Friday, March 13, 2015


I ran into both Maka and my homeless buddy at the gym yesterday. Maka is reconsidering the homeless motorhome (read: luxury minivan) option upon realizing that affordable rental housing is non-existent. My homeless buddy provided me with more parking options for the homeless motorhome. My main concern is the A'ala Park area, which probably has the highest crime rate on the island. My homeless buddy assured me that the criminal elements remain confined to the park itself. There are also street parking options nearby, but the legality is questionable.

The crux of the homeless decision, of course, is whether I could accept remaining in Waimanalo for several years. My perusal of the rental housing listings have proven to be disappointing. There's nothing affordable. And, shared quarters will most likely prove intolerable, much like Chaos Manor (read: rental housing). I certainly cannot fathom the idea of searching for new rental accommodations every few months because of constant incompatibility problems. As for Waimanalo, I believe that I am at the end of my residential tenure there. I have previously discussed the relevant issues in the "blog."

Speaking of Waimanalo, I have observed an increasing number of automobiles that are suspiciously parked in an open field along the back road to the landlord's farm. Homeless motorhomes? You bet! Actually, there are a lot of homeless people camping at Waimanalo beach, too.

Incidentally, I am pretty much finished with the Net. I have whittled down my list of acceptable Web sites to a handful at best. Aside from that, I only engage in monthly on-line financial transactions. The "blog" is the only demanding on-line task, nothing that the cheap "smartphones" can't handle. If I embark on a homeless journey, I will have even less access to the Net. No loss. I have wasted far too much time with the benign activity.

The daily routine remains the same. No evening outings to Kahala, though. Commuting by bus is really beginning to take its toll on the oversized cranium. Usual visits to Hawai'i Kai still continue. Moms is doing fine.

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
The iPad® tablet computer has been divested at a significant loss. There will be no replacement of any technology gadgets from this point forward, unless the replacement is of the "budget" class. No more high-end luxury items for the ol' lavahead.

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