Friday, July 31, 2015


There is nothing more exhilarating than the hotties of Summer. No one is arguing against that fact. That's why the parade of hotties featured in the "blog" must continue. Call it the "hottie mandate."

Typical Mandate Hottie
I could provide a few tidbits to "spice up" the filler material, but there's no reason to expend the energy. I am already taxing myself with the arduous task of embedding the images of young hotties in the "blog." Sheesh!

Typical "Blog" Hottie
I should mention that I have continued to waste valuable time on the command center of doom (read: cheap "smartphone"). I re-enabled the basic Web browser because it does not include the irritating VibrationAPI. Then, I disabled it again. Using two separate Web browsers is ridiculous. Chrome is here to stay. I also set up BlinkFeed. I kind of like it, even though it is very limited.

Typical Command Center Hottie
And, what of the nauseating VibrationAPI? Well, I will have to manually disable JavaScript before loading any of the dubious Web sites that include nefarious "pop-up" crap or redirects. So foolish.

Typical "Pop-Up" Hottie
Well, I am done with tweaking the command center of doom. Why did I waste so much time on it? The "piece of shit" is in bad shape after the major abuse detailed previously in the "blog."

Typical Summer Hottie
Why don't we just go back to the hotties of Summer already? What else even matters?

Thursday, July 30, 2015


There are certain indicators that the island-wide bus system will soon see another fare hike. Cost-cutting measures have been recently implemented, the most obvious being the removal of all articulated buses servicing Route 1 during the weekend. The shorter buses obviously accommodate fewer people. So, the buses have been extremely crowded. For someone like me who must spend 1.5 hours (one-way) on that particular route, the experience is a nightmare.

Typical Mass Transit Hottie
Route 1 has always been troublesome. There are always endless complaints from passengers who frequent the route. Foremost, it is the route that services most immigrant stops, so many of the passengers are Filipino, Chinese, and Micronesian. The homeless also have a heavy presence since many of the free food venues are located along the route.

Typical Tenured Hottie
From the time of my brief tenure as a consultant to the management firm that oversees the bus service, I learned that Route 1 was not particularly looked upon favorably. So, retaliatory measures have often been taken to "punish" the passengers.

Typical Quality Hottie
The overall quality of bus service has most likely declined because of the financial drain caused by the ridiculous and costly light rail project. A tremendous amount of money is being dedicated to a railway transit system that will only cover 25 miles. Frankly, it is already obsolete. In any case, I will most likely not ride the bus once I enter the world of the motorhomeless.

Typical Chatty Hottie
Speaking of the bus, I have run into Mark a couple of times on the afternoon express bus heading to Hawai'i Kai. Yesterday was the first time that we had an opportunity to chat. Apparently Mark's mother passed on back in the month of May. We also discussed our current foray into senior citizenship.
Last night, I treated myself to dinner at Panda Express® ... probably the best meal of the week. My fortune cookie? "An admirer is concealing affection for you." That wouldn't be a certain fitness and training hottie who no longer is around, would it?

Typical Lightweight Hottie
Alas, I uninstalled the lightweight Web browser from the cheap smartphone." Long story short, it had a mind of it's own. I will just have to tolerate the Chrome Web browser.

Typical Summer Hottie
Well, enough of the pathetic stories. Let's move forward to the hotties of Summer now, shall we? Oh, yes, they are already here.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


After much deliberation, I finally decided to mummify the wireless phone number account. Since it was affiliated with the same corporation that unleashes the surveillance robot on unsuspecting users, the decision was easy. Heck, I don't even use the regular "smartphone" service that currently costs $35 per month. Phone phobia, I suppose.

Typical Unsuspecting Hottie
I am also trying a new Web browser developer by Apus. It's a lightweight Web browser that isn't fast, doesn't render Web sites properly at times, and has few prime features. It cannot stream live video either. However, it basically works. More important, it does not include the annoying VibrationAPI that allows Web sites to trigger the cellphone vibration mode.

Typical "Smartphone" Hottie
Yes, anyone who is fatigued by the cellphone vibrating after a redirect or "pop-up" appears should consider switching to the Apus Web browser. Why do Web sites need that capability? That's a good question.

Typical "Blog" Hottie
I have also attempted to use the Apus Web browser to compose the "blog." Almost everything can be accomplished with the exception of embedding images. So, that's a major failing. Thus, the Chrome Web browser cannot be completely replaced. Sad, but true.

Typical Sisterly Hottie
I ran into Maka at the gym. He is still staying at his sister's house, but he wants out. Too much drama. Unfortunately, being homeless on the streets is becoming difficult. He also urged me to stay at the rental studio in Waimanalo for as long as possible.

Typical Healthy Hottie
I have been wondering about my homeless buddy lately. He is due back in Hawai'i on the first week of October. That is, if he makes it back here. He packed a six-month supply of the medication that he must take. I really don't know what would happen if he experienced another cardiac event or any other health issue while in Vietnam.

Typical Sheltered Hottie
If my homeless buddy does indeed return here, he will be in for a rude awakening. The homeless situation is out of control. He can no longer seek refuge in a homeless shelter. And, the new laws are making it impossible for the homeless to survive on the streets.

Typical Summer Hottie
Each day brings new challenges, actually a sickening state-of-affairs. Thank goodness for the hotties of Summer, eh? Oh, the hotties of Summer!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


First up, the dastardly surveillance robot paid the "blog" another intrusive visit at 5:45pm HST on Monday. Fortunately, the hotties of Summer were there to greet the artificial fool.

Typical Surveillance Hottie
In the meantime, there have been massive photons emissions bombarding the islands. The heatwave continues unabated, with the exception of one day of intermittent rainfall about a week or so ago. Thus, we have been dealing with the intense heat radiation for well over a month.

Typical Heatwave Hottie
Of course, heatwave equals hotties. The hotties of Summer, that is. More and more pictures of Summer are coming. Isn't that great?

Typical Young Hottie
Speaking of young hotties, a radiant twenty-something hottie asked me for directions to a local bank yesterday in Hawai'i Kai. Subsequently, baby said, "You look familiar." I was stumped. How would an old codger look familiar to a young hottie? Unless, of course, baby is a gym babe. Anyway, baby said that she lives in Kalama Valley, no doubt with her parents.

Typical "Smartphone" Hottie
What's puzzling is that the young hottie did not know the location of the local bank. After all, it's right in the 'hood. And, why didn't she just pull out the trusty "smartphone" and use it to find the bank? Everyone under 60 years of age has a "smartphone."

Typical Radiant Hottie
Anyway, the encounter with the young hottie at least verified that I am still alive. Many senior citizens look like walking cadavers. No one, especially a young hottie, would even want to chat with them. Sheesh!

Typical Summer Hottie
So, let us rejoice with Molech and enjoy the hotties of Summer embedded within this post.

Monday, July 27, 2015


There is really a lot to be jubilant about. Really? No, not really. However, the hotties of Summer are upon us. And, that's better than nothing.

Typical Jubilant Hotties
With the bevy of young hotties gracing the "blog," a faulty conclusion would be that hotties are "a dime a dozen." Not so. Hotties are actually a rarity. Very few can be spotted "out in the wild."

Typical Rare Hottie
Even at places like the gym, true hotties are few and far between. Hard to believe, eh? The sad truth is that modern diets and life-style choices have taken a toll on the populace, especially in empire.

Typical "Selfie" Hottie
Fortunately, many of the rare hotties have been benevolent enough to share pictures of themselves (read: "selfies") with the world. Many of them have also provided us with even more scandalous pictures, but sadly they are not allowed in the "blog."

Typical Summer Hottie
There is still a month left of Summer, so we must take advantage of the opportunity to showcase as many hotties as possible. To be honest, though, the pictures of hotties could continue indefinitely. Why bother with content?

Typical Young Hottie
Does anyone actually read the "blog"? Is there anything worth reading? Or, are the pictures of young hotties the only highlight? Yeah, I thought so.

Typical Worthy Hotties
So, let's continue with the hottie pictures now, shall we? And, let's praise Molech now, shall we?

Sunday, July 26, 2015


The homeless situation is completely out of control. I cannot reiterate that opinion enough. Every day in the local paper, there is at least one article about the homeless, usually not positive. There's also a barrage of letters to the editor concerning the homeless from irate people. Public indignation is at a peak.

Typical Positive Hottie
There have been several projects announced by the local authorities that allegedly will address the homeless issue. From what I can ascertain, the authorities are completely clueless about the extent of the homeless problem.

Typical Empire Hottie
There are hundreds of homeless migrants arriving from the mainland empire each month. In addition, the high cost of rental housing is driving more local people into homelessness. Currently, there are 10,000 families on the waiting list for affordable housing, many of which are homeless.

Typical "Extended Family" Hottie
International migration is another powderkeg that is ready to explode. People are flooding the island from China, the Philippines, Korea, Vietnam and elsewhere. My guess is that "extended family" members are being invited to come and stay with the first wave of family who migrated here initially. Whether their housing is rented or purchased, overcrowding is probably the "norm." Eventually tensions will cause some family members to become homeless, which is happening more frequently.

Typical Legal Hottie
There has also been a lot of animosity directed toward the Micronesians. What most people do not understand is that the Micronesians can legally come and as they please as mandated by the Compact of Free Association. They are not immigrants, although many of them are homeless as well.

Typical Draconian Hottie
In a previous "blog" post, I listed a few viable solutions to the homeless problem. I am not expecting those solutions to be implemented. Rather, foolish and costly projects that will only assist about 100 homeless people per year are all that's being presented.

Typical Consequential Hottie
My concern, of course, is that there will be intended and unintended consequences as the homeless problem reaches crisis proportions. As I edge closer to homelessness, I certainly do not desire to be "caught in the crosshairs" of Draconian government measures or be the victim of violence perpetrated by disgruntled citizens who wish to take matters in their own hands.

Typical Minivan Hottie
Thus, I sit and wait. The homeless motorhome (read: beat-up minivan) will only be purchased when the time is right. I have seen a few beat-up minivans listed for sale under $5,000 or so.

Typical Summer Hottie
Well, enough of that nonsense. What else can soothe over any indignation than the hotties of Summer? Heck, even homeless guys adore the hotties of Summer. Sheesh!

Saturday, July 25, 2015


The tragedy that besieged Greece was contrived by the moneychangers when private debt was converted to public debt. Long story short, massive swindle. At that point, the general Greek population became fiscally responsible for that debt. The tragedy continued to unfold until the final capitulation by the Syriza government to the so-called "troika" (read: banks).

Typical Referendum Hottie
Thus, the sham referendum, previously called by the treasonous Syriza government, was laid to rest. Subsequently, there have been no protests. The populace has been quiet. Little wonder. Money (or should I say, bogus money generated by debt) has silenced the public and subjugated the people to eternal enslavement.

Typical "Troika" Hottie
The implications are chilling. An entire population can be controlled quite easily. Threatened loss of money (i.e., unscrupulous "bail-in" programs), "banking holidays," and capital controls are all that's necessary to put the rank-and-file peons in their place. Thus, Greece served as a testing ground. Other highly indebted nations in the Eurozone will face the same humiliating defeat if the people dare to oppose the moneychangers.

Typical Smartphone Hottie
What's good for the Eurozone is also good for empire. If the people rise to oppose the "system," then the "system" will apply the same measures. Austerity cannot be stopped. Wealth transfer to the "one percent" cannot be stopped. Imagine the loss of access to your money. Whoa! No way to pay for the "smartphone" service plan. We can't have that, can we?

Typical "System" Hottie
People will subjugate themselves willingly to the "system." They will prostrate themselves to the moneychangers, all the while incurring the wrath of Molech. Know your future, my friends. Molech has spoken. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Typical "Rogue" Hottie
There are, of course, the "rogue" nations such as the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation that are not participants in the "system." Global (limited) thermonuclear war is the only available option to conquer the "rogues."

Typical Summer Hottie
Yes, money is enslavement, and always has been. There is no escape. Well, thank goodness for the hotties of Summer. We can dream of them while we slave away in the "system."

Friday, July 24, 2015


Oh, that tricky surveillance robot ... another surprise visit at noon on Monday and at 5:30pm on Wednesday. What's the reason? I don't know. If I had to guess, I would say that the hotties of Summer are the primary motivation. Who doesn't enjoy ogling young hotties? Even robots, I suppose.

Typical Robotic Hottie
As I inch ever closer to homelessness, there is little left to discuss in the "blog." Homelessness will be a "just in time" event. All in all, a simple matter of time.

Typical "Just In Time" Hottie
Viewing or reading the news has become a low priority, even though I do not rely on the propaganda of the "mainstream" media. After the brazen capitulation to the moneychangers by the Syriza government in Greece, I came to realise that the entire global "system" is a big farce.

Typical "Eastern" Hottie
Greece is the "cradle of democracy." In fact, the whole "Western" charade has its roots in Greece. Now, the "West" has been conquered by Fascist financial megalomaniacs. Common with all conquering dynasties, the antiquities and legacy of democracy (i.e., Greece) will be destroyed, history rewritten, and the "99 percent" (read: "bottomfeeders") subjugated to totalitarianism.

Typical Consolidated Hottie
There is no other way to interpret the aforementioned scenario. The "one percent" has completed its total consolidation of power. The rest of us are entirely powerless. We can only live out our lives in poverty and slavery. We are fooled into believing that our debts, the only option to afford anything, are the road to affluence. What a sham!

Typical "Mainstream" Hottie
So, I have been immersing myself in diversions. "Mainstream" flicks have come to the forefront again. Of course, the number of decent flicks is limited. So, I will return to reality in no time. Sheesh!

Typical Reality Hottie
Fortunately, the hotties of Summer are also here to provide diversionary entertainment of sorts. Sadly, those hotties are not available for real entertainment in the flesh. The Vienna Sausage would really appreciate that.

Typical "Smartphone" Hottie
Alas, the hotties of Summer are just an illusion, just like the myriad hurdy-gurdy video clips that are available for download. Yeah, all of life for the rank-and-file peons is based on illusion. That's why the "smartphone" is so ubiquitous. It is a portal to a virtual life that just isn't available without a combination of big bank, big house, big automobile, and big Vienna Sausage.

Typical Summer Hottie
That's the "ownership society" for you. Petty "ownership" doesn't count. Only the big players know true "ownership." Heck, they "own" everything. If the rest of us think that we "own" anything, then we only have title to the remaining crumbs.

Silence, Little Lamb!
I suppose that we should be thankful that we have the crumbs. More important, we should be thankful for the hotties of Summer. Praise Molech!