My last month at Slob Manor ... error, I mean Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) ... commences tomorrow. I am taking full advantage of my unlimited Net access. I have been acquiring "mainstream" flicks (via bit-torrent download) and viewing them on the poor man's home theater system, although the selections have dwindled down to nothing. I have also been downloading any hurdy-gurdy video clip at the whim of the rapidly atrophying Vienna Sausage. Other Net activities have already been curtailed.
Typical Compressed Hottie |
Speaking of the poor man's home theater system, there really is nothing that beats the wireless speaker for sound quality. I attempted to view a "mainstream" flick and listen to the soundtrack with the earbud headphones. Whoa! There's just no comparison. The sound was compressed and puny (for lack of a better descriptor). I am very saddened in knowing that I will not be able to set up the poor man's home theater system in the Chinatown dormitory. I have had second thoughts about donating the wireless speaker to charity, although I have nowhere to store it.
Typical In-The-Flesh Hottie |
Once I move to the Chinatown dormitory, I will no longer download any hurdy-gurdy video clips. That's even if I find free Net access that doesn't block bit-torrent activity. I will finally be free of the time consuming, albeit benign, activity. And, what is the purpose of viewing hurdy-gurdy video clips anyway? They certainly cannot serve as a proxy for an in-the-flesh babe.
The universal addiction to the Net is appalling, though. The "smartphone" is the culprit. So much time is wasted, mostly on social networking trivia. And, to what end? Fortunately, social networking is of no interest to me.
Typical Connected Hottie |
Weaning myself of the Net will be a welcome relief, even though I am obviously not enthused about the prospect. Actually, I fear the day that I will be totally disconnected. I will have to seek out free Net access in the guise of obtaining nourishment at various food establishments (with wireless "hotspots"). Disconnection from the Net is scary. Why?
Chaos Manor Mini-Update®
I happened to chat with the landlord this morning. The landlord hastily stopped by to evict the derelict guest of Tom, confirmed drunkard. According to the landlord, Tom has been given two more days before he must vacate the premises. He could be out as early as this afternoon, if he can find accommodations at one of the homeless shelters. And, the landlord really wants Alan to move out. If that happens, the
"chef" will have the entire Chaos Manor to himself.
Do they have a WiFi hookup at the Library yet? I haven’t checked lately. If so, the Hurdy Gurdy downloads could be done there, in some far away corner with yer own Netbook or wotever. Otherwise, a person would have to take his chances on one of the so-called “public” PC’s on the first floor. Oh ya, that would be a sterling idea - Plopping down on a still-warm plastic chair (heated to germ incubation temperature by the last homeless skid to access his useless Yahoo free email “account”), start hammering on a keyboard covered with flu-slime, old boogers stuck between the broken keys, and food crumbs all over the place. All so you can download the wherewithal to facilitate the hammering of the ol’ ham, the pounding of the ol’ spud, the stroking of the ol’ fella, swinging the ol’ meat club, slaying the ol’ meat dragon, launching the ol’ lizard into orbit. Holy cow, are you sure Chez Slob is really such a bad place to say? BTW, Miss “Typical Compressed Hottie” for 30 September, is, in fact, a hottie, plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteThere is a free wireless "hotspot" at the main library. However, I don't want to set up a library account. And, I don't go there anymore because it is, as you mentioned, a homeless depot. I have heard that it's even worse now.