Last night during my evening outing, I stopped by the Apple® store as usual. The new iPad® Air 2 tablet computers were on display. So, I spent time playing around with one of the devices. The screen was nice, but I could easily distinguish individual pixels. Obviously, not to my liking. The device appeared to be smooth and fast, but I did not observe a significant improvement over the iPad® mini 2 or mini 3 tablet computers. And, the Air 2 is just too big. No, thanks.
Typical Surveillance Hottie |
With that said, I have decided to decommission the Nexus 7 tablet computer in the latter part of next week. The device has served me well, but the associated surveillance ... well, let's just say that it gave me the "willies." The Google® surveillance robot currently only pops up every now and then, but that is still too much. As stated previously, the Nexus 7 and the "blog" share a unified account. I am not going through the hassle of initiating a new account just to avoid the surveillance robot. Most likely, the 'bot would see through the ruse anyway. So, I have commenced clearing out all data from all Google® services.
I have also experimented with the "blog" using the iPad® Safari Web browser. I am able to access all of the functions of Web site. The only odd problem is that I cannot scroll up or down in the text editing box. Thus, all postings will be limited by the constraints of the now-static text editing box. In other words, no long posts. And, adding pictures of hotties will reduce the amount of space for editing of text content. Sheesh!
Typical Productive Hottie |
As far as iPad® "apps" are concerned, there just isn't anything worthy of installing. The same held true for the Nexus 7 tablet computer. I am not interested in social networking, "life-style," or game "apps." The iWork "apps" are just fine for what productivity needs that I have. Incidentally, I have set up an iCloud account, but I don't plan to use it. I've learned my lesson from my experience with Google® surveillance activities.
Typical Dormitory Hottie |
This morning, I called the property management firm that oversees the Chinatown dormitory. I will be signing the lease next Wednesday. My new life as a geriatric derelict commences in a week.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
On a side note, I discovered that the black mold common in Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) has invaded the innards of my beloved Waterpik® flosser. I have slated it for divestiture. I have only owned the device for six months. The unit that it replaced survived for over two years without a mold infestation. Oddly, I observed that the black mold is recurring on bathroom fixtures every couple of weeks after cleaning.
Maybe you could type in another app in the ipad, then cut and paste to the Blog. Wotever, just don't cut back on Hottie posts. Even if you have to cut your entries to a sentence or two! Boops and butts b/4 all!!
ReplyDeleteWell, actually that's the way it is now. I compose terse text and commentary to flow around the hottie pictures. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!