As an official senior citizen, I can only sit back and observe everything. No participation allowed. Those are the rules. So, I spend most of my waking hours discreetly observing young hotties and fellow senior citizens, but not in that order.
Typical Observational Hottie |
Old codgers, while they still have a limited amount of testosterone swishing around in their shrinking brains, love to ogle young hotties. Of course, the term "young" is subjective. A 55-year-old chick could be considered "young."
Typical Young Hottie |
In my book, "young" is defined by ... well, check out the young hotties featured in the "blog." Ogling those kind of young hotties makes an old codger a "dirty old man" (DOM). Yeah, I have already discussed the matter previously. Just know that no old codger desires to be labeled a DOM.
Typical Exponential Hottie |
My observations of fellow senior citizens has also been discussed on numerous occasions. My sole purpose is to gauge the timing of the various stages of physical decrepitude. Of utmost importance, though, is the determination of the age which the exponential physical decay commences. Truly a woeful task.
Typical Pleasurable Hottie |
Honestly, ogling young hotties is a much more pleasurable task. The Vienna Sausage agrees, but it wants more. Naturally, that's impossible. Young hotties are not interested in old codgers unless lots of money is involved. Even the desperate Vienna Sausage knows that money is best spent elsewhere.
Typical Daylight Hottie |
Well, the daylight hours are getting shorter now that Summer is over. I return to Waimanalo earlier in the evening. As we all know, there's nothing to do in Waimanalo. So, I have been relegated to downloading choice hurdy-gurdy video clips using the cheap "smartphone." Then, I upload the latter into the "cloud" using the new "smartphone." A ridiculous task, I know.
Typical "Cloud" Hotties |
Uploading hurdy-gurdy video clips to the "cloud" is a tedious task. I must transfer the files from one "smartphone" to the other by physically moving the memory card. Even then, the new "smartphone" can only upload files of limited size because of RAM restrictions. Actually, the new "smartphone" is not much better than the older and cheaper device.
Typical Waimanalo Hottie |
Thus, there are only a handful of hurdy-gurdy video clips in the "cloud." Why even bother? I don't know. Of course, what else can I do in Waimanalo? Absolutely nothing, that's what.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
The punchline is that the Vienna Sausage doesn't even appreciate the effort taken to archive those choice hurdy-gurdy video clips. How could it? The Vienna Sausage is half-dead.
Typical Summer Hottie |
Oh brother. Let's just bring on the hotties of Summer already. Young hotties. Old codgers. Incongruence, my friends. Incongruence.
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