Last night, I returned the carrying case to the Ross® store in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. It was way too large for my purposes. What I need to do is think more like a homeless guy. Less crap translates to less bulk, which means less grief.
Typical Worldly Hottie |
My decision to move out of Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) on November 1st is still in effect. I plan to drop off my worldly belongings at the Chinatown dormitory in the morning. Then, I will drive my vehicle to Hawai'i Kai and park it out on the street near my bro's house. I will subsequently work out the logistics. Divestiture is the most likely solution.
Typical Nefarious Hottie |
When I returned to Chaos Manor this afternoon, I discovered that someone had been in my squalid room. All of the windows were closed, and there was a distinct, if not noxious, odor that smelled like chemical solvent. Within minutes, I had a throbbing headache. Is someone trying to poison me?
Typical Fruit-Based Hotties |
During my evening outing, I stopped by the Apple® store and purchased an iPad® mini 2 (formerly known as the iPad® mini with Retina display) tablet computer and a sleeve case for $345 and some change. So, obviously, I am not acquiring the Nexus 9 tablet computer. Why did I purchase another tablet computer? Good question. And, why a fruit-based tablet computer? Another good question.
Typical Surveillance Hottie |
The most compelling reason is my concern with the Google® surveillance robot. The Nexus 7 tablet computer uses the same account as the "blog," by the way. Thus, I have disabled almost all of the features of the device. What good is that? The other reason is that I cannot find a decent protective case for it. Sheesh!
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