Local news sources recently reported that condominium units in Kaka'ako have been selling in the range of $20 million to $35 million. That's right, asset price inflation caused by the central bank of empire has "gone through the roof." The selling prices have surpassed the ridiculous. Yet, that's the reality in Hawai'i.
Typical Kaka'ako Hottie |
Needless to say, all property valuations will be affected. Rental housing will not be immune. Thus, my own search for rental housing has officially ended. No further inquiries are necessary.
Typical Prudent Hottie |
Remaining in the rental studio in Waimanalo may seem like the prudent option. That is not the case. I am technically not even a tenant. There is no lease in effect, so I am not entitled to any renter's rights. I am simply a paying guest. Essentially, my days are numbered. We already knew that, eh?
Typical Depot Hottie |
So, homeless preparations continue. This morning, I procured a small zippered shaving bag at Ross®, the homeless supply depot, for $10 with the senior citizen discount. I am also storing most (what's left) of my personal possessions in the Nissan® Cube in order to better adjust to motorhomelessness.
Typical Summer Hottie |
Fortunately, we are able to enjoy a Summer of pictures of young hotties included in the "blog." Of course, once homelessness kicks in, there may not be any celebratory events again.
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