There are many topics to discuss in the "blog," but few actually are composed and posted. My plan (as of late) has been to use any means possible to discourage readers from returning. Foolishness aside, I could have simply abandoned the failed project. That would have instantly solved the dilemma.
Typical Nihilistic Hottie |
Alas, I can only resort to the mundane. True knowledge of mortality can only result in extreme nihilism. Ernest Becker made that fact perfectly clear in his book, "The Denial of Death." Truth itself can trigger nihilism. A quick read of quantum physics, "Big Bang" cosmology, and evolution can invoke a type of harsh reality that may leave a person in an unrecoverable state.
Typical Recoverable Hottie |
Truth can beget freedom, but often it doesn't. When pretty much the entire planet of
chimpo sapiens exists in and believes the false reality that a few of their kind created, then truth can only cause grief and alienation. Imagine speaking a language that no one else understands.
Typical Summer Hottie |
Worst yet, even the false reality is fake. The whole
charade must be propped up by constant interventions and machinations by controlling faction. A good analogy would be the global financial "system," completely rigged and rotten to the core. And, all of humanity is enslaved by it. In the grand scheme of the universe, humanity and its doings are insignificant. So, bring on the hotties of Summer!
Unable to be discouraged, this reader returned!