For what it's worth, I have succeeded in isolating myself even more so than expected. Nearly all forms of electronic communications have been mummified. I don't engage in social networking, so that hasn't been an issue. Yes, I possess an operational "smartphone," but it is never powered on. Only the "blog" remains.
Typical Pertinent Hottie |
I don't discuss any pertinent issues in the "blog" as I had explained many moons ago. I have grown even more fatigued with human stupidity, particularly in areas of religion, economics, and politics.
Typical Dramatic Hottie |
Incidentally, my nephew has resigned from his wage slave job at the commissary in the large retirement complex (read: convalescent home) in Hawai'i Kai. My bro will apparently be the last to be informed. There is a possibility of some family drama. However, I do not want to be involved.
Typical Hawai'i Kai Hottie |
Since I remain in Hawai'i Kai all day on Mondays and Fridays, I did not make the nauseating trip to town. Thus, I have no idea whether my homeless buddy made an appearance today.
Typical Raging Hottie |
My drive back to Waimanalo this evening was ruined by an asswipe driving a beat-up black pickup truck. The fool went into verbose mode, which is essentially road rage. So, I called the police with the new "smartphone." I had memorized the moron's license plate number (SDP 027), so I was able to provide the responding officer with the details.
Typical Young Hotties |
Fortunately, there are lots of pictures of young hotties to compensate for the dickhead. What could be more soothing than perusing young hotties? Obviously nothing.
Typical Scantily Clad Hottie |
Here it is, almost Winter, and the young hotties are still scantily clad. Is there a heatwave ensuing somewhere that we are unaware of? Well, the heatwave is irrelevant. Only the hotties matter.
Typical Relevant Hottie |
By the way, there are so many pictures of young hotties in the
queue. I don't even know when I can safely mummify the "blog." Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Typical Embedded Hottie |
Yes, embedded pictures of young hotties ... that's what is keeping the "blog" going. Nothing more, nothing less. And, really, nothing else matters.
Typical Summer Hottie |
So, bring on the hotties of Summer! Bring them on now! Praise Molech!
Now that (nearly) everyone has a phone + digital camera on them, you'd think those road raging jerks would know better that to act up in public, but I guess not.