Wednesday, September 30, 2015


As I mentioned previously in the "blog," I have been relegated to spending a lot of time downloading choice hurdy-gurdy video clips while sequestered in the Waimanalo rental studio. Even with the half-dead Vienna Sausage, there is nothing else for me to do.

Typical Sequestered Hottie
Before I am judged by my peers, we must all review our own lives first. How many of my peers are spending an inordinate amount of time accessing social media on their "smartphones"? Or, watching the tube for hours on end in their spare time?

Typical Social Media Hottie
The truth of the matter is that there is little to do in the "ownership society," unless large sums of money are at our disposal. Otherwise, the "ownership society" is a prison wherein the prisoners are only allowed to live vicariously through ridiculous technology devices.

Typical Freedom Hottie
Only the homeless are at the vanguard of freedom. Unfortunately, so many of them have been harassed and ostracized that they no longer understand what is at stake. They are forced to despise themselves and their predicament, then allowed to only slither around in shame.

Typical Shameless Hottie
On that sad note, this morning, as the bus that I was on passed though Kahala, I observed a young homeless guy pushing a shopping cart with all of his worldly possessions inside. At the front of the shopping cart was a cardboard sign with the hand-written statement: "Give me a break."

Typical Air-Conditioned Hottie
The homeless guy was just passing the entrance of a huge storage facility at that time. In the parking lot, there were people unloading various vehicles stuffed with useless junk destined for eternal air-conditioned storage. Oh, the irony!

Typical Eternal Hotties
Anyway, the issue concerning hurdy-gurdy video clips is moot. I am a misogynist. Chicks are a nuisance to me, and the feeling is obviously mutual. Only the Vienna Sausage is too stupid to know better.

Silence, Little Lamb!
Why else would the ol' lavahead be single for his entire lifespan? Chicks know when a guy is a carrier of inferior genes or if he is a misogynist. Little wonder why the old fool knows absolutely no chicks, not even on a casual basis.

Typical Summer Hottie
So, why bother with the pictures of young hotties in the "blog"? Who knows? Who cares? Just bring on the hotties of Summer already!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


As I walked to the Institute of Hair Design in Chinatown this morning, I was approached by a twenty-something guy. He asked me if I could spare a couple of dollars for bus fare, one of the usual panhandling lines. Then, he interrupted himself. "Man, your arms have great muscle definition," he said. He went on about that, totally forgetting about his request for money. Oddly, he did not look homeless or like a derelict.

Typical Haircut Hottie
A Vietnamese guy restored my non-extreme monk haircut. He immigrated four months ago from Vietnam. He said that he could not speak a word of English when he arrived. He now speaks English fairly well. A friend taught him, he told me.

Typical "Emerging Markets" Hottie
The Vietnamese guy is just one more example of the sheer number of immigrants (i.e., financial refugees) fleeing to the islands as well as the mainland empire from the so-called Asian "emerging markets."

Typical Independent Hottie
My guess is that the recent decline of China's economy is the cause. I would imagine that many neighboring Asian nations are heavily dependent on trade with China. Thus, if China stumbles, they all do. And, in actuality, there are many more nations around the world that are dependent on China.

Typical Draconian Hottie
Well, the homeless problem on the island has been met with Draconian measures, just as I predicted. The "sweeps" are occurring more frequently. So, where do the homeless end up? According to local news sources, the displaced homeless have either entered the various homeless shelters or have "found alternative housing."

Typical Home Hottie
Oh, come on. If the homeless had "alternative housing" options, they would not have been homeless in the first place. And, believe me, most of them will not move into a bedbug-infested homeless shelter.

Typical "Solutions" Hottie
The only reasonable conclusion is that the "solutions" for homelessness are farcical. The "solutions" are only designed to force the homeless into the shadows. Out of sight, out of mind. Thus, only the most obvious homeless encampments have been targeted.

Typical Exploratory Hottie
Not surprisingly, there has been a shortage of homeless motorhomes (read: beat-up minivans) available for purchase. Correlation? You be the judge.

Typical Reconnaissance Hottie
If and when I move to the renovated Chaos Manor (read: rental housing), I will embark on exploratory excursions to investigate the feasibility of motorhomelessness. I will run several late night reconnaissance missions to possible motorhomeless sites. Should prove to be real interesting, eh?

Typical Summer Hotties
Enough of the nonsense. Bring on the hotties of Summer already! Yeah!

Monday, September 28, 2015


As an official senior citizen, I can only sit back and observe everything. No participation allowed. Those are the rules. So, I spend most of my waking hours discreetly observing young hotties and fellow senior citizens, but not in that order.

Typical Observational Hottie
Old codgers, while they still have a limited amount of testosterone swishing around in their shrinking brains, love to ogle young hotties. Of course, the term "young" is subjective. A 55-year-old chick could be considered "young."

Typical Young Hottie
In my book, "young" is defined by ... well, check out the young hotties featured in the "blog." Ogling those kind of young hotties makes an old codger a "dirty old man" (DOM). Yeah, I have already discussed the matter previously. Just know that no old codger desires to be labeled a DOM.

Typical Exponential Hottie
My observations of fellow senior citizens has also been discussed on numerous occasions. My sole purpose is to gauge the timing of the various stages of physical decrepitude. Of utmost importance, though, is the determination of the age which the exponential physical decay commences. Truly a woeful task.

Typical Pleasurable Hottie
Honestly, ogling young hotties is a much more pleasurable task. The Vienna Sausage agrees, but it wants more. Naturally, that's impossible. Young hotties are not interested in old codgers unless lots of money is involved. Even the desperate Vienna Sausage knows that money is best spent elsewhere.

Typical Daylight Hottie
Well, the daylight hours are getting shorter now that Summer is over. I return to Waimanalo earlier in the evening. As we all know, there's nothing to do in Waimanalo. So, I have been relegated to downloading choice hurdy-gurdy video clips using the cheap "smartphone." Then, I upload the latter into the "cloud" using the new "smartphone." A ridiculous task, I know.

Typical "Cloud" Hotties
Uploading hurdy-gurdy video clips to the "cloud" is a tedious task. I must transfer the files from one "smartphone" to the other by physically moving the memory card. Even then, the new "smartphone" can only upload files of limited size because of RAM restrictions. Actually, the new "smartphone" is not much better than the older and cheaper device.

Typical Waimanalo Hottie
Thus, there are only a handful of hurdy-gurdy video clips in the "cloud." Why even bother? I don't know. Of course, what else can I do in Waimanalo? Absolutely nothing, that's what.

Silence, Little Lamb!
The punchline is that the Vienna Sausage doesn't even appreciate the effort taken to archive those choice hurdy-gurdy video clips. How could it? The Vienna Sausage is half-dead.

Typical Summer Hottie
Oh brother. Let's just bring on the hotties of Summer already. Young hotties. Old codgers. Incongruence, my friends. Incongruence.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


The disgusting surveillance robot paid the "blog" another intrusive visit at 7:30pm HDT on Thursday for reasons unknown. What exactly has changed in the "blog" since the surveillance robot last visited? What has changed in the "blog" since its inception?

Typical Surveillance Hottie
Well, the heatwave is officially over. The ambient temperature is still warm on average, but there's no sweltering heat. The trade winds have returned, bringing intermittent rain showers as well. The mosquito population, however, has exponentially increased. Sheesh!

Typical Heatwave Hottie
I have been experiencing increased episodes of what can be called "senior moments." That's the polite phrase for senility. I could go into detail about those experiences, but why bother? In a week or so, I probably won't recollect anything anyway.

Typical Clean Hottie
On a side note, I have finally commenced the comprehensive cleaning of my automobile. It has been neglected during the entire tenure of my ownership. However, I am postponing a trip to the car wash until my move to the newly renovated Chaos Manor (read: rental housing).

Typical Transitional Hottie
I have not heard anything else from the landlord. However, at this point in time, I would like to expedite the move out of Waimabnalo. Sadly, my return to Chaos Manor is simply a transition point toward homelessness. I really don't want to think about the prospect right now.

Typical Summer Hottie
Heatwave or no heatwave, there are always hotties. So, without further ado, onward to the hotties of Summer.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


From what I could ascertain from my discussion with the landlord yesterday, I will be moving to the renovated Chaos Manor on or before November 1st. I am now seriously considering the mummification of bus ridership. Too many asswipes on the bus, and my patience is wearing thin.

Typical Town Hottie
The sad part is that most of the people whom I know are either in town or are members of the gym in town. My entire, albeit limited, social life is in town. My mailbox is in town. I restore my extreme monk haircut in town. I just don't want to ride the bus to town and back anymore.

Silence, Little Lamb!
Having a small, fuel-efficient automobile will enable me to drive it to more destinations. Once back in the Aina Haina area. I don't plan to sit around in the rental studio. Driving to town during the day, however, is out of the question because parking is too expensive.

Typical Summer Hottie
Anyway, that's the situation at this point in time. I will be continuing the same routine, though, until I move out of Waimanalo. Bring on the hotties!

Friday, September 18, 2015


Last night in Waimanalo, I had an interesting discussion with the landlord. Long story short, I was offered the rental studio unit in the newly renovated Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) near Aina Haina. The rent would be $750 per month, or $100 per month more than what I am paying now.

Typical Studio Hottie
Yes, the renovation of Chaos Manor is nearly complete. There are now three separate two-bedroom units and two studios. The whole house has air conditioning and soundproof windows. Utilities and Net access will be included.

Typical Renovation Hotties
The landlord appears to have suggested that my rent remain the same, but the landlord's son disagreed. Well, he did take out a $400,000 construction loan for the renovation. Surprisingly, the "chef" and his babe are still interested in renting one of the other units, which the landlord said would run about $2,500 per month.

Typical Waimanalo Hottie
So, I will be checking out the renovated studio soon. Seems to me, though, the real issue is that the landlord wants me to move out of the Waimanalo studio. As I stated before, the rental agreement was temporary. Rather than force me to become homeless, the landlord has offered me the Chaos Manor studio at significantly less than the $1,100 rent that would have been charged to anyone else.

Typical Cost-Cutting Hottie
Naturally, an additional $100 per month for rent will strain my current budget. Thus, I have been contemplating a few cost-cutting measures to compensate. My daily coffee habit could be mummified ($35 per month savings). I could stop riding the bus ($60 per month savings). I could also stop dining out (monthly savings unknown, if any).

Typical Budgetary Hottie
Of course, once I move back to the renovated Chaos Manor, I should sell my automobile immediately. Then, with the proceeds from the sale, I could purchase a homeless motorhome (read: beat-up minivan) and pocket the rest of the money. I would then be on-track for motorhomelessness.

Typical Empire Hottie
With a nice renovated studio unit to call home, why would I even be considering homelessness? Well, I am certainly not going to wait until I deplete all of my savings. I must take proactive steps, even though they may seem detrimental. My savings earn nothing because of the the zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) of the central bank of empire.

Typical Clandestine Hottie
Yes, as predicted, the central bank of empire did not raise short-term interest rates even by a miniscule amount. As each month passes, more dodgy "paper" is being clandestinely acquired by a "back door" program of "quantitative easing" (QE). So, the possibility of "unwinding" QE and raising interest rates is nil. As Max Keiser of "The Keiser Report" recently stated, "You can't unwind a Ponzi scheme."

Typical Summer Hottie
Yeah, bring on the hotties of Summer already. No sense wasting valuable space on useless babble. Sheesh!

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Another tsunami false alarm, thank Molech. Otherwise, an evacuation at two o' clock in the morning would have probably happened. I don't need any adverse excitement at this time.

Typical Tsunami Hottie
Well, the "blog" readership has finally dwindled down to two people and the surveillance robot. There may also be a couple of others lurking using "incognito mode" on their Web browsers.

Typical "Blog" Hottie
Thus, the tentative plan to convert to "micro-blog" format has been mummified. Not worth the effort.

Typical Formatted Hottie
The "blog" may continue indefinitely with the current format. Content may become more convoluted. In other words, very little effort will be expended to maintain the "blog." Why bother? The "blog" is so passé.

Typical Young Hottie
So, the "blog" will only continue to serve as a conduit for pictures of young hotties. Mind you, even the pictures of young hotties are mediocre at best. And, pictures of hotties proliferate the Net. So, why even continue the practice?

Typical Significant Hottie
Well, without the pictures of young hotties, the "blog" would essentially be done. No further work would be necessary. The only upcoming significant event is the long-awaited homeless decision.

Typical Eternal Hottie
Otherwise, since moms is slated to live to 120 years of age (in anticipation of Armageddon), there will be no change in venue. I cannot just delineate upon the same ol' shit for 27 years, if I even live that much longer.

Typical Summer Hottie
So, let's bring on the hotties of Summer now, shall we? Say, I should rename the "blog" to "Keeper of Hotties of Summer Pictures." Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


A good day for a tsunami. Well, not exactly. An 8.3 magnitude earthquake centered in South America triggered an alert for the islands. Estimated time of arrival for the tidal waves is 3am HST.

Typical Tsunami Hottie
I ran into Professor Brian this morning on Fort Street Mall near the Diploma Mill. We chatted for quite a while, mostly discussing the radical changes on campus. Apparently, the institution has gone downhill, more so since my forced departure over eight years ago.

Typical Co-ed Hottie
In fact, the student population of the campus has diminished significantly. Almost every day since the start of the current semester, I have observed that there are barely any students milling around Fort Street Mall. In my time as faculty, there were always hundred of students milling about during the weekdays. Professor Brian confirmed my suspicions when he mentioned that required general education classes were only half-full.

Typical General Education Hottie
The administrative fools who toyed with the oversized cranium during the last days of his pseudo-professorship are gone, most of them receiving far worse treatment at termination. Well, serves them right. That's the curse of the face of stone. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Typical Administrative Hottie
Chatting with Professor Brian also brought back all of the "fun and games" during my ten years as a faculty of higher education. Then, I recollected the foolishness of even more ancient times, much of which is archived in the old journal and the original "blog." The operant termination is "games."

Typical Legacy Hottie
My recollection of legacy times quickly turned sour when I realized the extent and duration of the "games," mostly "mind games," that I was forced to engage in perpetuity. The human affinity for "games" is endless, far more enduring than my patience.

Typical Universal Hottie
Unfortunately, "games" are the universal religious ceremonies of humanity. Of course, if the "game" mindset replaced our previous animal savagery, then some good came out of it. Sadly, the repressed "inner animal" seeks release and may find itself intertwined with formerly harmless "games." Now, the savagery has returned with a vengeance in a more deadly subliminal form.

Silence, Little Lamb!
Well, the damned game-playing surveillance robot paid the "blog" another intrusive visit at 8:50pm HST on Tuesday. What did it find? More pictures of young hotties, of course!

Typical Summer Hotties
Oh, those young hotties, those hotties of Summer, so gorgeous, so nubile, so ripe, so delicious. Bring on the hotties of Summer before the tsunami hits!