Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Nothing out of the ordinary has occurred since the previous post. Same ol' shit. Only a handful of terse tidbits are worthy of mention:
  • On Monday afternoon, I finally viewed the flick, "Insurgent" (i.e. the sequel to "Divergent"), at the theater complex in Hawai'i Kai. Very enjoyable.
  • Homeless decision? Still pending. The suspected crackdown on the homeless by the authorities has been verified by local news sources, by the way.
  • A crackdown on the motorhomeless is also in effect. The various homeless motorhomes in the Waimanalo area have vanished. No doubt, there will be confirmation in the local news media soon.
  • Divestiture of useless possessions continues. My one-and-only piece of luggage is being emptied.
As I stated, same ol' shit. That is, aside from a surprise visit by the Google® surveillance robot at 6:30pm HST. Bah, humbug!

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