I am actually moving quite slowly insofar as readying myself for internment and embalming at the Chinatown mausoleum ... errr, dormitory. My squalid room at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) has undergone the final stages of deep cleaning. So, I am now depleting any supplies or consumables in order to lessen the payload for moving.
Typical Productive Hottie |
I have yet to sign the lease for the concrete tomb in Chinatown. Nor have I secured parking for my vehicle. I really should have moved out of Chaos Manor on October 1st. I am simply wasting valuable time at the dump. Of course, what kind of productive activity would I be doing in Chinatown? Panhandling? Dealing illicit drugs?
At present, I continue to waste a lot of time on the Net. That's really odd considering the handful of approved Web sites and the rare bit-torrent download of decent "mainstream" flicks. No new hurdy-gurdy video clips have been downloaded either. What's the point? Perhaps I should resign myself to compose lengthier "blog" posts. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
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