Oh, that tricky surveillance robot ... another surprise visit at noon on Monday and at 5:30pm on Wednesday. What's the reason? I don't know. If I had to guess, I would say that the hotties of Summer are the primary motivation. Who doesn't enjoy ogling young hotties? Even robots, I suppose.
Typical Robotic Hottie |
As I inch ever closer to homelessness, there is little left to discuss in the "blog." Homelessness will be a "just in time" event. All in all, a simple matter of time.
Typical "Just In Time" Hottie |
Viewing or reading the news has become a low priority, even though I do not rely on the propaganda of the "mainstream" media. After the brazen capitulation to the moneychangers by the Syriza government in Greece, I came to realise that the entire global "system" is a big farce.
Typical "Eastern" Hottie |
Greece is the "cradle of democracy." In fact, the whole "Western"
charade has its roots in Greece. Now, the "West" has been conquered by Fascist financial megalomaniacs. Common with all conquering dynasties, the antiquities and legacy of democracy (i.e., Greece) will be destroyed, history rewritten, and the "99 percent" (read: "bottomfeeders") subjugated to totalitarianism.
Typical Consolidated Hottie |
There is no other way to interpret the aforementioned scenario. The "one percent" has completed its total consolidation of power. The rest of us are entirely powerless. We can only live out our lives in poverty and slavery. We are fooled into believing that our debts, the only option to afford anything, are the road to affluence. What a sham!
Typical "Mainstream" Hottie |
So, I have been immersing myself in diversions. "Mainstream" flicks have come to the forefront again. Of course, the number of decent flicks is limited. So, I will return to reality in no time. Sheesh!
Typical Reality Hottie |
Fortunately, the hotties of Summer are also here to provide diversionary entertainment of sorts. Sadly, those hotties are not available for real entertainment in the flesh. The Vienna Sausage would really appreciate that.
Typical "Smartphone" Hottie |
Alas, the hotties of Summer are just an illusion, just like the myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips that are available for download. Yeah, all of life for the rank-and-file peons is based on illusion. That's why the "smartphone" is so ubiquitous. It is a portal to a virtual life that just isn't available without a combination of big bank, big house, big automobile, and big Vienna Sausage.
Typical Summer Hottie |
That's the "ownership society" for you. Petty "ownership" doesn't count. Only the big players know true "ownership." Heck, they "own" everything. If the rest of us think that we "own" anything, then we only have title to the remaining crumbs.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
I suppose that we should be thankful that we have the crumbs. More important, we should be thankful for the hotties of Summer. Praise Molech!