Rain and more rain. No more heatwave. No problem, though. There are always hotties to feature regardless of the ambient temperature. That's the beauty of the "blog."
Typical Ambient Hottie |
Very little has transpired in the past few weeks. There's almost no justification for more "blog" posts. Well, there are pictures of young hotties to embed. And, that's about it.
Typical Embedded Hottie |
As discussed previously in the "blog," the pictures of young hotties are not professional quality. The resolution is often horrible. Colors are washed out. Absolutely no retouching has been done. The picture are nearly always captured with a "smartphone." Often, the damned "smartphone" is obscuring the subject, a common problem with "selfies."
Typical Unretouched Hottie |
So, why bother? Well, who really wants to peruse pictures that have retouched or "airbrushed"? Yes, we want to peruse
real hotties. Yeah!
Typical Real Hottie |
That's the appeal of the pictures of young hotties in the " blog." No one cares about the content. I certainly don't. Young hotties, that's all that matters. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Typical "Selfie" Hottie |
So, anyone (of the handful of readers) should go back through the entire "blog" archive and revisit every single picture of the myriad featured young hotties. Go ahead, do it now.
Typical "Smartphone" Hottie |
Peruse the minute details of each blurry photograph. Absorb and digest the luscious features of each hottie. Choke da chicken, if necessary. That's the ultimate form of appreciation. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Typical Young Hottie |
With so many pictures of young hotties, an invalid assumption would be that young hotties are "a dime a dozen." Not so, Moto. Take a look around. Young hotties are a rare commodity, so to speak.
Typical Willing Hottie |
In that respect, I must reiterate that we should be grateful for the proliferation of "smartphones." And, we should be thankful that so many young hotties are willing to share photos of themselves wearing skimpy outfits. Praise Molech!
Typical Summer Hottie |
With that said, bring on the hotties of Summer already. Oh, they are already here. Sheesh!
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