There is really a lot to be jubilant about. Really? No, not really. However, the hotties of Summer are upon us. And, that's better than nothing.
Typical Jubilant Hotties |
With the bevy of young hotties gracing the "blog," a faulty conclusion would be that hotties are "a dime a dozen." Not so. Hotties are actually a rarity. Very few can be spotted "out in the wild."
Typical Rare Hottie |
Even at places like the gym, true hotties are few and far between. Hard to believe, eh? The sad truth is that modern diets and life-style choices have taken a toll on the populace, especially in empire.
Typical "Selfie" Hottie |
Fortunately, many of the rare hotties have been benevolent enough to share pictures of themselves (read: "selfies") with the world. Many of them have also provided us with even more scandalous pictures, but sadly they are not allowed in the "blog."
Typical Summer Hottie |
There is still a month left of Summer, so we must take advantage of the opportunity to showcase as many hotties as possible. To be honest, though, the pictures of hotties could continue indefinitely. Why bother with content?
Typical Young Hottie |
Does anyone actually read the "blog"? Is there anything worth reading? Or, are the pictures of young hotties the only highlight? Yeah, I thought so.
Typical Worthy Hotties |
So, let's continue with the hottie pictures now, shall we? And, let's praise Molech now, shall we?
The Hotties Must Continue!