The command center of doom ... errr, cheap "smartphone" ... has proven to be indispensable. Thus, the no-contract service has been extended for another month. Any call that I make usually requires being put on hold for an eternity. Thus, a limited, albeit cheaper, cellphone plan would be useless. Anyway, the device works quite well as a tablet computer and entertainment center.
Scene From "The DUFF" |
I usually do not care to view comedy or romance flicks. Most of them are just not funny or entertaining. However, I really enjoyed viewing the flick, "The DUFF." In fact, I viewed it twice. Not rollicking funny, but damned entertaining and highly recommended. Incidentally, the ubiquitous "smartphone" plays a supporting role in the flick.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
The Nissan® Cube went in for its first servicing at the dealership. A free oil change, tire rotation, and a free wash was in order. Total outlay was only $26 and some change for tire rotation. Oil changes, washes, and safety checks are free as long as I own the vehicle. The Cube is now in optimal driving condition.
Typical Firewall Hottie |
On a side note, I installed a no-root firewall on the cheap "smartphone" in order to lockout several "bloatware" from accessing the Net and engaging in all kinds of nefarious behavior. Seems to be working fine.
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