This morning, I ran into my homeless buddy in town. He looked tired, most likely because he was illin' from the common cold. Of course, we discussed the homeless situation. The police are now cracking down on "camping" almost everywhere in the city. More and more homeless are arriving, mostly from the mainland empire. Even my homeless buddy admitted that the situation is out of control.
Typical Feasible Hottie |
I disclosed my upcoming homelessness as well. I laid out my current plan, including the acquisition of a homeless motorhome (read: minivan). My homeless buddy mentioned a few places that could be feasible for overnight parking.
Typical Young Hottie |
I also mentioned that I will most likely purchase a new minivan because the "pre-owned" inventory is infested with beat-up, albeit expensive, former taxicabs. Time is running out.
Typical Frugal Hottie |
My homeless buddy warned me that the homeless life-style will be extremely difficult. He's obviously correct. I have insured that I have lived a pampered, albeit frugal, existence for all of my life. The challenges of homelessness are alien to me. Yet, even with homelessness looming, I opt for the luxury of a new minivan. Quite laughable, actually.
Typical Gym Hottie |
I chatted with Chip, former Asylum faculty, this afternoon. I am surprised that I ran into given that I am currently shuttling between two different locations of the gym. The showers at gym in town are still being renovated. But, I digress.
Typical Seasonal Hottie |
Chip appears to be unemployed at this time. He found some seasonal work, but he needs something more permanent with higher compensation. After, he has a wife and kid to support as well as a mortgage to pay. At 69 years of age, he is in a quandary.
Typical "Mainstream" Hottie |
I disclosed my homeless plans to him. Chip urged me to return to the "mainstream," but I offered my reasons why such a suggestion would be futile in my case. I have, as the old
adage goes, "painted myself into a corner."
Typical Social Hottie |
I also chatted with Butch, another gym guy, and Maka. Of course, I told Maka about my forced entry into homelessness. So, lots of socializing today. Nice for a change.
Typical Reluctant Hottie |
Once I returned to Waimanalo, I reluctantly transferred $25,000 to my local bank from my non-performing investment accounts. The money should be available next week. I am ready to purchase a homeless motorhome. The downward spiral to dereliction has commenced.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
Yes, I will be the latest victim of the global Ponzi scheme invoked by the moneychangers and powers-that-be. It is as if I have been defecated and urinated upon. However, the world order (term used loosely) is disintegrating. Collapse just can't come quick enough.
Typical Summer Hottie |
Bring on the hotties of Summer already! Once I am homeless, there is no guarantee that pictures of young hotties will be embedded in the "blog," or if the "blog" will be maintained.