With homelessness looming in just a matter of days, I find myself locked in increasing self-doubt. Denial also seeps into my thoughts. And, no matter how many different contingencies are developed, there is no certainty of success. Homelessness is unpredictable.
Typical Unpredictable Hottie |
I keep revisiting the idea that I can postpone my fate for one more month. Then, after that month passes, repeat. In reality, I am not in a permanent rental situation. My stay in Waimanalo is temporary, as stipulated by the landlord when I first moved in. Sooner or later, I will be asked to move out. So, why prolong the agony?
Typical Ruminating Hottie |
I expect to incur a severe loss when I trade in my current vehicle for a new homeless motorhome (read: minivan). I become angered when I ruminate about it. However, the issue is moot. When I transition to motorhomelessness, I won't be paying any exorbitant rent to anyone. I will only be paying a small amount for monthly parking.
Typical Logistics Hottie |
The homeless life-style is not easy. I have been working on homeless logistics for a while now. However, the scenarios envisioned in my mind may not translate smoothly into real life. Frankly, only my homeless buddy seems to enjoy homelessness.
Typical Feasible Hottie |
I spend very little time in the rental studio in Waimanalo. Yet, those few hours are probably invaluable for some peace of mind. As small as the studio is, it is far more spacious than a minivan. Unfortunately, because of the long commute, Waimanalo is not a feasible location for anything.
Typical Convenience Hottie |
There will be major inconveniences posed by homelessness. Much more time will be spent just to accomplish simple tasks like brushing my teeth or doing the dreaded laundry chores. Of course, I currently locked into a total of three hours (four hours on weekends) of commuting to and from Waimanalo to town and back nearly every day.
Hurdy-Gurdy Hottie Dallas Black |
Yeah, and no more downloading of choice hurdy-gurdy video clips. No more "testing" of the Vienna Sausage. Oh, I forgot, it's already dysfunctional. Heck, no more lying around for a couple of hours every evening and using the cheap "smartphone" to access the Net. Woe is homeless me!
Typical Summer Hottie |
Oh brother. Bring on the hotties of Summer already! Shopping for the new homeless motorhome commences tomorrow.
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