The detestable surveillance robot paid the "blog" a surprise visit at 7:40pm HST on Monday. The hotties of Summer are still being featured. Coincidence? No surprise. The pictures of young hotties could continue indefinitely. So, what is there to surveil?
Typical Surveillance Hottie |
I neglected to mention that the annual registration for my vehicle was due last month. A whopping $265 was extorted from me. Well, at least it was about $100 less than the fee for my former vehicle. Sheesh!
Typical Registration Hottie |
I received disturbing news in the mail about my retirement entitlement benefits. The estimated payout decreases yearly, most likely because I am not currently a wage slave. In addition, I do not qualify for disability benefits at all. So, if anything tragic occurs, I am "up shit creek without a paddle."
Typical Qualified Hottie |
In all likelihood, I will most likely officially retire at age 62 years. Sadly, my retirement benefits will be less than the rent that I pay for the Waimalalo studio. The only compelling reason to wait any longer would be the possible loss of my health insurance.
Typical Realistic Hottie |
We really need to be realistic. For current 65-year-old senior citizens, only one out of ten will live to see 93 years of age. Only one of four will live to 90 years of age. So, there's really not much time left for me regardless of my current health status. And, of course, Little old ladies live longer than old codgers.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
Well, thank goodness for the hotties of Summer, eh? What would we do without them? With all of the pathetic news that is surfacing these days, there has to be a reprieve. Bring on the young hotties!
Typical Summer Hottie |
Oh, great Molech, we thanketh thee for youngeth hotties. Oh brother.
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