Well, I have already decided against the purchase of the new Nexus 9 tablet computer either now or in the future. I discovered that, even though the Nexus 9 screen resolution is high, the actual pixel density is much lower than that of the Nexus 7 tablet computer (281ppi versus 323ppi, respectively). Believe me, there's just no way to go back to a lower pixel density screen. Everything is just too blurry. Of course, I could easily change my mind. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Typical Parked Hottie |
I finally investigated the parking situation in town. Much to my chagrin, there is no available monthly parking in the Chinatown area. There are waiting lists at every location. From what I could ascertain, the actual waiting period could be several months. A year ago, there were no waiting lists.
My options are fairly limited as it is. I could ask the landlord to allow me to extend my stay at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) until the alleged renovations commence, maybe buying three or four months of time. Or, I could simply move to Chinatown on November 1st as planned. What about my vehicle? I don't know. I may be able to temporarily park it on the street by my bro's place.
Typical Divested Hotties |
Obviously, the time has come for me to divest the largest material possession that I own. I rarely drive it, and it is simply deteriorating. My only workaround when visiting moms is to rent an automobile for the day. Overall, that would be far more cost effective.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
Every single day, I am confronted by more and more grief. Why? The island is terribly overpopulated with more and more people arriving daily. There are more homeless derelicts. There are more immigrants, legal and illegal. And, there are more automobiles. There's more crime, more stupidity, and more grief.
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