Day-in and day-out, I am subjected to the antics and stupidity of asswipes, dickheads, punks, morons, and fools. I don't even know these people. I am just a hapless victim of their ubiquitous inconsiderate behavior. I am convinced that psychotropic medication, particularly antidepressants, are involved. Illicit drugs may also be a cause.
Typical "Blog" Hottie |
I could detail my encounters with the various aforementioned clowns in the " blog," but I am too fatigued to do so. Some of the stories could be considered hilarious, although transcribing them with the cheap "smartphone" would be too nerve-wracking.
Typical "Close To The Edge" Hottie |
Just know that I am "close to the edge." My mind could snap at any time. Then, some kind of homicidal event would transpire. We all know what would happen next. The ol' lavahead would be on the run, a desperate fugitive. Then, cornered by the authorities in some undetermined hellhole, a shootout would likely occur. Oh, the horror!
Typical Fugitive Hottie |
By the way, I have long ago used up the budget set aside for the studio rental in Waimanalo. I am now using money that had specifically been set aside to purchase the homeless motor home (read: beat-up minivan). In fact, I should already be camping in a homeless motor home. What are we to make of the situation?
Typical Summer Hottie |
Well, the hotties of Summer can provide a diversion for now. Reality can be temporarily sequestered. Oh, the hotties of Summer! Oh, Molech!
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