"A photo cannot capture your charm." -- Panda Express® fortune cookie
Very few photos of the ol' lavahead appear on the Net, much like the elusive hottie (former) gym trainer. So, the old fool decided to go against his own policy and snap a "selfie" with the cheap, albeit decrepit, "smartphone."
Old Codger "Selfie" |
Yes, that's an un-retouched photograph of the sixty-year-old codger. It has been deliberately scaled to less than normal size for effect. So much for "charm," eh? Yeah, we're better off returning to the pictures of young hotties. Sheesh!
Typical Young Hottie |
Yeah, that's much better. Who cares about wrinkled old codgers anyway? Young hotties are in demand. Bring on the young hotties!
Typical Heatwave Hottie |
The heatwave is back in full force. Temperatures average about 80
o F with 80 percent humidity. In other words, hot! Of course, young Summer hotties are even hotter.
Typical "Selfie" Hottie |
Fortunately, all of the young hotties are taking "selfies" these days. How about you? Do you have a "selfie" of merit? Well, post it in the comments section of the "blog" using embed tags, unless the Chrome mobile Web browser is being used. No posts are possible with the latter.
Typical Training Hottie |
It's too bad that a certain fitness and training hottie did not take more "selfies" in skimpy outfits and post them on-line. We would have all appreciated such a thoughtful gift.
Typical Fitness Hottie |
Thankfully, though, there are myriad fitness hotties who have no qualms about sharing their "selfies." Yubba dubba doo!
Typical Summer Hottie |
Yes, the hotties of Summer are a blessing. The "blog" would be so boring without them, what with all the chatter about homeless derelicts. Praise the hotties of Summer! Praise Molech!
Despite your concerns on aging, you appear to look 20+ years younger than your actual age, and healthier than 99% of those in your age group.