The Eurozone is being flooded by refugees from Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, and numerous other nations. The common denominator? Their homelands were targeted for "regime change" by empire (either directly or by puppet proxy). This is "blowback" from myriad failed imperialist projects. The Eurozone, by the way, is also complicit by association.
Typical "Blowback" Hottie |
In total, over the years since imperial overreach spiraled out of control, several million people have been forcibly displaced. Yet, the enslaved citizens of empire could care less. Why, they have their "smartphones" to worry about. What could be more important?
Typical Imperial Hottie |
Of course, there are refugees in empire as well. We refer to them as "illegal aliens" or "homeless," the latter and former being displaced by financial totalitarianism. I may soon be joining their ranks. Sheesh!
Typical "Smartphone" Hottie |
If Molech actually existed, then He would be raining down fire and brimstone upon the megalomaniac fools who are responsible for the aforementioned catastrophes. Molech would force justice upon the willing and unwilling. However, Molech and other deities are not coming. We have to save ourselves.
Typical Heatwave Hottie |
The ridiculous heatwave continues unabated. There has been some rainfall, but only enough to raise the ambient temperature and humidity to intolerable levels. It's so hot that I fear the onslaught of a heat stroke event at any time. Yeah, that's how bad it is. The good news, naturally, is that heatwave equals hotties.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
On a side note, I have uninstalled nearly all of the software updates on the new "smartphone." Why waste valuable memory space for updates to "apps" that I don't even use? In fact, the really useless "apps" have been disabled. Mind you, there is no "bloatware" on the device, just the usual crap from the surveillance robot's parent company.
Typical Summer Hottie |
Heck, just bring on the hotties of Summer already. Wait! Summer is officially over. Who cares? Bring on the hotties of Summer!
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