Riding mass transit to town daily is oftentimes frustrating, nauseating, or plan ridiculous. That's another good reason why I am ready to move to town. Certainly, the merits (term used loosely) of the Chinatown dormitory are not compelling enough. The ride to town can range from 40 minutes to an hour. Same with the return trip.
The journey would be somewhat acceptable were it not for the passengers. Rude, stupid, psychotic, smelly, obese ... common attributes of typical bus passengers. Then, there are the myriad homeless. Route 1 is also the Micronesian and Chinese Express. Within the boundaries of Kalihi, it is also the Filipino Express.
Typical Mass Transit Hottie |
Just this afternoon, the bus ride from town provided perverse entertainment for myself and other passengers. A psychotic passenger with a fruit-based tablet computer was sitting at the back of the bus. He was flicking coins and other objects at two young hotties sitting diagonally across from him. The hotties angrily screamed at him a few times before finally notifying the bus driver. I yelled to the fool that his actions would delay the bus considerably while the police were
en route to arrest him.
Sure enough, fifteen minutes elapsed while the bus idled at the bus stop. The psychotic fool actually walked up the front of the bus and alighted, even with the young hotties standing there next to the bus driver. Why was he allowed to leave? Well, a police office arrived shortly afterward, but the offending fool was long gone. Yeah, another day on the bus.
The Route #1 and #2 buses out of Chinatown - twin rides to Purgatory. Take yer pick and take yer chances. It's like trying to choose between dog shit and cat shit. It's all the same when it's smeared on yer shoe.