with the decrepitude and all. Yet, people continue to reproduce in insane numbers. Everyone must grow old, become decrepit, and face the horror of death. The curse of consciousness plagues all humans. It is best for the human species to go extinct.

"Vlogging" (i.e., video "blogging") is apparently the latest trend. From what I am to understand, the "vlog" has already displaced the traditional "blog." Unfortunately, the ol' lavahead will not be moving to the "vlog" format. Instead, his "blog" will slowly fade into oblivion. Thank you very much.

Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
The 31-year-old "chef" appears to have acquired a small financial fortune. His rent payment, yoga studio membership, and pure organic groceries amount to far more than he earns per month as a substitute teacher. There is no doubt that his parents have paid off his $50,000 student loan debt in full and have given him additional spending money. Incidentally, that's why the fucktard has to do a load of laundry every day. He's washing his one-and-only yoga outfit. So, what is the fool really up to?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Kane'ohe Revisited

I was on my way to Kane'ohe on the bus at 9:30am this morning. I was attempting to enjoy a cup of coffee at the fast food joint in town. However, my solitude was once again disturbed by the retired friend of my homeless buddy. He's a nice enough guy, but I really don't want to spend an hour or so talking with him about topics that I could care less about. Are people really that lonely?

Typical Kane'ohe Hottie
I was only in Kane'ohe for about 30 minutes, just enough time to do some quick shopping at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall). I actually enjoyed the excursion. I purchased a couple of bare necessity clothing items at the Sears® store. All of my clothing purchases are "just in time" (JIT).

The bus ride gave me an opportunity to make up for the earlier sacrificed solitude. I spent the time in contemplation of the game plan for my final "good" years (e.g., How long will I continue working out at the gym? When will I commence wearing authentic senior citizen attire? When will I convert my conventional shades to the "snorkel mask" sunglasses that are popular with old codgers?).

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thoughts on Material Possessions

I have never neglected to mention that I am an acetic, a mendicant monk, and a pauper. As a consequence, I have divested nearly all of my material possessions. Most of the were useless, redundant, or both. I wasn't always that way. At one time, I was an active participant in the "ownership society." I wasted way too much money, only to learn that "ownership" of "property" is just another aspect of what Ernest Becker called the "vital lie."

Typical Materialistic Hottie
The real problem with "ownership" is that it implies permanence, immortality. Neither exists. So, we acquire "property" only to learn the lesson the hard way. Once a possession is acquired, it is on the inventory list for a lifetime. When the possession is beyond repair or obsolete, it is replaced. And, we always continue to add to the inventory rather than subtract from it. Soon, there are myriad possessions that must be maintained and replaced. The utility of the possession is eventually nullified by the eventual enslavement of the "owner."

"Ownership" becomes a pathological problem when the need to "own" becomes insatiable. The pathology can be attributed to our failed attempts to separate ourselves from other animals. Well, that's the problem. We don't want to be animals. We want to be a special entity called "humans." Unfortunately, humans grow old and eventually die, just like other animals.

Old age and decrepitude is akin to wisdom, albeit forced. Once we lose our youth, we come to understand that nothing is permanent. "Ownership" is quickly exposed as a fraud. Our possessions become a burden and a vehicle of enslavement. We long to be free, emancipated, in our remaining lifetime before death liberates us eternally. Yes, only death is forever.

Speak! Mini-Update®
Good to see that our old friend Mista Bumpy is back with us here (via comments). Just like the good ol' days, eh?

Surveillance Mini-Update®
The automated surveillance robot is still continuing its nefarious task of monitoring the activities of the "blog." So tiring, so boring, so trivial. Ho hum.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Curse or Blessing?

Have you ever noticed that old codgers never look at babes? That's even more true for young hotties. There could be a bevy of young hotties, clad in skimpy outfits, all traipsing about, but none of the old codgers in the vicinity would even glance in their direction. The curse of testosterone depletion!

Typical Scantily-Clad Hotties
Well, maybe it's not a curse. There's no way that an old codger could "hook up" with a young hottie (or any babe, for that matter), short of being a billionaire, so becoming an eunuch is a blessing in disguise. Noticing young hotties would only cause infinite frustration and, worst yet, a painful reminder of mortality.

The ol' lavahead is rapidly approaching eunuch status. The intermittent Vienna Sausage is signaling the depletion of testosterone. Once total dysfunction occurs ... game over!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Stylish Underwear

On Sunday morning, while enjoying a cup of coffee at the fact food joint in town, I observed a young Asian babe with bleached blond hair sitting at one of the tables outside. She was wearing jeans with a tight top. Her behavior, however, was strange. And, she was talking to herself. I suspected that baby was recently made homeless. The stress of living on the streets was obviously too much.

Later, after my workout at the gym, I returned to the fast food joint for a greasy "value menu" snack. Ahead of me was a young Asian babe, once again attractive. Baby was involved in some kind of miscommunication with the manager on duty. Every now and the, she looked over at me. I suspected that she, too, was homeless. Her face betrayed fatigued, which meant that she has been living on the streets for well over a month.

Both of the homeless babes looked out of place and extremely vulnerable, unlike the "hardbody" homeless babe that I observed on Saturday. I am certain that all of them were victims of various circumstances that abruptly evicted them from a previously "mainstream" life-style. All three babes are testimony to the financial upheaval that is affecting the rank-and-file populace in Hawai'i.

Typical Stylish Hottie
A couple of months ago, I purchased stylish brief underwear (box of five) from the ubiquitous discount clothes store. I have never worn them. Guys my age don't wear stylish underwear. We stick to the old, boring standard. Stylish clothes look ridiculous on old codgers, even underwear. In addition, the stylish underwear does not fit in with my workouts at the gym. No explanation necessary.

The Vienna Sausage has recently tested as intermittent. I suspect that its total dysfunction is closer than I had expected. Naturally, the Vienna Sausage is a barometer of testosterone. Once my testosterone depletes, I will experience rapid degeneration of common male attributes, the most obvious being muscle mass and tone. Resistance workouts with weights have helped to stave off the inevitable. However, I am living on borrowed time.

With physical degradation imminent, I have decided to mummify the use of whey protein powder and any other supplements that are commonly used by gym "meatheads." Old codgers should only consume the geriatric equivalent that is available at most pharmacies. I will most likely rely upon yogurt and yogurt-like products from now on.

Finally, I have been contemplating the acquisition of a Skype® number for $5 per month as opposed to giving in and purchasing a cellphone with a no-contract service. No decision yet.

Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
The arrogant "chef" now occupies two parking spaces on the rockpile with his "piece of shit" automobile. And, he now parks his vehicle right in the center, like some kind of royalty. Long story short ... upon returning from my usual Hawai'i Kai visit recently, I discovered that the asswipe had parked his vehicle about two feet into my space. So, I parked my truck in the landlord's reserved spot. I've been parking there ever since.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Thoughts on Anything

On Friday morning, my sister-in-law mentioned that one of her clients passed on the night before. As you may recall, my sister-in-law is a private caregiver for senior citizens. Most of her clients are fairly decrepit. Client turnover is frequent because of ... well, death. The recently deceased client was in bad shape. In the days before death, he could no longer speak.

A few mornings ago in the fast food joint in town, I had an opportunity to observe an old Filipino codger eating his breakfast, which consisted of one "value menu" hamburger and a large carbonated beverage. Have you ever wondered why senior citizens take forever to eat? The old guy took tiny bites of the hamburger and chewed each morsel 91 times on average.

I don't want to die, but I really cannot see myself existing as a shriveled up "vegetable." Worse is the case in which the mind turns to mush. At that point, one's life simply has lost all meaning. Even in the best case scenario, the gradual physical breakdown of the body is intolerable. Old age is torture.

Typical "Hardbody" Hottie
As I strolled through the food court dining area on my way to the fast food joint in town this morning, I saw someone smiling at me from the corner of my eye. From inside the fast food joint, I observed that the person in question was a chick. She was smoking a cigarette. There were two backpacks laying next to her, so I assumed that she was homeless. Baby got up and walked around. Surprisingly, she was an attractive babe. Her long curly hair was barely tied up with a blue hairband. She wore tight jeans, a leather jacket, and what looked like combat boots ... all clean. Baby was curvy, but very firm. In other words, a "hardbody." I assumed that she was recently made homeless. There was an air of defiance about her in the way she walked. Baby could probably take down anyone who attempted to take advantage of her.

Well, out of the three current James Bond flicks that I viewed, I enjoyed "Quantum of Solace" best. Unfortunately, it was a sequel to "Casino Royale." So, the plot would make little sense on its own. What lessons are learned from James Bond flicks? Never trust anyone. Kill, or be killed. Vengeance is mine (or yours).

Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
The "chef" has apparently found a new "squeeze." She looks as though she's barely 18 years old and appears to be of local Asian descent. The "chef" has also changed his look. He now sports a black "hoodie," usually with the hood over his head. Yeah, a 31-year-old "gangsta" culinary artist. Of course, the fool violated the house rules again by having baby spend the night with him in his squalid room.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dinner at the Panda®

Thursday night, the usual evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala ... dinner at the Panda Express® is the new approved ritual. And, why not? The food is actually pretty good. Not organic, of course. There may be traces of hormones, ractopamine, and antibiotics. High sodium. Blah, blah, blah. Who cares?

Typical Panda® Hottie
Let's face it. The food tastes good, much better than the sandwich shop. I always complete the on-line survey on the back of the sales receipt, so I am able to order an additional entrée for free. For $8 and some change, I get a fairly balanced and nourishing meal. I usually order Chow Fun with Steamed Vegetables, Kung Pao Chicken (or String Bean Chicken), Grilled Asian Chicken, and Beijing Beef.

Unlike the slimy "chef" of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) fame, I don't have to waste my precious remaining time to shop for groceries and cook. My time as an engineer is worth well over $200 per hour. As a senior citizen, my time is priceless. The $8 or so that I fork out for a decent meal is worth the time saved. The moronic "chef" is only worth $31 per hour (given his daily rate as a substitute teacher). Even then, he wastes at least four to six hours per day to prepare his organic concoctions, not to mention the wasted money spent on the organic ingredients. Oh well, a fool and his money are soon parted. But, I digress.

I may commence eating dinner at the Panda® on other nights as well. Moms and I have also resumed eating lunch at the Panda® on Monday. I am a simple monk. I need a good, balanced meal. Nothing extravagant. No "high roller" restaurants. No expensive cuisine. No fancy wait staff. No tips. I simply order my food, and I am eating within five minutes. What more can I ask for?

Surveillance Mini-Update®
If you happen to see visitors from Mountain View (in Cali) and Texas in the widget in the right column, you will have witnessed the Google® surveillance robot in action (normally subsequent to a "blog" posting). Be forewarned that you may be put on the "terrorist" watchlist.

Slob Manor Mini-Update®
There is just no end to the insanity of the "chef." The maniac has now taken to doing a full load, if not two full loads, of laundry every day. His obsession with germs has reached the pinnacle of psychopathology.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Thoughts on Nothing

Nothing worthwhile, that is. My homeless buddy finally made an appearance this morning at the fast food joint in town after a two-week hiatus. He has discontinued chemotherapy. The treatment was indeed making him ill. Additional medication was also causing problems like grogginess, which resulted in another foot injury from a fall. He is holding off on surgery until he can be placed in his own apartment. He now believes that he can circumvent the three-year waiting list by bribing the right person. Current bribes run about $1,000 or so.

Tomorrow, my homeless buddy plans to purchase a motorized chair (i.e., electric wheelchair). Yeah, he will actually beat me to it. Can you believe it? Oh well, I have many more years before I need one. But, I digress. My homeless buddy's physician offered to give him a non-motorized wheelchair for free. Not acceptable, he told me.

Same old stories about the Next Step homeless shelter. The place is out of control. No surprise. Most of the homeless are "white" or "black" (quotations used because "race" is a big farce according to DNA analysis) mainland empire immigrants, troublemakers all of them. They are coming over in droves to take advantage of all of the "free" benefits.

Typical Honest Hotties
Back at Slob Manor (rental housing), the landlord left me a reply to my query about the potential sale of the property. I was told that there has been no decision to sell as of yet. That's why there was no listing in the real estate database. What it amounts to is this: the slimy "chef" perpetrated a lie, most likely hoping that I would panic and move out of the dump immediately. Alas, I have been monitoring the "chef" closely. He has been engaging in numerous covert activities directly aimed at causing me any kind of inconvenience. He's just a spineless bastard. I could kill him with my bare hands.

Oh, I give up already! I have been viewing a handful of mainstream flicks lately, courtesy our favorite bit-torrent site. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Actually, I have very little interest in nearly all of the Hollywood blockbuster flicks. Anyway, I concentrated only on the last three James Bond flicks and the last "Star Trek" release. Yeah, that's the span of my interest. So, I only download lower resolution files. Thus, after viewing, I delete them. Nothing worth saving anyway. The Bond flicks were pretty good, but not quite redeeming. All of the chosen flicks contained nothing but violence, killing, and destruction. Very entertaining, eh?

Oh, the ambient stupidity just continues to run rampant. Surveillance robots everywhere. The rogue empire is on its "last leg." Collapse is imminent. And, talk is really, really cheap. That's why I have been doing everything possible to avoid people. Most of them are just like the two-faced "chef" ... stupid, manipulative, and a danger to themselves.

Slob Manor Mini-Update®
The two-faced "chef" is just getting weirder by the day. He has now purchased large canning jars which he uses to store his blended concoctions and filtered water. From all indications, his latest "squeeze" already gave him the "heave-ho."

Surveillance Mini-Update®
The Google® surveillance robot is still in effect. Lag time after posting is approximately one minute. The robot also has acquired algorithms to detect fake postings.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lorem Ipsum Redux

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante Google® surveillance robot dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.

Typical Lorem Ipsum Hottie
Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce Google® surveillance robot ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh. Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Lorem Ipsum Mini-Update®
Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna Google® surveillance robot luctus suscipit. Sed lectus. Integer euismod lacus luctus magna. Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

One of Those Days

There are days, and then, there are days. This is one of those days. Nothing went right. I was plagued and burdened by bad chance. Alas, what more can be said?

Typical Chance Hottie
Rather than vent my frustration, I will instead share that I discovered an interesting Web site, Star Trek Continues. Any fan of the "Star Trek" series should check out this "fan produced" remake, currently with two new and powerful episodes available for viewing.

Cast of "Star Trek Continues"
There's a whole new cast working within a replica of the original sets. I'll be perfectly honest. I was more impressed with those episodes than I was with the flashy big-screen flick, "Star Trek: Into Darkness."

Of course, as an engineer, I am extremely partial to the science fiction genre. Say, did you happen to read the article titled, "This is how an engineer feels when he's surrounded by idiots," on the CNet site? The accompanying video is somewhat amusing as well.

Surveillance Mini-Update®
The Google® surveillance robot has swung back into action. No telling what triggered it, but the ol' lavahead must be on the "terrorist" watchlist.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


The latest development at Slob Manor (read: rental housing) is more than just a slight inconvenience. Finding another rental unit will be difficult. First, I don't have any kind of phone service. Second, I don't have any income.

Typical Contingency Hottie
I would like to graduate to renting my own apartment. However, the going basic monthly rates in Honolulu are $1,000 for studios, $1,200 for one-bedroom units, and $1,400 for two-bedroom units. Unbelievable, eh? Room rentals run between $700 and $900 per month with shared bathrooms and kitchens. There may or may not be other amenities like laundry facilities and Net service. Slob Manor was actually a bargain. Unfortunately, the tenants of Slob Manor were too stupid to realize how good they had it.

Obviously, the "chef" and Alan will need to rent their own apartments. Their quirky ways and their voluminous possessions are not workable in a community environment. No one is going to put up with that crap. The "chef" will have a difficult time finding any place that meets his selfish needs.

As for me, I don't believe that I will remain at Slob Manor even if the opportunity arises. I am certain that the rent will increase. There will be a new lease, most likely for a term of one year. A security deposit and last month's rent will also be due. Right now, I am on a month-to-month agreement. And, I only have a security deposit with the landlord.

So, what are my options? Frankly, there aren't any. I almost certainly cannot rent an apartment because I have no verifiable income. Savings don't count. I can attempt to find another room rental, but demand is extremely high. These are trying times, and there are a lot of people in the same situation. That only leaves homelessness as an option.

Living on the streets is the last resort. The Next Step homeless shelter, the second-to-last resort, requires a tedious process for admittance. In addition, Next Step is plagued with myriad problems and lots of losers. That only leaves IHS, which is a viable short-term solution for $90 per month. Pretty sad, eh? Well, I don't want to "jump the gun." There's probably about two months of time left, at the minimum. No need to panic. Keep calm and carry on. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Slob Manor Mini-Update®
No "For Sale" sign. No "Open House." No sign of any real estate agent. No listing on the Honolulu Board of Realtors® site. What's going on? The landlord is apparently attempting to sell Slob Manor without a real estate agent, most likely to save money.  Don't tell me the landlord has the property listed on Craigslist!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

State of Impermanence

The news of the imminent sale of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) was no surprise to me. However, I had expected the landlord to attempt a last ditch effort to salvage the investment. I should have known better. The landlord is probably in deeper financial trouble than I was led to believe. I am now assuming that the second refinancing of Slob Manor included a large equity extraction, if there even was any real equity at all. Well, that's neither here or there.

Typical Permanent Hottie
The real crisis affects the tenants. Once the landlord accepts a buyer's offer, there will be only 45 days before escrow closes and the property changes hands. We, the tenants, may have as little as two months before eviction. There is the remote possibility that we could remain tenants under the new ownership. However, a significant rent increase is a given. Incidentally, a large number of recent homeless people were victims of the exact situation.

Both Alan and the "chef" face interesting obstacles. They have assumed that nothing at Slob Manor would change. In becoming extremely comfortable, they began purchasing all kinds of "stuff." Food hoarding also became the "norm." Obviously, I don't have that problem. I learned my lesson a long time ago. Comfort is a function of permanence. And, permanence does not exist.

I won't delve much into the the financial situations of the other guys. I know that their budget requirements dictate a sub-$1,000 monthly rent. Even Alan would be strapped because he suffers a negative cash flow from tje rental of his "McMansion" in Arizona. As for Tom, the drunkard, he has already been reserved a room at the landlord's nursery in Waimanalo.

Slob Manor could have been workable for everyone, including the landlord. Unfortunately, none of the tenants (at least in the main house) could humble themselves and be considerate to each other (except the ol' lavahead). None of the tenants could show restraint and not exploit their privileges (except for the ol' lavahead). The landlord contributed to the problem by sheer neglect and surrender of control.

Slob Manor is really a microcosm of the human condition. Stupidity, selfishness, and arrogance all lie at the heart of the problem. And, irrational thinking leads to the belief in permanence. All-in-all, the end result is disappointment and misery.

Slob Manor Mini-Update®
Prospective buyers are scheduled to view the property on Thursday, which leads me to believe that the landlord had made the decision to sell several weeks ago. Why were we not informed earlier?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fool

There's no fool like an old fool. And, the ol' lavahead is the biggest fool of them all. But, we knew that already, didn't we? So, what's the purpose of an April Fools Day posting?

Typical April Fool Hotties
To showcase more young hotties, of course! Is there any better reason to post to the "blog"?

Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
When I returned from my evening outing, I was told by the "chef" that the landlord is definitely selling Slob Manor. I had already suspected as much, but I was surprised that the landlord did not mention anything to me last week during our chat. The landlord apparently has a few interested buyers, so our remaining time at the dump is short.