The tragedy that besieged Greece was contrived by the moneychangers when private debt was converted to public debt. Long story short, massive swindle. At that point, the general Greek population became fiscally responsible for that debt. The tragedy continued to unfold until the final capitulation by the Syriza government to the so-called
"troika" (read: banks).
Typical Referendum Hottie |
Thus, the sham referendum, previously called by the treasonous Syriza government, was laid to rest. Subsequently, there have been no protests. The populace has been quiet. Little wonder. Money (or should I say, bogus money generated by debt) has silenced the public and subjugated the people to eternal enslavement.
Typical "Troika" Hottie |
The implications are chilling. An entire population can be controlled quite easily. Threatened loss of money (i.e., unscrupulous "bail-in" programs), "banking holidays," and capital controls are all that's necessary to put the rank-and-file peons in their place. Thus, Greece served as a testing ground. Other highly indebted nations in the Eurozone will face the same humiliating defeat if the people dare to oppose the moneychangers.
Typical Smartphone Hottie |
What's good for the Eurozone is also good for empire. If the people rise to oppose the "system," then the "system" will apply the same measures. Austerity cannot be stopped. Wealth transfer to the "one percent" cannot be stopped. Imagine the loss of access to your money. Whoa! No way to pay for the "smartphone" service plan. We can't have that, can we?
Typical "System" Hottie |
People will subjugate themselves willingly to the "system." They will prostrate themselves to the moneychangers, all the while incurring the wrath of Molech. Know your future, my friends. Molech has spoken. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Typical "Rogue" Hottie |
There are, of course, the "rogue" nations such as the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation that are not participants in the "system." Global (limited) thermonuclear war is the only available option to conquer the "rogues."
Typical Summer Hottie |
Yes, money is enslavement, and always has been. There is no escape. Well, thank goodness for the hotties of Summer. We can dream of them while we slave away in the "system."
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