Friday, March 6, 2015


The price of petrol has been rising about ten cents per gallon per week for the last two weeks. The trendline, much to my surprise, is now on a constant upward trajectory. Obviously, the price of petrol will significantly impact the homeless decision. Driving my motor vehicle from Waimanalo to Hawai'i Kai (and back) daily will soon become unsustainable.

I chatted with Maka again yesterday. He is taking the idea of the homeless motorhome (read: luxury minivan) quite seriously. Actually, he is looking for a larger cargo van that he can convert into a real motorhome. I, on the otherhand, would be using the luxury minivan as a mobile coffin ... errr, a temporary place to sleep. No conversion necessary.

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms is found fine. Nothing else to report. The usual agenda and itinerary were fulfilled. Everything seems so status quo, even though homelessness is rapidly becoming reality. Imagine, I will be the first person in my family and amongst my relatives to become a homeless derelict. All because the central bank of empire has maintained its bogus zero interest rate policy (ZIRP), now in the negative yield region, and the "quantitative easing" (QE) scam for the past seven years.

There have been rumblings in the financial circles that the central bank of empire will be raising short-term interest rates soon. Fat chance! I have discovered that the interest rate announcements are a ruse to "put the brakes" on the overinflated asset class "bubbles." The resulting minor corrections serve to make the markets look legitimate. Without the contrived corrections, all asset classes would have "gone through the roof." Don't expect interest rates to rise unless an unforseen currency crisis erupts.

To further clarify my position, I must state that homeless preparations are proceeding far ahead of schedule, including that of the homeless decision. I have already called the management office that oversees the A'ala Park parking lot to inquire about a monthly permit. I will be passing the information on to Maka. I don't know if he will be able to purchase a cheap cargo van. However, he seems to have a lot of local "connections."

Anyway, at this time, I do not see any other options. I can only fully exit the "system" until the fundamentals come into play and force a real correction on the rigged financial "system." A complete crash across all asset class "bubbles" will serve to remove the large dislocations that have accumulated over the course of seven years. Devaluation of all asset classes will also affect rental housing. Only then can I re-enter the "system" safely.

Of course, homelessness is a trend in and of itself. What I am observing in the islands is the result of the systemic collapse of the middle class of empire. Greed and fraud, all legally unregulated, has resulted in the greatest theft and wealth transfer in the history of humanity. The effects are not limited to empire. We are witnessing the broad effects internationally, which has caused great unrest and violence. The issue extends to mortality, by the way.

One has to wonder why humanity embarks on ludicrous endeavors when all life, even the universe, is finite and terminal. Only human ignorance, stupidity and arrogance can explain the phenomena. In my old age, I have wonder why I am subjected to the kind of abuse the "system" doles out. Yet, stupidity knows no bounds. Life appears to be too short for humans to acquire real knowledge and wisdom.

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