The great fear of not having a "smartphone" in hand every second of the day is ... traumatic? Why not just glue the moronic device to the palm of the hand already? I have observed chronic nomophobia everywhere daily. If the ubiquitous spectacle wasn't so pathetic, it would be laughable.
Typical Ubiquitous Hottie |
No matter where I am at, I see people constantly checking their "smartphones," that is, if they are not totally fixated on the device. As a casual observer, I could easily mistake the benign activity for chronic obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Typical Idling Hotties |
What's even more stupid is sitting in an idling automobile while playing with the "smartphone." The idiocy occurs frequently in parking lots and parking structures. The idea, of course, is to enjoy air-conditioned comfort while doing who-knows-what on the device.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
We can also see why ignorance and susceptibility to media propaganda has been easily facilitated. The "smartphone" user spends so much time with social networking, sending text messages, and playing video games that there is only enough time to absorb "sound bytes" concerning other aspects of life. No critical thinking is applied because there is no time for thought. Thus, propaganda is quickly disseminated and absorbed as fact. That's why there are so many sycophants in empire. Josef Goebbels would be proud!
Typical Sisterly Hottie |
On a side note, Maka is no longer homeless on the streets. He is residing in Pearl City with one of his sisters for now. The bus stop that he and his buddies called home was recently renovated to be "homeless-proof." So, they went their separate ways.
Typical Motorhome Hottie |
In Waimanalo, the landlord's daughter and family are visiting from the mainland for three weeks. One week will be spent on another island. I really can't say that I enjoyed their visit. Mostly, I was severely inconvenienced. I always remind myself that I am paying good money to be inconvenienced, just like my tenure at Chaos Manor. I can only bide my time until a homeless motorhome (read: beat-up minivan) can be procured.
Typical Summer Hottie |
Fortunately, we are all enjoying a Summer of hotties, courtesy the "blog." Hotties and more hotties. Yowza!
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