As I mentioned previously in the "blog," I have been relegated to spending a lot of time downloading choice hurdy-gurdy video clips while sequestered in the Waimanalo rental studio. Even with the half-dead Vienna Sausage, there is nothing else for me to do.
Typical Sequestered Hottie |
Before I am judged by my peers, we must all review our own lives first. How many of my peers are spending an inordinate amount of time accessing social media on their "smartphones"? Or, watching the tube for hours on end in their spare time?
Typical Social Media Hottie |
The truth of the matter is that there is little to do in the "ownership society," unless large sums of money are at our disposal. Otherwise, the "ownership society" is a prison wherein the prisoners are only allowed to live vicariously through ridiculous technology devices.
Typical Freedom Hottie |
Only the homeless are at the vanguard of freedom. Unfortunately, so many of them have been harassed and ostracized that they no longer understand what is at stake. They are forced to despise themselves and their predicament, then allowed to only slither around in shame.
Typical Shameless Hottie |
On that sad note, this morning, as the bus that I was on passed though Kahala, I observed a young homeless guy pushing a shopping cart with all of his worldly possessions inside. At the front of the shopping cart was a cardboard sign with the hand-written statement: "Give me a break."
Typical Air-Conditioned Hottie |
The homeless guy was just passing the entrance of a huge storage facility at that time. In the parking lot, there were people unloading various vehicles stuffed with useless junk destined for eternal air-conditioned storage. Oh, the irony!
Typical Eternal Hotties |
Anyway, the issue concerning hurdy-gurdy video clips is moot. I am a misogynist. Chicks are a nuisance to me, and the feeling is obviously mutual. Only the Vienna Sausage is too stupid to know better.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
Why else would the ol' lavahead be single for his entire lifespan? Chicks know when a guy is a carrier of inferior genes or if he is a misogynist. Little wonder why the old fool knows absolutely no chicks, not even on a casual basis.
Typical Summer Hottie |
So, why bother with the pictures of young hotties in the "blog"? Who knows? Who cares? Just bring on the hotties of Summer already!
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