Saturday, March 28, 2015


Ever since I espied the prematurely aging Les a few weeks ago, I have been spooked. Although younger than I am, Les looked to be more like 75 years old. To be honest, I don't know what I would do if I looked like Les right now. I have also noticed a couple of other guys suffering from the same syndrome as Les. Quite appalling.

There is no shortage of senior citizens no matter where I find myself. From my observations, "quality of life" is exponentially impaired beyond 70 years of age. What's there to look forward to? Musculoskeletal deformities, organ failure, senility, dementia, defunct Vienna Sausage, chronic ailments ... the list is endless. Frankly, I don't know if I would like to survive beyond 75 years.

Medical expenses tops the list of reasons that individuals file for bankruptcy. I surmise that the majority are senior citizens. Heck, even the senior citizen medical entitlement program of empire mandates a 10-year "lookback" for "asset recovery." And, senior citizens are only allowed to have $2,000 in assets at any time. My advice to everyone is to spend every penny of savings and rely only on pensions and entitlements for survival, that is, after hiding a portion of the aforementioned assets. Then, become a "ward of the state."

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