My first full day as an official old codger ... not much seems to have changed. Oh, but that's the deception of old age. Anything can happen at any time. I arrived in town early, mainly because I had to move my vehicle from Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) to the neighborhood shopping center. The Mexican work crew, if you can believe it, does not take any days off. And, the landlord's arrogant son won't have it otherwise. Once I arrived in town, I procured a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. I spent a little time composing the "blog" as well. Yeah, the iPad® and cheap "smartphone" are now always with me.
I immediately espied a certain fitness and training hottie immediately upon entering the gym. Naturally, baby was looking mighty fine. Sadly, I will have to mummify any further discussion about baby. Babes are a moot point for old codgers. And, really, baby was never going to come around anyway. Woe is me. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
I spent most of the day in an ambivalent state. Nearly every facet of my earlier six decades of living has been reduced to meaninglessness. I was also experiencing intrusive and erotic thoughts about a certain fitness and training hottie. I am clearly not adjusting well to my sudden leap to "fossil" status.
By the way, now that I am an old geezer ... errr, I meant 60 years old ... I should declare the all-time favorite hottie of all the babes featured in the the old journal, the old "blog," and the latest incarnation of the "blog." Baby is mighty fine, eh? But, I digress.
Last night, I happened to peruse the new iPhone® models during my nightly visit to the Apple® Store in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. "Smartphones" like that on a no-contract cellphone plan would cost $600 upward. However, I was able to ascertain that I could actually get by with just a "smartphone" alone. In fact, the only real reason that I own a tablet computer is to compose the "blog." And, to be perfectly honest, I could probably compose the "blog" on my cheap "smartphone" with little difficulty. Of course, I would have to exploit various free wireless Net "hotspots" rather than use up my alleged 4G data allotment.
Time is rapidly running out for me to find new rental housing arrangements. I seriously doubt that Alan will be able to find a three-bedroom house for rent within a month. I compiled a list of available houses, but the "red tape" to secure a rental may exceed our time limit. The "chef" was supposed to move out of Chaos Manor this weekend. I have a feeling that he got "cold feet" and has postponed moving in with his "squeeze." Turns out, his "squeeze" has two other roommates. So, the "chef" would be moving into one tiny room. I also suspect that the landlord has cut him a deal (i.e., free rent) on the condition that Alan and I move out.
Sometimes, I just don't know. My primary purpose, given how my situation has degenerated, is to compose the "blog" and chronicle my demise. My secondary purpose is to find hottie pictures to embed in the "blog." Other old guys play checkers. Why can't I be more like them? Why am I having intrusive thoughts about a certain fitness and training hottie? Why doesn't baby come around? Why must I fall victim to the werewolves of empire? Why do I have to grow old and decrepit? Why?
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Sixty. Not just a number. We're speaking about years. Six decades, to be exact. Ol' Lavahead Day is happening now. Can that explain why I have been so cranky lately? You bet! What? Am I supposed to be elated that I have crossed the old codger threshold? Yes, I am now sixty years old. Damn it!
So what happens now? Well, all doors have closed. All avenues are now blocked. Aside from death, there's not much left for me. I'll be experiencing more pain and suffering, more decrepitude, more "bullshit," more rank-and-file peon crap, geriatric discrimination ... the list is endless. Yeah, so much for the "Golden Years."
The morning commenced at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) with one of the rag-tag construction crew requesting that I move my vehicle from the the driveway. So, at 8:45am, I moved it to the neighborhood strip mall and parked in the parking lot. Then, I rode the bus to town. Every bus stop beyond Kahala had at least fifteen to twenty senior citizens waiting. The bus was completely filled with the geriatric crowd by the time I arrived in town. My brethren have nothing else to do but go shopping or loitering at various places with other senior citizens. I'm not complaining. I have been able to observe my (immediate) future life-style. It ain't pretty.
Once in town, I dropped off my gym bag at the gym and sashayed over to the coffee shop. No senior citizens were in sight. They were obviously at the fast food joint. I ordered an overpriced cup of coffee along with an overpriced blueberry muffin. The muffin was laughably puny. It will suffice as my birthday cake, I thought to myself. Yeah, the puny muffin is symbolic of my life.
I ran into Maka at the gym. He's a good man, although my formerly-homeless buddy would disagree. He's gone through a few severe trials. I believe that he was homeless at one point in time, even though he was employed at the gym. He's also diabetic. He's a few years younger than I am, but his hard life has aged him physically. What I admire about him is his laid back nature. He was much more impulsive and volatile in his younger years. Now, he takes everything in stride.
I thought of indulging in a nice birthday dinner somewhere in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. However, the sickening sight of all the shopping zombies made me think twice. Why spend money on a good dinner if the ambiance is ruined by idiotic Satanic gargoyles? So, I purchased a small sandwich at my favorite sandwich shop and supplemented the latter with a greasy "value menu" item at the fast food joint. What a way to celebrate my 60th birthday, eh? Oh well.
Sadly, money has become an ambiguous issue for me. I am still fearful that I will deplete my financial resources during my most vulnerable geriatric years, no doubt a product of institutional brainwashing. Yet, I have been spending way more money than what I am comfortable with. Why? Well, I am pretty certain that I will be robbed of my life savings in the future regardless of any precautions. And, as a decrepit senior citizen, I won't really be able to enjoy much. My senses will be deadened. My body will be weak and deformed. What would saved money do for me except to pay for exorbitant medical expenses?
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I actually have come to appreciate my little "smartphone." It's a nice device, perfect for my geriatric needs. In fact, I will count it as birthday gift to myself. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Upon further research, I learned that no-contract cellphone services only offer crappy devices with most service plans anyway.
So what happens now? Well, all doors have closed. All avenues are now blocked. Aside from death, there's not much left for me. I'll be experiencing more pain and suffering, more decrepitude, more "bullshit," more rank-and-file peon crap, geriatric discrimination ... the list is endless. Yeah, so much for the "Golden Years."
The morning commenced at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) with one of the rag-tag construction crew requesting that I move my vehicle from the the driveway. So, at 8:45am, I moved it to the neighborhood strip mall and parked in the parking lot. Then, I rode the bus to town. Every bus stop beyond Kahala had at least fifteen to twenty senior citizens waiting. The bus was completely filled with the geriatric crowd by the time I arrived in town. My brethren have nothing else to do but go shopping or loitering at various places with other senior citizens. I'm not complaining. I have been able to observe my (immediate) future life-style. It ain't pretty.
Once in town, I dropped off my gym bag at the gym and sashayed over to the coffee shop. No senior citizens were in sight. They were obviously at the fast food joint. I ordered an overpriced cup of coffee along with an overpriced blueberry muffin. The muffin was laughably puny. It will suffice as my birthday cake, I thought to myself. Yeah, the puny muffin is symbolic of my life.
I ran into Maka at the gym. He's a good man, although my formerly-homeless buddy would disagree. He's gone through a few severe trials. I believe that he was homeless at one point in time, even though he was employed at the gym. He's also diabetic. He's a few years younger than I am, but his hard life has aged him physically. What I admire about him is his laid back nature. He was much more impulsive and volatile in his younger years. Now, he takes everything in stride.
I thought of indulging in a nice birthday dinner somewhere in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala this evening. However, the sickening sight of all the shopping zombies made me think twice. Why spend money on a good dinner if the ambiance is ruined by idiotic Satanic gargoyles? So, I purchased a small sandwich at my favorite sandwich shop and supplemented the latter with a greasy "value menu" item at the fast food joint. What a way to celebrate my 60th birthday, eh? Oh well.
Sadly, money has become an ambiguous issue for me. I am still fearful that I will deplete my financial resources during my most vulnerable geriatric years, no doubt a product of institutional brainwashing. Yet, I have been spending way more money than what I am comfortable with. Why? Well, I am pretty certain that I will be robbed of my life savings in the future regardless of any precautions. And, as a decrepit senior citizen, I won't really be able to enjoy much. My senses will be deadened. My body will be weak and deformed. What would saved money do for me except to pay for exorbitant medical expenses?
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I actually have come to appreciate my little "smartphone." It's a nice device, perfect for my geriatric needs. In fact, I will count it as birthday gift to myself. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Upon further research, I learned that no-contract cellphone services only offer crappy devices with most service plans anyway.
Friday, November 28, 2014
As strange as it may seem, I have decided to never give my "smartphone" number to anyone. In fact, I am planning to never use the device to make phone calls. Heck, I can't even remember the phone number. I may not use it for any other purpose either. In other words, I wasted another $80 on a useless "piece of shit." Right now, I have the device wrapped in a plastic sandwich bag. Yeah, I can't even find a protective case to fit its odd size. There are plenty of cases for the fruit-based line of "smartphones," though.
After further review of the new "smartphone," I realized just how crappy and cheap it is. "Cellphone shame" is unavoidable. How can I even be seen with it in public? That's another matter entirely. I would have been wiser to have purchased the old-style "flip phone" that was on sale for $3 or so. And, the associated calling plan was only about $7 per month. Sure, the embarrassment of owning such a device would be unbearable. However, it would be easy to just throw the "piece of shit" in the trash can when under severe public scrutiny. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Well, I finally donated the wireless speaker to charity. No one in my bro's family wanted to it. Obviously, it does not have brand name recognition, the lack of which could induce "wireless speaker shame." In fact, the charitable organization may have difficulty selling it. The wireless speaker may just end up in the landfill. Never mind that it actually produces great sound.
I have grown quite weary of all my gadgets ... air flosser, electric shaver, fruit-based tablet computer, and cheap "smartphone." All of them fall into the "piece of shit" category. Every single one of them has a battery charger, another feature that really irks me. Why does an old codger need such crap? That's why I see a lot of toothless, unshaven, and disheveled old guys stumbling around. They get by without the gadgets. No one cares about old codgers anyway. They just get in the way.
After further review of the new "smartphone," I realized just how crappy and cheap it is. "Cellphone shame" is unavoidable. How can I even be seen with it in public? That's another matter entirely. I would have been wiser to have purchased the old-style "flip phone" that was on sale for $3 or so. And, the associated calling plan was only about $7 per month. Sure, the embarrassment of owning such a device would be unbearable. However, it would be easy to just throw the "piece of shit" in the trash can when under severe public scrutiny. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Well, I finally donated the wireless speaker to charity. No one in my bro's family wanted to it. Obviously, it does not have brand name recognition, the lack of which could induce "wireless speaker shame." In fact, the charitable organization may have difficulty selling it. The wireless speaker may just end up in the landfill. Never mind that it actually produces great sound.
I have grown quite weary of all my gadgets ... air flosser, electric shaver, fruit-based tablet computer, and cheap "smartphone." All of them fall into the "piece of shit" category. Every single one of them has a battery charger, another feature that really irks me. Why does an old codger need such crap? That's why I see a lot of toothless, unshaven, and disheveled old guys stumbling around. They get by without the gadgets. No one cares about old codgers anyway. They just get in the way.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
The day commenced somewhat in typical fashion for the No-Holiday Holiday ... lots of confusion about my itinerary. After much deliberation, I decided to drive my Nissan® Frontier truck to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I procured an expensive cup of coffee (more expensive than at the downtown branch) at the coffee shop. Then, I rode a very crowded bus to town.
After my workout at the gym, I was at a loss about what to do next. After chatting with Maka (a former gym employee, now a member), I joined him on a short excursion to the Blaisdell Center. Every No-Holiday Holiday, various church groups sponsor a large turkey dinner, or should I say, lunch. We arrived at 2pm, and there were no lines visible. The dining area was completely empty. We were afraid that we missed the event. Upon asking around, though, we learned that there were a few remaining packed dinners stacked near the kitchen. So, we were able to enjoy a nice meal. Turns out, over 1,800 people were served in the first hour or so.
I ran into my formerly-homeless buddy just before departing for the Blaisdell Center. He had already ate something for lunch, so he did not join Maka and I on the excursion. I made arrangements to meet him in town at 5pm. So, after the delicious meal, I parted company with Maka and rode the bus back to the den of consumerism in Kahala. I retrieved a few items from my vehicle and left it there. I rode the next bus back to Chaos Manor (read: rental housing). I had just enough time to unpack my gym bag. I rode the bus back to the den of consumerism in Kahala to drop off a few items in my vehicle. Then, I was off to town.
Once in town, I easily found my formerly-homeless buddy. We ended chatting with several homeless people. My formerly-homeless buddy seems to know them all. Finally, we entered the small downtown Walmart® for the early "Black Friday" event. Everything was fairly calm until 6pm. That's when the first sales event commenced. The mob was fairly large, but people were well-behaved. The hoarding was another story. I ended up departing at 6:30pm. My formerly-homeless buddy remained there to partake of the second sales event at 8pm.
I rode the bus back to the den of consumerism in Kahala. By then, I was famished. I ended up purchasing an expensive salad at Zippys and bringing it back to the mall to eat. Then, I visited the Ross® store just because it was open. That, my friends, was my No-Holiday Holiday.
After my workout at the gym, I was at a loss about what to do next. After chatting with Maka (a former gym employee, now a member), I joined him on a short excursion to the Blaisdell Center. Every No-Holiday Holiday, various church groups sponsor a large turkey dinner, or should I say, lunch. We arrived at 2pm, and there were no lines visible. The dining area was completely empty. We were afraid that we missed the event. Upon asking around, though, we learned that there were a few remaining packed dinners stacked near the kitchen. So, we were able to enjoy a nice meal. Turns out, over 1,800 people were served in the first hour or so.
I ran into my formerly-homeless buddy just before departing for the Blaisdell Center. He had already ate something for lunch, so he did not join Maka and I on the excursion. I made arrangements to meet him in town at 5pm. So, after the delicious meal, I parted company with Maka and rode the bus back to the den of consumerism in Kahala. I retrieved a few items from my vehicle and left it there. I rode the next bus back to Chaos Manor (read: rental housing). I had just enough time to unpack my gym bag. I rode the bus back to the den of consumerism in Kahala to drop off a few items in my vehicle. Then, I was off to town.
Once in town, I easily found my formerly-homeless buddy. We ended chatting with several homeless people. My formerly-homeless buddy seems to know them all. Finally, we entered the small downtown Walmart® for the early "Black Friday" event. Everything was fairly calm until 6pm. That's when the first sales event commenced. The mob was fairly large, but people were well-behaved. The hoarding was another story. I ended up departing at 6:30pm. My formerly-homeless buddy remained there to partake of the second sales event at 8pm.
I rode the bus back to the den of consumerism in Kahala. By then, I was famished. I ended up purchasing an expensive salad at Zippys and bringing it back to the mall to eat. Then, I visited the Ross® store just because it was open. That, my friends, was my No-Holiday Holiday.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Sitting at the coffee shop in town this morning, I was privy to observe how the mid- to upper-"ninety-nine percent" behave and interact. Money and power, real or feigned, appears to be the common denominator. Vanity, of course, cannot be overlooked. This is life in empire on a small scale. For me, an outcast and pariah, there's no relief from the madness. Unfortunately, I am also enslaved by money and the "system." I am, however, sick of the Ponzi schemes, thieves, and charletons that the "system" breeds. Yet, when the veneer of human superficiality and materialism is removed, the base animal instincts and associated behavior are laid bare. As I approach the twilight of my life, I have become more cynical and even more perturbed. I have wasted my entire life in pursuit of ... nothing. Oh, I have a few worldly accomplishments "under my belt." What are they worth? Nothing, especially in the face of death.
Had I truly understood my mortality in my youth, I could have spared myself the agony of personal exploration and discovery, making the same vain errors that my human predecessors have repeated over millennia. I would have eliminated all distractions and brushed aside the political, economic, romantic, religious, and corporate "brainwashing." I would have "paid my dues" early on. I would have made financial independence my one and only goal. Then, I would have retired, exiting the "system," immediately. Resisting all interim temptations require infinite willpower, but the true knowledge of mortality would have trumped any deviation toward stupidity and ignorance.
I did not run into my formerly-homeless buddy today. So, I may not be going to town tomorrow evening for the early "Black Friday" madness. Of course, I may just go there anyway. I have never witnessed such a debacle firsthand, not that I missed much. I can only guess that the "inner animal" breaks free and the subliminal fear of mortality pushes the ego to desperately acquire as many cheap material possessions as possible. In the days of old, such foolishness was known as "the quest for immortality" and "grasping at straws."
On a sad note, I have made no progress in securing another housing rental unit. I have a new "smartphone," but I have made no calls of inquiry. I have, however, played with the device and tweaked it to "perfection." Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! What a joke! In all honesty, I despise the device. I despise making phone calls. I detest conversing from the device. Phone phobia? You be the judge.
Had I truly understood my mortality in my youth, I could have spared myself the agony of personal exploration and discovery, making the same vain errors that my human predecessors have repeated over millennia. I would have eliminated all distractions and brushed aside the political, economic, romantic, religious, and corporate "brainwashing." I would have "paid my dues" early on. I would have made financial independence my one and only goal. Then, I would have retired, exiting the "system," immediately. Resisting all interim temptations require infinite willpower, but the true knowledge of mortality would have trumped any deviation toward stupidity and ignorance.
I did not run into my formerly-homeless buddy today. So, I may not be going to town tomorrow evening for the early "Black Friday" madness. Of course, I may just go there anyway. I have never witnessed such a debacle firsthand, not that I missed much. I can only guess that the "inner animal" breaks free and the subliminal fear of mortality pushes the ego to desperately acquire as many cheap material possessions as possible. In the days of old, such foolishness was known as "the quest for immortality" and "grasping at straws."
On a sad note, I have made no progress in securing another housing rental unit. I have a new "smartphone," but I have made no calls of inquiry. I have, however, played with the device and tweaked it to "perfection." Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! What a joke! In all honesty, I despise the device. I despise making phone calls. I detest conversing from the device. Phone phobia? You be the judge.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
The new "smartphone" was officially deployed this morning, although I spent a little time last night tweaking its settings. It's an Android® device with the manufacturer's "skin" on top. Fortunately, because of that, I was not required to use a Google® account to activate the device. The surveillance "apps" are installed, but they are benign if I do not log into my Google® account. In other words, I can use most of the surveillance "apps" anonymously.
I really cannot stress how much I despise "smartphones" and cellphones in general. Aside from its uncanny ability to radiate the cranium, the devices are simply another form of enslavement. Heck, I even hate to converse using the devices. I don't use text messaging. Nor do I employ any form of social networking. And, I don't take "selfies."
"Smartphones" are narcissistic tools. The camera, the "apps," the "personal" nature of the device ... all are designed to cater to the self. Yeah, me, myself, and I. Even tablet computers cater to the self, which is the primary reason why I have little use for them as well. I can, however, understand how a "phablet" could replace both the "smartphone" and the tablet computer. My only real need for a tablet computer at this time is to compose the "blog" (another narcissistic enterprise). The larger screen easily facilitates the embedding of hottie pictures if the "blog" were text only, a "smartphone" would suffice. Thus, in the near future, I may downsize to a "phablet."
I ended up the coffee shop in town this morning, with tablet computer in hand. More time spent composing the "blog" rather than search for rental housing options. Frankly, there aren't very many listings. Modest rentals are $1,000 per month upward, most likely extremely ghetto. I can assume that a decent rental housing environment just for one occupany would cost $1,500 per month upward. Given such dire straits, the cup of coffee was a nice treat.
Subsequently, I ran into Ann on my way back to the gym. With only one week of unemployment benefits remaining, she has decided not to move out of her detached studio rental unit. No temporary or seasonal jobs have come her way either. "I don't want give up my home," she said. We chatted for about 30 minutes with Ann doing most of the talking. Clearly, she is "grasping at straws" by seeking out loans from friends, relatives, anyone with money. I really don't know how she will make it past December. Frankly, I don't even know how I will make it past December. Sheesh!
I really cannot stress how much I despise "smartphones" and cellphones in general. Aside from its uncanny ability to radiate the cranium, the devices are simply another form of enslavement. Heck, I even hate to converse using the devices. I don't use text messaging. Nor do I employ any form of social networking. And, I don't take "selfies."
"Smartphones" are narcissistic tools. The camera, the "apps," the "personal" nature of the device ... all are designed to cater to the self. Yeah, me, myself, and I. Even tablet computers cater to the self, which is the primary reason why I have little use for them as well. I can, however, understand how a "phablet" could replace both the "smartphone" and the tablet computer. My only real need for a tablet computer at this time is to compose the "blog" (another narcissistic enterprise). The larger screen easily facilitates the embedding of hottie pictures if the "blog" were text only, a "smartphone" would suffice. Thus, in the near future, I may downsize to a "phablet."
I ended up the coffee shop in town this morning, with tablet computer in hand. More time spent composing the "blog" rather than search for rental housing options. Frankly, there aren't very many listings. Modest rentals are $1,000 per month upward, most likely extremely ghetto. I can assume that a decent rental housing environment just for one occupany would cost $1,500 per month upward. Given such dire straits, the cup of coffee was a nice treat.
Subsequently, I ran into Ann on my way back to the gym. With only one week of unemployment benefits remaining, she has decided not to move out of her detached studio rental unit. No temporary or seasonal jobs have come her way either. "I don't want give up my home," she said. We chatted for about 30 minutes with Ann doing most of the talking. Clearly, she is "grasping at straws" by seeking out loans from friends, relatives, anyone with money. I really don't know how she will make it past December. Frankly, I don't even know how I will make it past December. Sheesh!
Monday, November 24, 2014
Not much has changed since yesterday. My eviction from Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) is still effective in less than six weeks. I chatted with Alan last night. We discussed the desperate situation, brainstorming various ideas. I suggested that we pool our resources and find a house to rent, most likely a three-bedroom abode. Then, a third housemate would be solicited to lower individual expenses. My goal, of course, is to place as much of the rental responsibility, both legal and financial, on Alan as possible. Because I have no verifiable income, my power to overtly accomplish anything is severely limited.
In the meantime, I have been perusing the rental listings for available rooms and detached studio apartments. Surprisingly, there isn't very much available. The dilemma does not help my situation. I am hoping that I will run into Ann sometime soon. She had told me that she would be happy to refer me to her landlord as a possible tenant in the event that she would have to vacate her detached studio apartment due to financial problems. The rent is $1,050 per month, though. Ouch!
With said, I purchased a "smartphone" at Radio Shack® during my evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. It's a cheap LG® Tribute ($39 on sale) bundled with the most inexpensive prepaid plan from Sprint®. Not to worry, though. I am not converting to a "smartphone" zombie. I wanted limited data capability in order to access the Net, which will prove necessary when I have no dedicated Net access. The new "smartphone" will be necessary to facilitate the search for a new residence as well.
Needless to say, I have been spending way too much money over the past three months. Despondency has overtaken me. I am, however, aware that I am replacing many things that are old and worn out. As far as the "smartphone" is concerned, I have not owned any kind of phone for several years. Prior to that, I owned a cheap cellphone with a prepaid plan that cost only $10 per year for "talk" service. I have gotten by "on the cheap" for many years. So, it has all caught up with me now.
In the meantime, I have been perusing the rental listings for available rooms and detached studio apartments. Surprisingly, there isn't very much available. The dilemma does not help my situation. I am hoping that I will run into Ann sometime soon. She had told me that she would be happy to refer me to her landlord as a possible tenant in the event that she would have to vacate her detached studio apartment due to financial problems. The rent is $1,050 per month, though. Ouch!
With said, I purchased a "smartphone" at Radio Shack® during my evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. It's a cheap LG® Tribute ($39 on sale) bundled with the most inexpensive prepaid plan from Sprint®. Not to worry, though. I am not converting to a "smartphone" zombie. I wanted limited data capability in order to access the Net, which will prove necessary when I have no dedicated Net access. The new "smartphone" will be necessary to facilitate the search for a new residence as well.
Needless to say, I have been spending way too much money over the past three months. Despondency has overtaken me. I am, however, aware that I am replacing many things that are old and worn out. As far as the "smartphone" is concerned, I have not owned any kind of phone for several years. Prior to that, I owned a cheap cellphone with a prepaid plan that cost only $10 per year for "talk" service. I have gotten by "on the cheap" for many years. So, it has all caught up with me now.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Time's Up
The month of November is rapidly drawing to a close, but I have yet to make any progress on anything. I haven't procured a cellphone, nor have I been looking for alternative housing. The idea of remaining at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) is beyond nauseating, though. Overall, I have "painted myself into a corner." Not to worry, though, the landlord stopped by in the afternoon to make sure that Alan and I understood that we must vacate on or before the 45-day eviction notification period is up.
The "chef" has apparently given notice to the landlord that he is moving out within a few days. As to be expected, he is moving in with his "squeeze." The landlord has offered him the second floor unit once the renovations are completed, most likely at a significant discount. Coincidentally, the "chef" and his "squeeze" will be looking for a new rental unit in March, when her lease expires. No such offers were forthcoming to Alan or myself. No surprise, eh?
Some people may be wondering why I don't willfully return to wage slavery to solve my financial woes. The sticking point is the ObamaScare mandated health insurance. I would either have to secure an executive salary with generous benefits (including health insurance), or I would have to work at three or four wage slave jobs concurrently. Obviously, the latter scenario is more likely than the former. If I had to pay out-of-pocket for health insurance, the minimum monthly premium would be over $500 with very high deductibles. An equivalent health plan to what I have now (through an entitlement program) would cost closer to $1,000 per month. Even with the alleged tax credit subsidies, I would be in a worse situation.
Retirement, per se, is not a great option unless the retiree possess a lot of financial assets. With the real inflation percentage being "double-digit," there is just no way to maintain retirement status without at $2 million in assets. At least half of that amount would be necessary just for geriatric upkeep in the senior citizen years. For me, retirement has locked me into an endless saga of "penny pinching," with little to no benefit. No matter what I do, I end up being robbed blind by the "system."
There's nothing for me to do in the final days as I await my official induction into senior citizenship. All doors will close. All avenues will cease to exist. Only the geriatric options will remain. The "blog" will be my only activity aside from my old codger biddings. Sheesh!
The "chef" has apparently given notice to the landlord that he is moving out within a few days. As to be expected, he is moving in with his "squeeze." The landlord has offered him the second floor unit once the renovations are completed, most likely at a significant discount. Coincidentally, the "chef" and his "squeeze" will be looking for a new rental unit in March, when her lease expires. No such offers were forthcoming to Alan or myself. No surprise, eh?
Some people may be wondering why I don't willfully return to wage slavery to solve my financial woes. The sticking point is the ObamaScare mandated health insurance. I would either have to secure an executive salary with generous benefits (including health insurance), or I would have to work at three or four wage slave jobs concurrently. Obviously, the latter scenario is more likely than the former. If I had to pay out-of-pocket for health insurance, the minimum monthly premium would be over $500 with very high deductibles. An equivalent health plan to what I have now (through an entitlement program) would cost closer to $1,000 per month. Even with the alleged tax credit subsidies, I would be in a worse situation.
Retirement, per se, is not a great option unless the retiree possess a lot of financial assets. With the real inflation percentage being "double-digit," there is just no way to maintain retirement status without at $2 million in assets. At least half of that amount would be necessary just for geriatric upkeep in the senior citizen years. For me, retirement has locked me into an endless saga of "penny pinching," with little to no benefit. No matter what I do, I end up being robbed blind by the "system."
There's nothing for me to do in the final days as I await my official induction into senior citizenship. All doors will close. All avenues will cease to exist. Only the geriatric options will remain. The "blog" will be my only activity aside from my old codger biddings. Sheesh!
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Rapanui Reality
As time continues to run out, the options for alternative housing are dwindling. The idea of purchasing a boat to use as a residence was nixed because slip rental fees have increased to $1,200 per month on average. Can you believe it? I could, of course, purchase a mini-van or utility vehicle and pay to park it in a parking structure. Then, I could sneak in at night to sleep. Yet, how long would that last? How long before I am discovered? How long before I succumb to chronic fatigue due to a totally transient life-style?
The situation in Hawai'i continues to degenerate. Frankly, the sole reason is overpopulation, especially on the island of O'ahu. I have metaphorically referred to the Moai (i.e., stoneheads) on Rapanui (Easter Island) in the old "blog." The metaphor holds true today. People from who-knows-where keep migrating here in exponentially increasing numbers. Then, along with the locals, they breed like there's no tomorrow. We have already surpassed any capability for sustainability. Heck, trash has to be shipped out on barges to the mainland empire. The infrastructure is overtaxed well beyond capacity. Wealth inequality is on a par with all third-world nations. Yet, we continue to erect more figurative stoneheads. Hawai'i is, in essence, the microcosmic model of a future global collapse, at least in terms of humanity.
I visited the coffee shop in town again this morning. A cup of coffee, free wireless Net access, young hotties galore, music ... a safe haven that is conducive to composing the "blog." What a difference from the fast food joint just a block away, where senior citizens, the homeless, the destitute, the clinically insane, and the chronically obese congregate. Of course, I will have to stop drinking coffee and purchase more healthy food instead. Sheesh!
After exiting the gym after my usual workout and shower, I ran into my formerly-homeless buddy. He was sitting at a table outside the fast food joint. We ended up at a table closer to the bus stop and ended up chatting for an hour. We joked around about the various homeless options, although I believe that he was half-serious. We have also tentatively agreed to meet and partake of that early "Black Friday" events on Thursday evening (aka No-Holiday Holiday). Sounds good to me.
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I have been tuning in to RT News every evening on the Net for at least an hour. I have truly enjoyed the various programming. Now, I find myself incapable of returning to the "mainstream" media of empire. No loss there, though.
The situation in Hawai'i continues to degenerate. Frankly, the sole reason is overpopulation, especially on the island of O'ahu. I have metaphorically referred to the Moai (i.e., stoneheads) on Rapanui (Easter Island) in the old "blog." The metaphor holds true today. People from who-knows-where keep migrating here in exponentially increasing numbers. Then, along with the locals, they breed like there's no tomorrow. We have already surpassed any capability for sustainability. Heck, trash has to be shipped out on barges to the mainland empire. The infrastructure is overtaxed well beyond capacity. Wealth inequality is on a par with all third-world nations. Yet, we continue to erect more figurative stoneheads. Hawai'i is, in essence, the microcosmic model of a future global collapse, at least in terms of humanity.
I visited the coffee shop in town again this morning. A cup of coffee, free wireless Net access, young hotties galore, music ... a safe haven that is conducive to composing the "blog." What a difference from the fast food joint just a block away, where senior citizens, the homeless, the destitute, the clinically insane, and the chronically obese congregate. Of course, I will have to stop drinking coffee and purchase more healthy food instead. Sheesh!
After exiting the gym after my usual workout and shower, I ran into my formerly-homeless buddy. He was sitting at a table outside the fast food joint. We ended up at a table closer to the bus stop and ended up chatting for an hour. We joked around about the various homeless options, although I believe that he was half-serious. We have also tentatively agreed to meet and partake of that early "Black Friday" events on Thursday evening (aka No-Holiday Holiday). Sounds good to me.
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I have been tuning in to RT News every evening on the Net for at least an hour. I have truly enjoyed the various programming. Now, I find myself incapable of returning to the "mainstream" media of empire. No loss there, though.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Rental Quagmire
Last night at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing), I discussed the dire rental situation with Alan. I told him that, if he were to find a house to lease, I would be fine with renting one of the rooms. Alan was agreeable, although he seems to believe that he can negotiate a deal to remain at Chaos Manor. I am open to the idea, but not at the projected increased rent. He seems to believe that we can rent the entire first floor and be better off than moving elsewhere.
Well, the landlord's son has decided to section off the second floor as an autonomous two-bedroom unit. The first floor will be sectioned off as another autonomous two-bedroom unit. The first floor common area will be doubled in size after the wall of Alan's squalid room is torn down. Each floor will be leased as one unit. That, of course, presents a problem. There could end up being twenty people residing in any particular unit. Or, there could a lot of "guest" staying over. Or, there may be loud parties. When tenants dole out over $2,100 per month in rent, they are not going to sit around quietly and vegetate. Rather, they will attempt to derive (read: exploit) as much value out of the rental as possible. That's human nature at play.
What is most interesting is that Alan wants to remain at Chaos Manor when he knows that the landlord has desired to evict him for several years. He would be better off implementing my idea. Oh well. The crafty "chef" has indicated that is planning to move out in two weeks. Just last week, however, he said that he has only $100 in his bank account. So, I assume that he will be moving in with his "squeeze." From what I can tell, she has been financially subsidizing his way, all the while believing that the "big payoff" will come when the culinary con artist becomes a massage therapist earning over $100,000 per year. Dream on!
I have been perusing the rental listings on craigslist. Whoa! Rental rates have risen significantly. Room rentals with shared bathrooms are between $700 and $900 per month. Rooms with private bathrooms (like the first floor of Chaos Manor) are $900 per month and upward. Little wonder why there are so many homeless people. Imagine trying to pay that kind of rent with a minimum wage slave job. Anyway, if Alan decides to remain at Chaos Manor, I will have to find a studio rental unit. I will be looking for an attached or detached studio next to house, though. In any case, time is rapidly running out.
Well, the landlord's son has decided to section off the second floor as an autonomous two-bedroom unit. The first floor will be sectioned off as another autonomous two-bedroom unit. The first floor common area will be doubled in size after the wall of Alan's squalid room is torn down. Each floor will be leased as one unit. That, of course, presents a problem. There could end up being twenty people residing in any particular unit. Or, there could a lot of "guest" staying over. Or, there may be loud parties. When tenants dole out over $2,100 per month in rent, they are not going to sit around quietly and vegetate. Rather, they will attempt to derive (read: exploit) as much value out of the rental as possible. That's human nature at play.
What is most interesting is that Alan wants to remain at Chaos Manor when he knows that the landlord has desired to evict him for several years. He would be better off implementing my idea. Oh well. The crafty "chef" has indicated that is planning to move out in two weeks. Just last week, however, he said that he has only $100 in his bank account. So, I assume that he will be moving in with his "squeeze." From what I can tell, she has been financially subsidizing his way, all the while believing that the "big payoff" will come when the culinary con artist becomes a massage therapist earning over $100,000 per year. Dream on!
I have been perusing the rental listings on craigslist. Whoa! Rental rates have risen significantly. Room rentals with shared bathrooms are between $700 and $900 per month. Rooms with private bathrooms (like the first floor of Chaos Manor) are $900 per month and upward. Little wonder why there are so many homeless people. Imagine trying to pay that kind of rent with a minimum wage slave job. Anyway, if Alan decides to remain at Chaos Manor, I will have to find a studio rental unit. I will be looking for an attached or detached studio next to house, though. In any case, time is rapidly running out.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
The remaining tenants of Chaos Manor (read: rental housing), myself included, have only six weeks to find new rental housing arrangements. That's not much time given the tight housing market on O'ahu. I am at a loss about what I should do. In other words, I have been frozen with inaction. My plight is simply that I do not want to pay $1,000+ per month for a studio apartment the size of a coffin. Neither do I want to pay $800+ per month for another mediocre shared rental situation. Of course, those thoughts are moot considering that I do not qualify for most rentals anyway because I have no verifiable wage slave income. What am I to do?
My evening outing last night was fitting for the moment. I wanted to eat at Panda Express® in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, but the waiting line was steady and extremely long. So, I ended up at the usual fast food joint and purchased a couple of greasy "value menu" items. The mall was packed with 300-pound shoppers, by the way. Shopping, eating, playing with the "smartphone" ... is that all there is to life in empire?
The morning at Chaos Manor commenced with a lot of noise from the construction crew. Although one of the crew told me that I did not need to move my vehicle, I decided to drive it and park at the Aina Haina Shopping Center. From there, I alighted the bus to town. Once again, I enjoyed a cup of coffee at Starbucks®, really just an excuse to loiter, connect to the wireless "hotspot" (with the iPad®), and compose the "blog." I am finding that the coffee shop is a safe haven from all the madness that has ensued.
The gym in town (and Hawai'i Kai) have been replacing the old workout equipment with fancy new equivalents. Several of my favorite weight machines are gone. maybe the replacements will arrive in the next few days. The new cardio machines, however, are a welcome sight.
I spent most of the day locked in contemplation of my upcoming housing predicament. I roughly reviewed my options, brainstorming any and every possibility. With 44 days remaining before I am officially homeless, I am running out of time. Of course, now is not the time to be homeless. There has been a significant increase in the homeless population, and there has been increasing animosity aimed at them. The situation will only worsen. so, if I am to avoid homelessness, what am I to do?
My evening outing last night was fitting for the moment. I wanted to eat at Panda Express® in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala, but the waiting line was steady and extremely long. So, I ended up at the usual fast food joint and purchased a couple of greasy "value menu" items. The mall was packed with 300-pound shoppers, by the way. Shopping, eating, playing with the "smartphone" ... is that all there is to life in empire?
The morning at Chaos Manor commenced with a lot of noise from the construction crew. Although one of the crew told me that I did not need to move my vehicle, I decided to drive it and park at the Aina Haina Shopping Center. From there, I alighted the bus to town. Once again, I enjoyed a cup of coffee at Starbucks®, really just an excuse to loiter, connect to the wireless "hotspot" (with the iPad®), and compose the "blog." I am finding that the coffee shop is a safe haven from all the madness that has ensued.
The gym in town (and Hawai'i Kai) have been replacing the old workout equipment with fancy new equivalents. Several of my favorite weight machines are gone. maybe the replacements will arrive in the next few days. The new cardio machines, however, are a welcome sight.
I spent most of the day locked in contemplation of my upcoming housing predicament. I roughly reviewed my options, brainstorming any and every possibility. With 44 days remaining before I am officially homeless, I am running out of time. Of course, now is not the time to be homeless. There has been a significant increase in the homeless population, and there has been increasing animosity aimed at them. The situation will only worsen. so, if I am to avoid homelessness, what am I to do?
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) continues to live up to its name. Alan informed me this morning the the landlord has given us, the remaining three tenants, notice to vacate the premises in 45 days. Within minutes, the landlord arrived to personally inform me. I wasn't surprised at the least. The renovation plans kept changing every few days. The reality is that the landlord's son has assumed full responsibility for the project. So, we're at the whim of his grandiose scheme. Alan is in somewhat of a bind, but he should be able to secure another rental unit since he has verifiable income. The "chef" is financially strapped, but he can put his "stuff" in storage and most likely move in with his "squeeze." I, on the other hand, am edging toward homelessness. I have run out of options.
Well, there's not much that I can accomplish at this point in time. Heck, I don't even own a cell phone. So, I departed for town as usual. I stopped off at Starbucks® for a cup of coffee, even though I should know better. What else could I do? I am completely fatigued by the on-going nonsense. I am a senior citizen now. I don't need to deal with "bullshit." I have already "paid my dues." Of course, I know that I am not alone. The entire empire, excluding the "one percent" upper crust, is in a state of flux and disarray. The "one percent" scumbags have pulled the plunger on the latrine and the rest of us are swirling around the bowl with the other turds until the vortex finally sucks us down the abyss.
I am, of course, constantly dumbfounded by the sheer stupidity, ignorance, and arrogance around me. The "99 percent" are carrying on as if there's no tomorrow. They are breeding indiscriminately, spending money indiscriminately, sashaying to and fro as if they are immortal. The sit in front of the tube and gleefully consent to brainwashing. They are permanently tethered to idiotic social networks on their "smartphones," totally oblivious to anything else. They live in denial of the fact that they are part of the sewage. Yet, they they are right there with the rest of the stinking turds. Stupefying indeed!
When I returned to Chaos Manor in the afternoon, I noticed the cinder block walls flanking the driveway had been demolished. A written note from the landlord to Alan was left to formalize the verbal notice to vacate the premises. We were also told that we can no longer park our vehicles on the premises because the vehicles of the construction crew have priority. I won't park my vehicle on the side street, though. As you may recall, I was the victim of four incidents of vandalism. Anyway, I will most likely hear the opinions of the other tenants later tonight.
Well, there's not much that I can accomplish at this point in time. Heck, I don't even own a cell phone. So, I departed for town as usual. I stopped off at Starbucks® for a cup of coffee, even though I should know better. What else could I do? I am completely fatigued by the on-going nonsense. I am a senior citizen now. I don't need to deal with "bullshit." I have already "paid my dues." Of course, I know that I am not alone. The entire empire, excluding the "one percent" upper crust, is in a state of flux and disarray. The "one percent" scumbags have pulled the plunger on the latrine and the rest of us are swirling around the bowl with the other turds until the vortex finally sucks us down the abyss.
I am, of course, constantly dumbfounded by the sheer stupidity, ignorance, and arrogance around me. The "99 percent" are carrying on as if there's no tomorrow. They are breeding indiscriminately, spending money indiscriminately, sashaying to and fro as if they are immortal. The sit in front of the tube and gleefully consent to brainwashing. They are permanently tethered to idiotic social networks on their "smartphones," totally oblivious to anything else. They live in denial of the fact that they are part of the sewage. Yet, they they are right there with the rest of the stinking turds. Stupefying indeed!
When I returned to Chaos Manor in the afternoon, I noticed the cinder block walls flanking the driveway had been demolished. A written note from the landlord to Alan was left to formalize the verbal notice to vacate the premises. We were also told that we can no longer park our vehicles on the premises because the vehicles of the construction crew have priority. I won't park my vehicle on the side street, though. As you may recall, I was the victim of four incidents of vandalism. Anyway, I will most likely hear the opinions of the other tenants later tonight.
Monday, November 17, 2014
"A partner can help you in your efforts to get ahead" -- Panda Express® fortune cookiePartner? What? A certain fitness and training hottie would certainly make a good partner, eh? Unfortunately, baby has not come around, if you know what I mean. Baby will probably never come around, at least not in this lifetime. Boo hoo.
Renovations have commenced at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) with the first project being the attached two-bedroom unit at the rear of the property. In actuality, that unit is the original house. Thus, it is in really bad shape. Unfortunately for me, the construction debris is being dumped right outside the windows of my squalid room. The huge pile of concrete, rotting wood, and toxic waste has caused a thick film of poisonous soot to settle and coat everything inside the room, even though I have closed the windows. Obviously, I will no longer clean the room as meticulously as before. I will only maintain the minimum standard. Heck, I don't have a security deposit to worry about anyway.
On a side note, I am thinking about attending a "Black Friday" event this year. Well, most "Black Friday" events are starting up a day earlier. That's right, "Black Friday" on Thurday, the No-Holiday Holiday (formerly known as Thanksgiving Day). If I run into my formerly-homeless buddy before then, I will ask if he wants to join me in the mad hunt for bargains on useless junk. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Last night, I enjoyed a free tuna sandwich at Subway®. Then, I tried another fruit yogurt bowl creation at Jamba Juice®. My goal is to modify my diet yet again to insure good nutrition, which is actually a fruitless endeavor for an old codger. Oh well.
This morning, I ran into my formerly-homeless buddy when I arrived in town on the bus. He invited again to join the homeless for free food at A'ala Park, courtesy the church group that he volunteers with. Then, I espied a certain fitness and training hottie at the gym. Baby was looking mighty fine. With her long hair down for the first time, I was even more entranced. Of course, baby has not come around yet. That is why my mention of her will be brief.
After my workout at the gym, I decided to ride the bus to A'ala Park. Upon arrival, I quickly located the church group that had set up a small stage for religious sermons and a serving table for free food. My formerly-homeless buddy was there to greet me. There were myriad homeless loitering everywhere in the park. Only a handful of them were in the seating area for the sermons. I declined to partake of the food, even though my formerly-homeless buddy had invited me. The ambient squalor and dereliction only served to remind me that I did not belong there, not yet anyway.
Finally, I was particularly struck by a recent commentary on the [deleted] site about the Rosetta mission and the landing of the Philae probe on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, a small celestial body about 300 million miles from Earth. An excerpt:
This morning, I ran into my formerly-homeless buddy when I arrived in town on the bus. He invited again to join the homeless for free food at A'ala Park, courtesy the church group that he volunteers with. Then, I espied a certain fitness and training hottie at the gym. Baby was looking mighty fine. With her long hair down for the first time, I was even more entranced. Of course, baby has not come around yet. That is why my mention of her will be brief.
After my workout at the gym, I decided to ride the bus to A'ala Park. Upon arrival, I quickly located the church group that had set up a small stage for religious sermons and a serving table for free food. My formerly-homeless buddy was there to greet me. There were myriad homeless loitering everywhere in the park. Only a handful of them were in the seating area for the sermons. I declined to partake of the food, even though my formerly-homeless buddy had invited me. The ambient squalor and dereliction only served to remind me that I did not belong there, not yet anyway.
Finally, I was particularly struck by a recent commentary on the [deleted] site about the Rosetta mission and the landing of the Philae probe on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, a small celestial body about 300 million miles from Earth. An excerpt:
The scientific achievement stands out all the more starkly against the disastrous trajectory that the ruling classes are plotting, which threatens to plunge the world into the abyss.That pretty much sums up my own conclusions about the sad state of humanity.
This weekend, the leaders of the G20 are gathering in Australia amidst a growing geopolitical crisis provoked by the increasingly aggressive warmongering of the major imperialist powers. In Europe, the crisis in Ukraine once again has the US and Western Europe at the throat of Russia. In the Pacific theater, Australia, Japan and a host of other countries are being arrayed by the US to contain China. In the Middle East, the Obama administration has launched and is rapidly expanding a new war in Iraq and Syria.
Vast sums are squandered on the means of death and destruction. The United States alone spends well over half a trillion a year to maintain its military and intelligence apparatus—compared to the $1.75 billion dedicated to the Rosetta mission. It has been estimated that the war in Iraq from 2003-2011 will end up costing upwards of $4 trillion.
Then there are the sums allocated to the financial aristocracy, the untold trillions handed out to the banks to prop up the stock markets and fuel the engorgement of the super-rich. Moreover, as they drive humanity toward a dead end, the ruling elites in every country are resurrecting, in political and ideological form, all that is backward, anti-scientific and reactionary.
Scientific achievements such as the comet landing are an important reminder that humanity is capable of great things, both within and outside the confines of the Earth’s atmosphere. They point to possibilities whose realization depends on the independent political mobilization of the working class, which must emerge as the defender of everything that is progressive.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Yesterday, my usual visit to Hawai'i Kai was canceled due to a mix-up of sorts. Moms left a note on the door stating that I was supposed to have come by the day before. Moms was attending another religious convention. Of course, moms never mentioned the change of plans on Monday. There was only an obtuse reference mentioned in passing about a week ago. Mundane nonsense is repeated over and over again, but important information is glossed over. I can't blame moms. At 92 years of age, moms displays many of the stereotypical senior citizen traits.
Observing senior citizens is an on-going pastime for me. I can't help it. I am extremely curious about what is in store for me in the near future. Frankly, my observations have been appalling. The decrepitude is what really affects me the most. I have effectively held off the degeneration of old age, but it will eventually catch up with me. That's the sheer vanity of human life. And, of course, the curse of consciousness.
With that said, I have no reason to continue on the futile path that I continue to follow. Why be a mendicant monk? Why deny the hedonistic pleasures that only be enjoyed pre-decrepitude? Why keep and worry about a financial "nest egg"? Why live "prophylactically"? Why worry about eating non-poisonous food? Why work out at the gym religiously? Why live in total squalor? Why tolerate nonsense from derelicts?
This morning, I decided to indulge, albeit slightly, in vanity. Breakfast in town, to be specific. I purchased a bowl of oatmeal at Jamba Juice® and a cup of coffee at Starbucks®. Then, I spent the time in the latter establishment composing the "blog" on my trusty iPad®. By the way, I have accustomed myself to the device's quirks and limitations. Anyway, I have been consuming a cup of coffee about once per week now. It's more of a luxury to me, but usually the impetus is sleep deprivation the night prior. Coffee, specifically its caffeine content, is not a habit that I wish to pursue again. I can benefit from the burst of energy it gives me, but dehydration is a major side effect. I cannot consume enough water, at least during my cardio workout, to compensate for the amount lost through perspiration and purging. And, I am pretty certain that the heart palpitations were directly related.
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update® Well, I have decided against the purchase of new headphones. If anything, I will attempt to find new earbuds that provide a better fit at all head angles. Regular headphones are too bulky and uncomfortable.
Observing senior citizens is an on-going pastime for me. I can't help it. I am extremely curious about what is in store for me in the near future. Frankly, my observations have been appalling. The decrepitude is what really affects me the most. I have effectively held off the degeneration of old age, but it will eventually catch up with me. That's the sheer vanity of human life. And, of course, the curse of consciousness.
With that said, I have no reason to continue on the futile path that I continue to follow. Why be a mendicant monk? Why deny the hedonistic pleasures that only be enjoyed pre-decrepitude? Why keep and worry about a financial "nest egg"? Why live "prophylactically"? Why worry about eating non-poisonous food? Why work out at the gym religiously? Why live in total squalor? Why tolerate nonsense from derelicts?
This morning, I decided to indulge, albeit slightly, in vanity. Breakfast in town, to be specific. I purchased a bowl of oatmeal at Jamba Juice® and a cup of coffee at Starbucks®. Then, I spent the time in the latter establishment composing the "blog" on my trusty iPad®. By the way, I have accustomed myself to the device's quirks and limitations. Anyway, I have been consuming a cup of coffee about once per week now. It's more of a luxury to me, but usually the impetus is sleep deprivation the night prior. Coffee, specifically its caffeine content, is not a habit that I wish to pursue again. I can benefit from the burst of energy it gives me, but dehydration is a major side effect. I cannot consume enough water, at least during my cardio workout, to compensate for the amount lost through perspiration and purging. And, I am pretty certain that the heart palpitations were directly related.
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update® Well, I have decided against the purchase of new headphones. If anything, I will attempt to find new earbuds that provide a better fit at all head angles. Regular headphones are too bulky and uncomfortable.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Close Shave Redux
During my evening outing last night, I stopped by Jamba Juice® in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala as usual. All of the Jamba Juice® girls always say hello to me and call me by name when I enter the store. Sometimes the other customers are dumbfounded, probably wondering who I am to be afforded such personalized service. I ordered a Kale-ribbean Breeze smoothie, one of my two favorite meal substitutes. When I received the smoothie, I noted that, "You're special," was inscribed on the plastic lid. They are hilarious, those girls.
My evenings in my squalid room at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) are now occupied by various programming on RT as opposed to the old days of viewing "mainstream" flicks (obtained by bit-torrent downloading). So, I view the news and other special programs on the iPad® tablet computer for that hour or so before I attempt to fall asleep. So far, so good.
Well, the new electric razor has given me much closer shaves. Unfortunately, the build quality of the device is quite poor. The electric razor that it replaced is sturdier and feels more solid, even though it was the lowest model in the line. Same manufacturer, but about three years apart in production. Yeah, everything is being made cheaper and of poorer quality now. Sheesh!
Surveillance Mini-Update®
The annoying Google® surveillance robot just keeps coming back like a bad sitcom. I logged its appearance at 3am HST on Saturday morning. Little wonder why I no longer use any of its other intrusive services or its branded tablet computer.
My evenings in my squalid room at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) are now occupied by various programming on RT as opposed to the old days of viewing "mainstream" flicks (obtained by bit-torrent downloading). So, I view the news and other special programs on the iPad® tablet computer for that hour or so before I attempt to fall asleep. So far, so good.
Well, the new electric razor has given me much closer shaves. Unfortunately, the build quality of the device is quite poor. The electric razor that it replaced is sturdier and feels more solid, even though it was the lowest model in the line. Same manufacturer, but about three years apart in production. Yeah, everything is being made cheaper and of poorer quality now. Sheesh!
Surveillance Mini-Update®
The annoying Google® surveillance robot just keeps coming back like a bad sitcom. I logged its appearance at 3am HST on Saturday morning. Little wonder why I no longer use any of its other intrusive services or its branded tablet computer.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
I happened to run into Ann this morning on the bus. We alighted at the same bus stop in town and ended up chatting for about an hour. Ann is unemployed again. No surprise there. She's going through the same wage slave cycle again, just as I predicted in the old "blog." The situation has worsened, however. She has no savings, and her 401(k) account was cashed out during her last bout of unemployment. She apparently has been on the sidelines for nearly six months, so her unemployment benefits are ending soon.
I really didn't know what to say. Ann is still renting the detached studio in Hawai'i Kai for $1,050 per month. She still has a couple of cats for pets. Her only recourse is to seek seasonal and temporary work, she told me. However, that's going to be a truly "hand to mouth" situation. And, because she was employed for half of the year, she doesn't qualify for welfare, subsidized health insurance, food vouchers, or other entitlements for the impoverished. I have a feeling that she's going to end up homeless.
In contemplating Ann's current plight, I find that I have a lot to be grateful for. I am certainly not making light of her situation. Nor am I unsympathetic. I am eternally grateful for my emancipation from wage slavery at the early age of 52 years. I was financially prepared for that event, fortunately, because I had some foresight about the degenerating work environment. I have been able to keep materialism in check, so money is not vanishing before my very eyes. I have Also been able to secure a good health insurance entitlement plan, albeit from an unexpected hospital visit. All in all, I lead a fairly good and leisurely life-style. In other words, I am actually able to enjoy a bit of freedom during the last of my "good years." All of that is truly priceless to me.
I really didn't know what to say. Ann is still renting the detached studio in Hawai'i Kai for $1,050 per month. She still has a couple of cats for pets. Her only recourse is to seek seasonal and temporary work, she told me. However, that's going to be a truly "hand to mouth" situation. And, because she was employed for half of the year, she doesn't qualify for welfare, subsidized health insurance, food vouchers, or other entitlements for the impoverished. I have a feeling that she's going to end up homeless.
In contemplating Ann's current plight, I find that I have a lot to be grateful for. I am certainly not making light of her situation. Nor am I unsympathetic. I am eternally grateful for my emancipation from wage slavery at the early age of 52 years. I was financially prepared for that event, fortunately, because I had some foresight about the degenerating work environment. I have been able to keep materialism in check, so money is not vanishing before my very eyes. I have Also been able to secure a good health insurance entitlement plan, albeit from an unexpected hospital visit. All in all, I lead a fairly good and leisurely life-style. In other words, I am actually able to enjoy a bit of freedom during the last of my "good years." All of that is truly priceless to me.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Close Shave
Well, for some reason, I couldn't wait until "Black Friday." Perhaps my mortality keeps "egging me on." So, I purchased a replacement electric shaver, another cheap Remington® model, from Ross® (about $32 with the senior citizen discount). It's an outdated rechargeable model with a Ni-MH battery. Anyway, my experience with manic sales like "Black Friday" have been dismal. Products that I desire to purchase are usually sold out by the time that I arrive at any particular retail store, thanks to the rampant hoarding mentality of the island's residents.
As for electric shavers, they are all overpriced gadgets. The replacement blades are so expensive that the most cost effective solution is to just replace the device when the blades become dull. So, that's why I purchased a new electric shaver. And, the old one was a corded device. Frankly, the power cord just keeps getting in the way. So, I cleaned it up really good and will be donating it to charity.
I am also contemplating the replacement of the Auvio® earbuds with conventional headphones for numerous reasons. Of course, I began to consider the more expensive headphones out of fear of "headphones shame." Then, I realized the folly of my thinking. The quality of any audio source on computers is definitely not up to audiophile standards by any means. There's too much compression and the sampling rate is really at the minimum of acceptability. So, why spend any more than $15 on headphones?
Aside from that nonsense, I persevered a long day due to another sleepless night at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing). The washing machine or clothes dryer began beeping somewhere around 2am this morning. Both appliances appear be nearing end-of-life. Then, one of the fools at the Viet Cong immigrant house was washing his car at 3am. Yes, I have been advised that there are no Chinamen there. About 20 people spanning multiple generations reside in what appears to a three-bedroom house. The younger ones have taken to purchasing expensive automobiles. So worried that the expensive vehicles will get dirty, the owners are obsessed with washing them several times at all hours of the day. Gotta love the "ownership society," eh?
As for electric shavers, they are all overpriced gadgets. The replacement blades are so expensive that the most cost effective solution is to just replace the device when the blades become dull. So, that's why I purchased a new electric shaver. And, the old one was a corded device. Frankly, the power cord just keeps getting in the way. So, I cleaned it up really good and will be donating it to charity.
I am also contemplating the replacement of the Auvio® earbuds with conventional headphones for numerous reasons. Of course, I began to consider the more expensive headphones out of fear of "headphones shame." Then, I realized the folly of my thinking. The quality of any audio source on computers is definitely not up to audiophile standards by any means. There's too much compression and the sampling rate is really at the minimum of acceptability. So, why spend any more than $15 on headphones?
Aside from that nonsense, I persevered a long day due to another sleepless night at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing). The washing machine or clothes dryer began beeping somewhere around 2am this morning. Both appliances appear be nearing end-of-life. Then, one of the fools at the Viet Cong immigrant house was washing his car at 3am. Yes, I have been advised that there are no Chinamen there. About 20 people spanning multiple generations reside in what appears to a three-bedroom house. The younger ones have taken to purchasing expensive automobiles. So worried that the expensive vehicles will get dirty, the owners are obsessed with washing them several times at all hours of the day. Gotta love the "ownership society," eh?
Monday, November 10, 2014
Well, I decided against the purchase of a widescreen LED tube, even if it is inexpensive. What is the point of owning a widescreen tube when the standard cable service does not support the widescreen aspect ratio? And, don't get me started on the lousy programming. I do not know how long I will have cable tube access available anyway. I certainly don't need more doorstops.
I am discovering that I can get by with just the iPad® tablet computer. There are very little streaming media content available using the Web browser. I must install individual "apps" for each media source. Not going to happen. I am satisfied with the content on RT anyway. More content, less propaganda.
And, of course, there's PornHub for all of my blurry hurdy-gurdy video needs. Yeah, the iPad® is so limited (read: crippled). The Safari Web browser is also pretty bad. Were it not for the surveillance nuisance on the other platform, I would have reconsidered the changeover. Oh well.
I am discovering that I can get by with just the iPad® tablet computer. There are very little streaming media content available using the Web browser. I must install individual "apps" for each media source. Not going to happen. I am satisfied with the content on RT anyway. More content, less propaganda.
And, of course, there's PornHub for all of my blurry hurdy-gurdy video needs. Yeah, the iPad® is so limited (read: crippled). The Safari Web browser is also pretty bad. Were it not for the surveillance nuisance on the other platform, I would have reconsidered the changeover. Oh well.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Widescreen Tube Follies
Yesterday, my formerly-homeless buddy had invited me to join the myriad homeless at A'ala Park this afternoon for lunch. My formerly-homeless buddy volunteers with a church group to prepare and serve free meals to the needy. I was too fatigued to attend. Anyway, there probably are surveillance cameras in the park. I would probably be pegged for one of the the homeless, and my "mug shot" would most likely be submitted to the police. We can't have that now, can we?
For some strange reason, I have been contemplating the purchase of a widescreen LED tube, albeit not a big-ass one. Obviously, the idea of sitting in front of the tube and worshipping it like a shrine goes against the very foundation of my monastic life-style. Granted, I could purchase a decent unit for $150 or less. However, what kind of programming can I view on the standard cable service that would be worthy of my time?
I don't know why, but I treated myself to big dinner tonight during my evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. A three-entrée dinner at Panda Express® and a delicious yogurt bowl at Jamba Juice®. I might as well enjoy it while I can still taste the food and remember the experience. Sheesh!
For some strange reason, I have been contemplating the purchase of a widescreen LED tube, albeit not a big-ass one. Obviously, the idea of sitting in front of the tube and worshipping it like a shrine goes against the very foundation of my monastic life-style. Granted, I could purchase a decent unit for $150 or less. However, what kind of programming can I view on the standard cable service that would be worthy of my time?
I don't know why, but I treated myself to big dinner tonight during my evening outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. A three-entrée dinner at Panda Express® and a delicious yogurt bowl at Jamba Juice®. I might as well enjoy it while I can still taste the food and remember the experience. Sheesh!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Chinatown Chimps
I drove my Nissan® Frontier truck to town this morning to assist my formerly-homeless buddy in moving some of his worldly possessions out of the Chinatown dormitory into his storage unit in Kaka'ako. I observed myriad chimps knuckle-dragging all over the place. Afterward, he treated me to a delicious greasy hamburger sandwich at Jack in the Box®. We were able to chat for a spell before parting company.
An early workout at the gym ensued. Then, I attempted to drive back to Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) at 1pm. Whoa! The traffic was horrendous with near-gridlock conditions. I decided to stop off at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I sat in air-conditioned comfort for an hour and observed all of the Satanic gargoyles meandering around. Much to my surprise, traffic was even worse when I departed. Sometimes riding the bus isn't so bad. Sheesh!
An early workout at the gym ensued. Then, I attempted to drive back to Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) at 1pm. Whoa! The traffic was horrendous with near-gridlock conditions. I decided to stop off at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. I sat in air-conditioned comfort for an hour and observed all of the Satanic gargoyles meandering around. Much to my surprise, traffic was even worse when I departed. Sometimes riding the bus isn't so bad. Sheesh!
I have been investigating various media sites for viewable streaming content. That's my contingency plan for the void left by the inability to perform bit-torrent downloads. No "mainstream" flicks, but there are many cheesy tube series (i.e., sitcoms, dramas, talk shows) available. And, if I feel a hankering for hurdy-gurdy video clips, there's the PornHub network. Blurry, but acceptable for the rare occasion that the Vienna Sausage requires testing. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Last night, I set up the Auvio® wireless speaker just to see how well it interfaced with the iPad® mini 2 tablet computer. No problem. What amazed me, though, was the loudness and sound quality of the wireless speaker. Quite astounding, actually. So, I was torn between divesting it, or not.
In fact, I contemplated the possible purchase of a cheap $99 Android® tablet computer to use as the media source component of the poor man's home theater system. Yeah, I am really beginning to miss viewing "mainstream" flicks. Surprisingly, I don't seem to miss the hurdy-gurdy videos. Not to worry, though. I cannot return to Android® because it requires a Google® account to activate. Obviously, that implies more surveillance woes. No, thanks.
Which brings me to the concept of entertainment, or what the rank-and-file peonage considers to be entertainment. All nonsense, really. Just visual and aural fodder to distract and sedate the troubled mind. That's why the need for more and more forms of entertainment becomes insatiable. And, that's where I find myself ... locked in a frantic desire to be "anesthised." From what? The denial of death, of course.
With that said, the "blog" is returning to sporadic postings. The format will be generic and as "vanilla" as possible because of the limitations of the current tablet computer. All for the better anyway. The Net is just another pathetic form of entertainment, another anesthetic for the mind.
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I have decided to divest the wireless speaker. The rationale? I am just days away from crossing the real old codger threshold. Do I really need to be listening to Deep House music at high sound pressure levels in a tiny room?
In fact, I contemplated the possible purchase of a cheap $99 Android® tablet computer to use as the media source component of the poor man's home theater system. Yeah, I am really beginning to miss viewing "mainstream" flicks. Surprisingly, I don't seem to miss the hurdy-gurdy videos. Not to worry, though. I cannot return to Android® because it requires a Google® account to activate. Obviously, that implies more surveillance woes. No, thanks.
Which brings me to the concept of entertainment, or what the rank-and-file peonage considers to be entertainment. All nonsense, really. Just visual and aural fodder to distract and sedate the troubled mind. That's why the need for more and more forms of entertainment becomes insatiable. And, that's where I find myself ... locked in a frantic desire to be "anesthised." From what? The denial of death, of course.
With that said, the "blog" is returning to sporadic postings. The format will be generic and as "vanilla" as possible because of the limitations of the current tablet computer. All for the better anyway. The Net is just another pathetic form of entertainment, another anesthetic for the mind.
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I have decided to divest the wireless speaker. The rationale? I am just days away from crossing the real old codger threshold. Do I really need to be listening to Deep House music at high sound pressure levels in a tiny room?
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
The move to and from Chinatown, relative to Chaos Manor (read: rental housing), was costly. I estimate that I spent about $600 to replace hastily divested possessions. However, in actuality, the possessions in question needed to be replaced anyway. Some were old. Some were moldy. All that's left to replace is my decrepit electric shaver. I am waiting for the Saturnalia shopping season to commence.
I am attempting to figure out why I am saving the original packaging for my recent purchases. In other words, I am storing empty, albeit small, boxes for no good reason. Why? The boxes are worthless. I don't think the original packaging will help raise the resale value of the product that came with it. The product eventually becomes as worthless as its box. Sheesh!
Well, rumor has it that the iPad® mini tablet computer line is doomed to obsolescence. That's the reason why, according to questionable sources, that its hardware upgrade this year was minimal. Frankly, I believe the rumor is true. In empire, bigger is better. Big house, big car, big bank, big Vienna Sausage, big stomach. That's also why there will never be an upgraded Nexus 7 tablet computer.
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Typical Unpackaged Hottie |
Well, rumor has it that the iPad® mini tablet computer line is doomed to obsolescence. That's the reason why, according to questionable sources, that its hardware upgrade this year was minimal. Frankly, I believe the rumor is true. In empire, bigger is better. Big house, big car, big bank, big Vienna Sausage, big stomach. That's also why there will never be an upgraded Nexus 7 tablet computer.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Lots of noise. No matter where I am, there's just too much noise. Take Chinatown, for example. The noise commences at 4:30am every morning. The various merchants are already setting up their shabby sidewalk displays at that time. The homeless and myriad drunken derelicts are milling about as well. Sleep is really not possible, I discovered.
Sleep is the essence of life. However, few people in the rank-and-file peonage are able to attain a healthy dose of deep snoozing. At Chaos Manor (read: rental housing), only Alan is able to sleep soundly. On his days off, he can sleep close to twenty hours straight. Being near-deaf helps, I suppose. The "chef" seems to only require about six hours of sleep maximum. The fool believes that his "tastes like shit" organic concoctions will keep him healthy regardless. Of course, he has no health insurance. Well, actually, he uses shamanism as a health insurance substitute.
Anyway, I have been attempting to sleep at night without foam earplugs. The noise reduction afforded by the earplugs may have increased my sensitivity to noise. So far, I have not noticed a difference in my sleep pattern. Of course, I can really hear the racket that the "chef" makes when he gets up at 5am "at the crack of dawn."
This morning, I ran into my formerly-homeless buddy in town. I returned the "smartphone" to him. He paid me for the Nexus 7 tablet computer. I deposited the money into my local bank account. Then, we chatted for a spell. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit. You know, I really love that phrase.
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Typical Noisy Hottie |
Anyway, I have been attempting to sleep at night without foam earplugs. The noise reduction afforded by the earplugs may have increased my sensitivity to noise. So far, I have not noticed a difference in my sleep pattern. Of course, I can really hear the racket that the "chef" makes when he gets up at 5am "at the crack of dawn."
This morning, I ran into my formerly-homeless buddy in town. I returned the "smartphone" to him. He paid me for the Nexus 7 tablet computer. I deposited the money into my local bank account. Then, we chatted for a spell. The rest of the day? Same ol' shit. You know, I really love that phrase.
Monday, November 3, 2014
End of Story
To say that the whole weekend was a farce would be an understatement. And, it was quite expensive, too. I had to replace many sundries that I divested prior to the move to the despicable Chinatown dormitory. I purchased an expensive Philips® Sonicare® air flosser ($74 with discount coupons), an alternative to the Waterpik® water flosser at Longs® in the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala last night. When I finally returned to the bug-infested Chinatown dormitory on Saturday night, I noticed that the package's seal had been cut. Upon closer scrutiny, I discovered that the device had been used previously. A devious customer had purchased it, used it a few times, the returned it for a refund. An unaware employee had restocked the repackaged device on the shelf.
I drove my Nissan® Frontier truck to the den of consumerism in Kahala twice yesterday. The first time in the afternoon was to "kill time" before my humble return to Chaos Manor. So, I exchanged the used (and possibly germ-contaminated) air flosser for a new one. The second time was in the evening because of fatigue. I was too tired and irritable to ride the bus. I followed the usual evening outing itinerary. I also purchased a new pillow at Ross®. The old feather pillows were donated to charity. Since I was not really on a tight schedule, I drafted the note to the landlord and the letter to terminate the lease for the dumpy Chinatown dormitory. Of course, I also composed the "blog" in the center court of the mall.
The "blog," by the way, is slated to return to a more sporadic schedule "once the dust settles." The residual hottie pictures currently appear in the "blog" because I had preformatted about six posts using the Nexus 7 tablet computer. The Nexus 7 is already in the hands of its new owner. The limitations of the iPad® have already facilitated the steady simplification of my geriatric life-style. There will be no return to bit-torrent downloading (impossible on the iPad® anyway), so no viewing of hurdy-gurdy video clips or "mainstream" flicks.
Well, I was prepared for the worst this morning when I spoke with a representative of the property management firm that oversees the Chinatown dormitory. I submitted the note to terminate lease. I explained my situation calmly. Although I had my formerly-homeless buddy's "smartphone" in hand, I did not launch into cheesy histrionics and threaten to call the police. The representative accepted my note and told me that the refund should be in the mail in two weeks. End of story.
Aside from the usual Hawai'i Kai visit, the situation has returned to "normal." The Auvio® wireless speaker is now back in my possession. No idea about its future disposition. So, let me end the post with the long overdue summary ... same ol' shit.
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Typical Consumerist Hottie |
The "blog," by the way, is slated to return to a more sporadic schedule "once the dust settles." The residual hottie pictures currently appear in the "blog" because I had preformatted about six posts using the Nexus 7 tablet computer. The Nexus 7 is already in the hands of its new owner. The limitations of the iPad® have already facilitated the steady simplification of my geriatric life-style. There will be no return to bit-torrent downloading (impossible on the iPad® anyway), so no viewing of hurdy-gurdy video clips or "mainstream" flicks.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Return to Chaos Manor
Last night, I embarked on a trial run of the new evening outing itinerary. Frankly, it was disappointing. I was already fatigued from moving to the Chinatown dormitory, but the crowds of insane shoppers at Ala Moana Center were beyond fatiguing. My excursion to Barnes & Noble® was not enjoyable in the slightest way. I returned to the dismal and stuffy Chinatown dormitory at 10pm. The walk from the bus stop proved interesting. There were nothing but homeless people lined up all along the sidewalk. A very sad sight.
My first night at the dismal abode proved to be a lesson in pure frustration. The hot and stuffy room could not be ventilated with two electric fans. I could not sleep as a result. In addition, I was being bitten multiple times by an unidentifiable insect. By morning, I was so fatigued that I hastily decided that I would have to move out.
My formerly-homeless buddy knocked on my door at 7am. I told him that I was forfeiting the $850 that I paid to move into the dump and, in effect, breaking my lease. My formerly-homeless buddy attempted to dissuade me, even though he is experiencing a number of problems with the resident manager. In the end, he agreed with me. He mentioned that the resident manager is keeping a number of cats on the premises, even though there is a policy forbidding pets. He said that he and other tenants were all victims of insect bites, most likely parasites residing on the cats. He then urged me to use that reason as the means to obtain a full refund of the first month's rent and security deposit. He let me borrow his "smartphone" to use as a dramatic prop to leverage my position. "If they refuse, call the cops," he told me. He said that he would serve as a witness for my case, if necessary. My formerly-homeless buddy has also decided to purchase the Nexus 7 tablet computer. And, I will be helping him to move a few boxes to his storage unit next Saturday.
After my workout at the gym, I finalized the decision to move out of the varmint-infested dormitory. I attempted to call the landlord of Chaos Manor, but to no avail. The move to Chaos Manor went smoothly anyway. I retrieved my vehicle from Hawai'i Kai. I left a note for the other tenants on my way to town. Then, I quickly retrieved all of useless possessions, which were already packed. The "chef" just happened to arrive at Chaos Manor a few minutes ahead of me. My key was still in the landlord's box. So, I will leave a note for the landlord tomorrow to explain the situation and express my intent to rent my squalid room for a few more months.
All that's left is to inform the property management firm in writing, which I will hand deliver tomorrow, of my decision to vacate the property and the reason why. I am assuming that a request for a full refund of the $850 will be rejected. No doubt, I will have to initiate a lawsuit to recover some of that money. More crap. More stupidity.
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Typical Chaotic Hottie |
My formerly-homeless buddy knocked on my door at 7am. I told him that I was forfeiting the $850 that I paid to move into the dump and, in effect, breaking my lease. My formerly-homeless buddy attempted to dissuade me, even though he is experiencing a number of problems with the resident manager. In the end, he agreed with me. He mentioned that the resident manager is keeping a number of cats on the premises, even though there is a policy forbidding pets. He said that he and other tenants were all victims of insect bites, most likely parasites residing on the cats. He then urged me to use that reason as the means to obtain a full refund of the first month's rent and security deposit. He let me borrow his "smartphone" to use as a dramatic prop to leverage my position. "If they refuse, call the cops," he told me. He said that he would serve as a witness for my case, if necessary. My formerly-homeless buddy has also decided to purchase the Nexus 7 tablet computer. And, I will be helping him to move a few boxes to his storage unit next Saturday.
After my workout at the gym, I finalized the decision to move out of the varmint-infested dormitory. I attempted to call the landlord of Chaos Manor, but to no avail. The move to Chaos Manor went smoothly anyway. I retrieved my vehicle from Hawai'i Kai. I left a note for the other tenants on my way to town. Then, I quickly retrieved all of useless possessions, which were already packed. The "chef" just happened to arrive at Chaos Manor a few minutes ahead of me. My key was still in the landlord's box. So, I will leave a note for the landlord tomorrow to explain the situation and express my intent to rent my squalid room for a few more months.
All that's left is to inform the property management firm in writing, which I will hand deliver tomorrow, of my decision to vacate the property and the reason why. I am assuming that a request for a full refund of the $850 will be rejected. No doubt, I will have to initiate a lawsuit to recover some of that money. More crap. More stupidity.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Aloha! (Continued)
My final few hours at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) were a bit stressful. Lots of confusion and doubt, but there's no turning back now. Of course, I spent most of that time on the Net after I completed the packing of my worldly possessions. So much for the Day of Samhain.
I was up fairly early this morning. I completed a few chores, packed up my remaining possessions, and departed. Unfortunately, Alan returned from work early. So, I had to bid him farewell out of courtesy. Then, I departed Chaos Manor for the last time.
The move to the Chinatown dormitory went fairly smoothly. I found parking for my Nissan® frontier truck close by. Then, I transported my luggage and my other "stuff" to my tiny room. Incidentally, the room is furnished with a bed, a night stand, and a chair. An electric fan, bedding, and an umbrella were also provided, if you can believe it. So, I left my own bedding and other miscellany in the truck.
Then, I walked to the gym and dropped off my gym bag. I ran into my formerly-homeless buddy there. He is interested in purchasing the Nexus 7 tablet computer. He also has a small microwave oven to donate to me. I purchased a bus pass at the convenience store right around the corner and rode the bus back to the parking structure. I retrieved my vehicle and drove to Kahala. I ran the truck through the car wash and dropped off unneeded "stuff" at the charity kiosk. Then, I drove out to Hawai'i Kai. I parked the truck near my bro's place. I left the keys to the truck before walking down to Lunalilo Home Road. I espied the bus just a few blocks away. I ran to the bus stop and was able to board it, thank Molech!
Once in town, I realized that I was famished. So, I ate oatmeal for breakfast at Jamba Juice®. Healthy as it may have been, the oatmeal tasted like cardboard. I was able to connect to the wireless Net "hotspot" of the coffee shop that shares the same retail space. Thus, I was able to compose the "blog."
Not knowing whether I will find wireless Net access later or not, I will provide a tentative agenda and itinerary. I will work out at the gym right after breakfast. Subsequently, I will loiter in the area for a spell before returning to the Chinatown dormitory. Later in the afternoon, I plan to ride the bus bus to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. That will be start of my evening outing. Where I go from there is yet to be determined.
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Silence, Little Lamb! |
The move to the Chinatown dormitory went fairly smoothly. I found parking for my Nissan® frontier truck close by. Then, I transported my luggage and my other "stuff" to my tiny room. Incidentally, the room is furnished with a bed, a night stand, and a chair. An electric fan, bedding, and an umbrella were also provided, if you can believe it. So, I left my own bedding and other miscellany in the truck.
Then, I walked to the gym and dropped off my gym bag. I ran into my formerly-homeless buddy there. He is interested in purchasing the Nexus 7 tablet computer. He also has a small microwave oven to donate to me. I purchased a bus pass at the convenience store right around the corner and rode the bus back to the parking structure. I retrieved my vehicle and drove to Kahala. I ran the truck through the car wash and dropped off unneeded "stuff" at the charity kiosk. Then, I drove out to Hawai'i Kai. I parked the truck near my bro's place. I left the keys to the truck before walking down to Lunalilo Home Road. I espied the bus just a few blocks away. I ran to the bus stop and was able to board it, thank Molech!
Once in town, I realized that I was famished. So, I ate oatmeal for breakfast at Jamba Juice®. Healthy as it may have been, the oatmeal tasted like cardboard. I was able to connect to the wireless Net "hotspot" of the coffee shop that shares the same retail space. Thus, I was able to compose the "blog."
Not knowing whether I will find wireless Net access later or not, I will provide a tentative agenda and itinerary. I will work out at the gym right after breakfast. Subsequently, I will loiter in the area for a spell before returning to the Chinatown dormitory. Later in the afternoon, I plan to ride the bus bus to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. That will be start of my evening outing. Where I go from there is yet to be determined.
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