I finally connected with my homeless buddy. Seems that our paths did not cross for well over a week. My homeless buddy is alive and well. He is living on the streets again. His sister in Vietnam persuaded him to not purchase a homeless motorhome (read: beat-up minivan). Well, he cannot obtain a local driver's license anyway. So, he will be "camping" indefinitely at the old South Street location.
Typical Technology Hottie |
My homeless buddy enjoyed a good time in Vietnam. He brought over 20 computers with him and gave them all away. He also purchased and essentially smuggled out a lot of brand-name technology toys and sold them for a profit here. In fact, the profit was enough to negate his airline expenses.
Typical Profitable Hottie |
While in Vietnam, he purchased a 4-bedroom house for $78,000 for himself and his son. He also traveled for a few days to Singapore and Japan where he "camped" at the airport at each destination to save money. Well, I will be further delineating on our discussion as I collect my thoughts.
Typical Fateful Hottie |
The debate concerning the fate of the cheap, albeit outdated and obsolete, "smartphone" continues. It is essentially a $50 "piece of shit."
Typical Secure Hottie |
In defense of the cheap "smartphone," I can certify that it is completely secure. The device itself has been restored to factory default. It is not linked to any account, so no data can be compromised. And, nearly every undesirable "app" or service has been disabled. So again, no security holes. Only the Web browser is deployed.
Typical Summer Hotties |
Of course, the real issue is that I need to have a fully functional "smartphone" on my person at all times. Because of the large number of thugs and psychopaths in proximity, I must be able to call for police assistance at any time. Data security and personal security are two separate concerns, with the latter concern being of higher priority. Oh, enough already. Just bring on the hotties of Summer!
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