Earlier today, the Turkish government ordered one of its military planes to obliterate a Russian SU-24 fighter in Syrian airspace. The Russian pilots were subsequently fired upon with anti-aircraft artillery by Turkomen rebels as they attempted to parachute to safety.
While Caliph Erdogan is a despotic mental midget with dreams of ressurecting the Ottoman Empire, he is simply a monkey dancing to the tune of the organ grinder. Erdogan is a "tool" of empire, an oaf acting as a proxy to test the Russian Federation. Specifically, the warmongers of empire want to see how far they can push Vladimir Putin.
I have previously discussed the belief in limited thermonuclear war by the ignoramuses of empire in the "blog." Well, we have arrived at that moment where the fools have implemented the final game of brinkmanship.
Typical Thermonuclear Hottie |
Preparations for my transition to homelessness continue. Details are not necessary. Just know that I am attempting to address as many issues as possible. And, I am also "tying up [as many] loose ends" as possible. I am also going through preliminary negotiations to procure a homeless motorhome (read: minivan).
Typical "Loose Ends" Hottie |
With only a few days left before my
debut as a homeless guy, I have gone through sleepless nights and many stages of denial. Sure, I could continue to rent the studio in Waimanalo from the landlord, but that can't go on forever. The arrangement was always temporary. In other words, I would become homeless sooner or later.
Typical Embracing Hottie |
So, homelessness is best embraced sooner than later. Why spend more money on rent when the end result is the same (except that I would have even less money)? So, that's where I am right now.
Typical Summer Hottie |
Bring on the hotties of Summer already! Let's get some cheer going! Break out the "smartphones" and become completely distracted from reality! Heck, a thermonuclear war may commence before I become homeless.
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