Monday, April 27, 2015


I am living month-to-month, not day-to-day, as the homeless decision looms. Toward the end of each month, I ask myself whether the time is right for homelessness. Let's face the facts, freedom is the issue. Yes, freedom.

Silence, Little Lamb!
Did you view the documentary, "Raft to Freedom," on RT? Did you view "The Hunger Games" and "Divergent" series of flicks? If that's not enough, check out Episode 749 of the "Keiser Report," also on RT. Freedom, specifically freedom from human tyranny, is the theme.

As much as I have attempted to persuade myself to enjoy my stay in the studio rental Waimanalo, I just cannot call the place a "home." In fact, I seriously doubt that there is a "home" for me anywhere. Every accommodation seems more like a prison cell, a temporary refuge from homelessness, or a tomb. Can a "home" exist without freedom?

And, what exactly is a "home"? Family? Offspring? Big house? Big bank? Big car? Certainly not a "man cave" or "bachelor pad." A "home" is a bloated venue of rampant consumerism. It is a prison disguised as a mausoleum, to serve as a secure fortress as well as to console its inmates with mind-numbing diversions. It is, of course, the pinnacle of wage slavery.

The entirety of "modern" life centers around wage slavery, at least for the rank-and-file peons. Wage slavery supposedly purchases freedom. Actually, it only allows individuals to lease freedom. Thus, freedom is usurped by even more forms of slavery.

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
One of the two cheap "smartphones" has been configured for VOIP telephony using a wireless Net hotspot. Unlimited free calls are now possible within empire. The current costly no-contract cellphone plan can be mummified. At some undetermined future date, the cheap "flip phone" will be activated with a limited, low cost plan.

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