No lease. No keys. No tomb at the detestable Chinatown mausoluem ... errr, dormitory. After going through the trouble of drafting two certified checks made payable to the property management firm and a pathetic ride on the bus to the firm's office, I was told that no one there knew what rooms were available at the mortuary. A phone call by the representative to the insane resident manager produced the same idiotic result.
Typical Knowledgable Hottie |
The representative of the property management firm told me that I will have to stop by the Chinatown dormitory tomorrow morning. By then, the insane resident manager should know which rooms are available, if any. Then, I will have to ride the bus across town again to the main office to sign the lease and deliver the checks. Clearly, I am dealing with mental midgets. At this point, I am very frustrated as I am only two days away from possible homelessness.
Typical Sane Hottie |
As usual, nothing runs smoothly, especially here in the islands. Overpopulation and the proliferation of mental midgets has made daily life unbearable. Little wonder why there are so many clinically insane people wandering around on the streets.
Typical Uploaded Hottie |
On a side note, I decided to upload the only two hurdy-gurdy video clips (including the Natasha Vega classic) that currently reside on the Nexus 7 tablet computer to Google® Drive. So, now I can utilize the "cloud" for something worthwhile. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Maybe that will provide the catalyst for more surveillance. In any case, I will never be able to view the files again (at least not on the Apple® iPad® tablet computer). But, who cares? Well, at least the Nexus 7 is ready to be decommissioned and reset to the factory default.
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