The human mind is an amazing conglomeration of cells. It has the ability to transcend the failing physical body. That's why I have been able to subconsciously fool myself to believe that I am much younger than my true geriatric age. I have been living in denial, that is, denial of death.
Typical Undeniable Hottie |
I have been unable to comprehend or accept that I will soon be a 60-year-old codger. I am still subconsciously living as a thirty-something or forty-something guy. No doubt, that's the reason why I have not been moved to make crucial life decisions. What a fool!
Slowly, though, I am coming to my senses. I was awakened by my mortality the day I ended up in the emergency room at the hospital. Subsequently, I have been reviewing my situation. At most, I have about nineteen years left. Provided that I do not have a serious cardiac event, I may have five "good" years left. That's not a lot of time.
Typical Dormitory Hottie |
Given that, I can't imagine residing in Slob Manor (read: rental housing) much longer. Why waste my "good" years in a dump populated with mental midgets? So, I contacted the property management firm that oversees the Chinatown dormitory. My rental application has been approved. Whether that is good news remains to be seen. All that's left is for me to provide a move-in date.
Yeah, the decision to vacate Slob Manor is finally upon us. I am more excited about leaving Slob Manor than I am about moving into the Chinatown dormitory. In some respects, I will be in a worse situation (e.g., dumpy room, high crime district, no Net access). On the other hand, I have no good memories of Slob Manor, as we well know. The dump, because of the landlord's poor choice of tenants, has been intolerable during my six-plus years of tenancy. Just sift through the old "blog" for the sordid details. Anyway, why would I want to reside at the dump much longer?
Ariana Marie |
Well, I have actually been making preparations to move out of Slob Manor for a while now. That's why I have reduced my possessions (with the exception of the wireless speaker) down to nothing. I have also deprecated the hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). No, that's not true. I still have the classic Natasha Vega video clip. And, I have added four Ariana Marie video clips. Baby is the hottest hurdy-gurdy star right now. Hubba hubba!
So, that's where I stand as of this posting. The decision to move out of Slob Manor must be finalized in a day or so. Let's face the facts, though. Slob Manor really needs to be deprecated once and for all. After that, more decisions will come into play, whether I like it or not.
Hey, congrats, dude! I hope the new digs on Hotel St. are better than the old crib, altho it could be King St, too. Even Beretania has a few residential cold water dumps! Hey, just kidding! but you gotta be kidding about no web access. That sucks in a huge way!