Although I had previously stated that the intrusive behavior of the surveillance robot would no longer be reported, I continue to do so. The latest intrusion occurred on Sunday at 10:30am HST when the last "blog" posting was executed. The hotties of Summer have certainly created a furor.
Typical Surveillance Hottie |
I am becoming more disillusioned by the day as I continue to observe human stupidity. All human activity is detrimental to the welfare of the planet, mainly because we refuse to accept the fact that we are merely animals just like the other animals. Human folly, therefore, is no longer tolerable.
Typical Ecological Hottie |
My ecological footprint is extremely small. I have no need to expand the latter by engaging in endless material acquisitions. In fact, I now believe that homelessness is the only true state of the animal existence. The planet is our home. It can naturally provide us with shelter if we do not overstep our population boundaries. Unfortunately, we no longer have kinship with the animal world. World domination, the "ownership society," the failed "civilization" paradigm ... all have fooled us into a false sense of superiority. Fools!
Typical Midsized Hottie |
Wrong is right. Up is down. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength (read: bliss). Big is small. Have you noticed that everything eventually is "supersized"? Yeah, I first discovered that fact when I purchased my former motor vehicle, a midsized pickup truck, about ten years ago. Turns out, it was as large as the full size pickup trucks of a decade prior.
Typical "Supersized" Hotties |
Remember when "smartphones" were small? Now, they are the size of tablet computers. The cheap "smartphone" is small, well, mostly because it is outdated technology. I like its size, which is why I cannot go back to deploying a tablet computer. Am I the only person in the world who wants everything to be smaller?
Typical Draconian Hottie |
On a sad note, the recent developments concerning homelessness as reported in the "blog" will cause serious reprisals. As I predicted many moons ago, the homeless problem, left unchecked, would mushroom into a crisis in which the authorities will resort to violent draconian measures. Unfortunately, the crisis will reach "critical mass" about the time that I am forced into homelessness by default.
Typical Summer Hottie |
Well, thank goodness that the hotties of Summer are here now to provide comfort and relief from external stupidity. Praise Molech!
I wouldn't worry about the Google(tm) Bot too much. It's just the Internet version of a security camera, you know, like the ones in every business and traffic intersection, etc. There's no escaping the watchful eye of the corporate Matrix.