The storm that was forecasted to drench the islands in rain obviously? Another "no show." There was a little bit of rain, just enough to yield 90 percent humidity. To say that we are suffering from a heatwave would be an understatement.
Typical Humid Hottie |
There was another storm forecasted for this coming weekend, but the storm has apparently fizzled out already. There will be a little rain, once again creating extreme humidity. The heatwave will continue. And, as we all know, heatwave equals hotties. Yeah!
Typical Ventilated Hottie |
Let me also mention that the restoration of the extreme monk haircut has done little to increase the ventilation of the oversized cranium. Nothing can combat extreme humidity, nothing except the hotties of Summer.
Typical Summer Hotties |
We must admire the hotties of Summer while we can. Soon Summer will be over. Of course, there are hotties present all year long. So, why stop at the end of Summer?
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