The stupidity was so overwhelming that I had to post details to the "blog" as soon as the latter nonsense was discovered. I was attempting to use the old "blog" archives to establish the date of closing when I first purchased the detestable "condotel" unit. Well, the archive template was set to view posts by specific months. Long story short, only the last week of my ramblings for each month was displayed. The other posts were nowhere to be found. I had to reset the archive to display by week. The index is really messy in appearance, but now all of the posts can be accessed. Can you even believe it?
Surveillance Mini-Update®
The Google® surveillance gauntlet by robot proxy continues unabated. Check it out on the widget in the right column. The robot is constantly being reprogrammed to ignore my fake postings.
Thoughts on Real Threats Mini-Update®
The fools of empire attempted to apply the same tired imperialistic formula (as used in Libya and Syria) upon the Ukraine. The empire's preferred "moderate" puppets were violently dispatched by factional Neo-Nazi Svoboda extremists. The plan, of course, has always been to "contain" the Russian Federation (as well as China). The game of brinkmanship is moving us closer to a war involving nuclear weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). The insouciant peons of empire could care less, though.
Tablet Computer Mini-Update®
An important consideration when purchasing a tablet computer is the lifetime of the Lithium-Ion battery. No, I am not referring to the numbers of hours the device can operate without charging. Rather, the battery has a certain number of charge cycles before it is rendered totally useless. No matter how expensive the tablet computer, its battery lifetime may not be any better than a cheaper device. So, why pay more? Oh, by the way, the Nexus 7 tablet computer is once again designated as the official "mobile pr0n terminal" (MPT). Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
I have confirmed that the "chef" is a pathological liar. The very few conversations that I have had with the fool were always extremely cryptic with stories that were just too far-fetched to be credible. He knows that I can see through his charade. He cannot use his amateur tactics to increase his locus of control as he does with his new "fuck buddy," as well as with Alan and Tom, the drunkard. Incidentally, any real facts about the fool were not obtained by his testimony. Sadly, for residents of Slob Manor, the "chef" is extremely dangerous since he is the official confidant of the landlord.
"Crack House" in Chinatown Mini-Update®
Time is running out, but no decision has been made. My tenure on the waiting list will expire in April. Nonetheless, I have completed a thorough cleaning of my squalid room in Slob Manor. It is ready to be vacated at any time.
"Blog" Mini-Update®
I am now contemplating the complete mummification of the old "blog" and the journal archive. Both have outlived their usefulness. And, no more Slob Manor updates. I was adding filler material about the dump in order to trigger the surveillance robot. A tiring game at best. Reducing content will also reduce postings.
Investment Mini-Update®
There are clear sign that the stock market will continue to climb indefinitely. The new "fundamentals" include permanent "easy money" policies by the Fed and the exponentially increasing poverty class of peons. I am now prepared to put every last cent into the stock market.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The new "blog" has been a complete failure (or, a success, depending on the viewpoint). Readership has dwindled down to nothing. Only two visitors per day at most, one of which is the Google® surveillance robot that I trigger with dummy posts. I am not complaining, though. The lack of interest in the "blog" will make its eventual mummication so much easier.
I am amazed that I was once able to update and post daily to the "blog." In the absence of daily postings, I have realized that my daily routine and itinerary are just so rote and so painfully redundant. My daily dealings with idiots, asswipes, clowns, fucktards, and psychopaths are also repetitive. Not having to chronicle any of that nonsense has increased my already plentiful leisure time.
Time is all that I have, and there's not much remaining. So, there will be no change in venue. The "blog" will not return to the daily format. And, really, what purpose does the "blog" serve? Am I just subconsciously attempting to create a legacy? Am I in denial of death?
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Typical Successful Hottie |
Time is all that I have, and there's not much remaining. So, there will be no change in venue. The "blog" will not return to the daily format. And, really, what purpose does the "blog" serve? Am I just subconsciously attempting to create a legacy? Am I in denial of death?
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Thoughts on Belle Knox
As I mentioned yesterday, I was quite impressed by the viewpoints of new hurdy-gurdy hottie, Belle Knox. In effect, she inadvertently indicted the whole of the failed "civilization" paradigm. Like everything else, the animal means of reproduction has been institutionalized, commodified, and made "civilized." It is just another product to be bartered in the "ownership society."
I have taken the liberty to provide an excerpt. Yes, much of what she wrote has been echoed before. Her description of gender roles is quite interesting. In the old "blog," I had questioned the arbitrariness of gender roles and whether they serve as a tool of dominion. The excerpt:
The "Blog" Mini-Update®
Many of the postings in the "blog" are completed in haste. Thus, sometimes a revision may appear a few days later. Some revisions have been major, so the postings have been significantly altered.
Homeless Buddy Mini-Update®
My homeless buddy mentioned that a couple of social workers have been asking him about the money that he has been saving and also questioning his alleged disability (which qualifies him for a lifetime of "free" income). He also urged me, once again, to move into the "crack house" in Chinatown.
Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
The "chef" has apparently hooked up with a 34-year-old chick, who is allegedly a real hottie and a party ho' to boot. She's not the "marrying kind," so the "chef" is fine with them just being "fuck buddies." She appears to be spending money on him as well, so she must believe that he's quite the "catch." There's no stopping the "chef" now. He knows that he's a true "stud."
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Belle Knox |
My entire life, I have, along with millions of other girls, been told that sex is a degrading and shameful act. When I was 5 years old and beginning to discover the wonders of my body, my mother, completely horrified, told me that if I masturbated, my vagina would fall off.When the "inner animal" is intentionally and forcefully repressed via arbitrary genger roles, the result is yet another prison of our own making. Nearly every aspect of human life, including copulation, has been triangulated by rules designed to control the "inner animal" and foster "civilization." The "beast" must be exorcized by any means, violent or otherwise.
The most striking view I was indoctrinated with was that sex is something women “have,” but that they shouldn’t “give it away” too soon -– as though there’s only so much sex in any one woman, and sex is something she does for a man that necessarily requires losing something of herself, and so she should be really careful who she “gives” it to.
The prevailing societal brainwashing dictates that sexuality and sex "reduce" women, whereas men are merely innocent actors on the receiving end. By extension, our virginity or abstinence has a bearing on who we are as people -- as good people or bad people, as nice women or bad women.
Women's ability to be moral actors is wholly dependent on their sexuality. It is, honestly, insane.
The virgin-whore dichotomy is an insidious standard that we have unfairly placed upon women. Women are supposed to be outwardly pure and modest, while at thye same time being sexually alluring and available. If a woman does not have sex after a date, she will be labeled as a prude. If she does have sex, she will be referred to later as a ho or a slut.
Society thus sets up a norm in which women simply cannot win.
We must question in this equation why sex workers are so brutally stigmatized. Why do we exclude them for jobs, education, and from mainstream society?
Why do we scorn, threaten and harass them?
Why do we deny them of their personhood?
Why does the thought of a woman having sexual experiences scare us so much?
The answer is simple.
Patriarchy fears female sexuality.
It terrifies us to even fathom that a woman could take ownership of her body. We deem to keep women in a place where they are subjected to male sexuality. We seek to rob them of their choice and of their autonomy. We want to oppress them and keep them dependent on the patriarchy. A woman who transgresses the norm and takes ownership of her body -- because that's exactly what porn is, no matter how rough the sex is -- ostensibly poses a threat to the deeply ingrained gender norms that polarize our society.
The "Blog" Mini-Update®
Many of the postings in the "blog" are completed in haste. Thus, sometimes a revision may appear a few days later. Some revisions have been major, so the postings have been significantly altered.
Homeless Buddy Mini-Update®
My homeless buddy mentioned that a couple of social workers have been asking him about the money that he has been saving and also questioning his alleged disability (which qualifies him for a lifetime of "free" income). He also urged me, once again, to move into the "crack house" in Chinatown.
Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
The "chef" has apparently hooked up with a 34-year-old chick, who is allegedly a real hottie and a party ho' to boot. She's not the "marrying kind," so the "chef" is fine with them just being "fuck buddies." She appears to be spending money on him as well, so she must believe that he's quite the "catch." There's no stopping the "chef" now. He knows that he's a true "stud."
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Thoughts on the Vienna Sausage
We've already discussed in the "blog" that there is no meaning of life. And, our only purpose is to reproduce. Everything else is a culmination of myths, legends, fabrications, and embellishments which portends the denial of death. Every avenue of separation from animals has been visited. Animals eventually die. Humans, not being animals, allegedly possess "souls" that will survive an eternity. Oh, what rubbish!
With that said, the Vienna Sausage is a barometer of virility, masculinity, and fertility. Its reproductive function is highly dependent on testosterone. Thus, when the Vienna Sausage begins to falter, testosterone is surely on the decline. There are adjunctive signs as well. Muscle mass turns flabby. The physique becomes more gracile, less masculine. Fat accumulates and causes more rounded features. The persona becomes more placid sans any aggressiveness. In other words, old guys become passive, gentle, harmless, and asexual beings.
That is why so many old codgers will do anything, pay any sum of money, in order to keep the Vienna Sausage potent. The appendage is the tool of reproduction, our sole purpose in life. It is a hideous appendage, though. In normal use, it spews vile body waste in the form of liquid urine. In its reproductive mode, the engorged appendage is infinitely more hideous. It is pure animal (i.e., obscene) in appearance. That's why it must be hidden from view at all times.
The use of the Vienna Sausage in biological mating had to be obfuscated with notions of love and romance in order to differentiate the act from its animal counterpart. Idiotic institutions (e.g., relationships, marriage) had to be created to validate the consummate act. Humans are not animals, of course, was the underlying theme.
Yet, envision in your mind the last biological tryst wherein the Vienna Sausage was exercised in its reproductive mode. The various mating positions, the frenzied thrusting, the sweating, the moaning of pleasure, and the catharsis of orgasm are pure animal behaviors. If memory alludes you, please review a decent hurdy-gurdy video clip for a simulation of the event.
When the Vienna Sausage atrophies, that is the signal of the inevitable end of life. There is no purpose anymore, just a steady decline into decrepitude. No reproduction is possible. No pleasure can be felt. Only urination is possible, that is, if the prostate gland is not overly enlarged. Pity the Vienna Sausage!
Hurdy-Gurdy Hottie Mini-Update®
There's a new hurdy-gurdy hottie, Belle Knox, who has caused quite a furor because she is a student at Duke University. After her real identity was discovered, lots of nonsense ensued. Callous jerkoffs "outed" her and gave her lots of grief.
Long story short, baby attempted to defuse the situation by telling her side of the story. First, the interview posted on the Duke Chronicle site. Then, a follow-up on the XOJane site. What she has to say is really worthy of a read. I was impressed.
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Typical Barometric Hottie |
That is why so many old codgers will do anything, pay any sum of money, in order to keep the Vienna Sausage potent. The appendage is the tool of reproduction, our sole purpose in life. It is a hideous appendage, though. In normal use, it spews vile body waste in the form of liquid urine. In its reproductive mode, the engorged appendage is infinitely more hideous. It is pure animal (i.e., obscene) in appearance. That's why it must be hidden from view at all times.
The use of the Vienna Sausage in biological mating had to be obfuscated with notions of love and romance in order to differentiate the act from its animal counterpart. Idiotic institutions (e.g., relationships, marriage) had to be created to validate the consummate act. Humans are not animals, of course, was the underlying theme.
Yet, envision in your mind the last biological tryst wherein the Vienna Sausage was exercised in its reproductive mode. The various mating positions, the frenzied thrusting, the sweating, the moaning of pleasure, and the catharsis of orgasm are pure animal behaviors. If memory alludes you, please review a decent hurdy-gurdy video clip for a simulation of the event.
When the Vienna Sausage atrophies, that is the signal of the inevitable end of life. There is no purpose anymore, just a steady decline into decrepitude. No reproduction is possible. No pleasure can be felt. Only urination is possible, that is, if the prostate gland is not overly enlarged. Pity the Vienna Sausage!
Hurdy-Gurdy Hottie Mini-Update®
There's a new hurdy-gurdy hottie, Belle Knox, who has caused quite a furor because she is a student at Duke University. After her real identity was discovered, lots of nonsense ensued. Callous jerkoffs "outed" her and gave her lots of grief.
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Belle Knox |
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Death Café
I read an interesting article titled, "A Date With Death Over Coffee," written by Shepherd Bliss. An excerpt:
I am intrigued by the concept of the Death Café as delineated in the article. Unfortunately, there aren't any organized here in Hawai'i. I am certain that Ernest Becker would have given his "seal of approval" to the cause. Of course, I will be revisiting the topic of death in the "blog" when inspired to do so. After all, that's the only significant event remaining in my own life.
Both birth and death used to occur more at home than they do in hospitals. These events are, after all, quite normal. Everything that lives dies, including individuals, though it is hard to accept that each of us will perish. In fact, Freud contends that the ego cannot imagine its death. Though I rationally know that I, too, will die, at times I forget.The article was mirrored on the Carolyn Baker site. It's worthy of reading mainly because death has become the focus of my life as well as the "blog."
I am intrigued by the concept of the Death Café as delineated in the article. Unfortunately, there aren't any organized here in Hawai'i. I am certain that Ernest Becker would have given his "seal of approval" to the cause. Of course, I will be revisiting the topic of death in the "blog" when inspired to do so. After all, that's the only significant event remaining in my own life.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Culinary Con Artist
Yeah, I am illin' again. Relapse number two. I knew it was coming. A few days ago, I experienced an increase in post-nasal drip. On Monday, during my usual Hawai'i Kai visit, I was near exhaustion. I did not procrastinate and immediately administered the allergy relief medication to myself. Today, the relapse was in full swing. Restoring my extreme monk haircut only exacerbated the problem by increasing the ventilation to the oversized cranium. I experienced the chills while attempting to complete my cardio workout at the gym.
To aid in my speedy recovery, I treated myself to dinner at Panda Express® this evening. I really enjoyed the meal. Moms and I have not eaten there for three weeks now. Apparently, the food did not sit well with moms.
I am beginning to rethink my aversion to flu shots. The cold and flu viruses that are circulating now seem to be extremely potent. I have never had two relapses of the common cold in a row. Of course, the real root of the problem is the idiotic "chef" of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) fame. He's been coming back to the dump, presumably after boffing his alleged new "squeeze," at all hours of the night and early morning. Naturally, he has to prepare one of his organic "medicine man" concoctions no matter what time it is, all the while making a racket. So, sleep for me has been difficult.
One has to wonder about the "chef," the quintessential culinary con artist. He thinks quite highly of himself, probably because he's been dosing liberally with ground maca root. In reality, he's really a 30-year-old loser who is playing a confidence (read: con) game.
I have discovered the daily pay rate for substitute high school teachers in Honolulu. Based on a nine-month school year, the "chef" earns about $28,000 (before taxes) with no health plan, no paid vacation, and no retirement plan. After taxes, his disposable income would be $24,000 or so ($2,000 per month spread across twelve months). Deducting $700 for rent and $600 in student loan payments (if his parents did not pay it off for him), he would only have about $700 in disposable income per month. All his other expenses, including his costly organic habit and $140 monthly yoga class membership, would have to come out of that measly amount. That's really nothing to be smug about.
One has to wonder ... what kind of chick would fall for a guy like the "chef"? He's no "hunk," believe me. He has absolutely no future. He's stuck with substitute teaching. He's not taking massage therapy classes, so that career may be over before it started. And, how many babes could even keep a straight face after hearing him tell them about how he's going to make a killing in massage therapy? Hotties are especially "high maintenance," and the poor "chef" is not Big Money Grip.
The "chef" is probably looking for a babe to take care of him, pamper him, and financially support him. Lots of local guys have the same ambition, I'm afraid. Of course, the "chef" feels a natural superiority over the ol' lavahead. I have told him about how close I am to being penniless and homeless. All the while, I am laughing my ass off behind his back as he struts around the dump like a "hog with big nuts." Ground maca root can really work wonders, I suppose.
I am really hoping ... one could even say, praying ... that the "chef" bamboozles a chick, any chick, to "shack up" with him. Then, I would never have to deal with the fool ever again. Yet, it would only take her about a month to see just how weird he really is (e.g., spending six hours in the kitchen daily). Well, enough of the moron.
There's been very little to report that is not out of the ordinary. I can barely find anything newsworthy to include as a Mini-Update®. Sheesh!
Slob Manor Mini-Update®
Some people may wonder why Alan or Tom can't see through the culinary con artist's ruse. Both Alan and Tom are taken in by his awkward con jobs, most likely because he does give them the attention that they crave. In reality, the "chef" is just schmoozing them in order to increase his locus of control. Alan and Tom appear to have low testosterone (i.e., "Low-T") which have made them more gracile, less manly. The "chef" can sense that and uses it to his advantage.
Zero-Sum Game Mini-Update®
On the matter of spending six hours per day in the kitchen cookin up his organic "medicine man" concoctions, the "chef" is hoping to prolong his lifespan and live disease-free. Let's do the math now, shall we? Let's say that he keeps up the insane regimen for 35 years. Out of that time, he will spend the equivalent of 8.75 years in the kitchen. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
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Typical Relapse Hottie |
I am beginning to rethink my aversion to flu shots. The cold and flu viruses that are circulating now seem to be extremely potent. I have never had two relapses of the common cold in a row. Of course, the real root of the problem is the idiotic "chef" of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) fame. He's been coming back to the dump, presumably after boffing his alleged new "squeeze," at all hours of the night and early morning. Naturally, he has to prepare one of his organic "medicine man" concoctions no matter what time it is, all the while making a racket. So, sleep for me has been difficult.
One has to wonder about the "chef," the quintessential culinary con artist. He thinks quite highly of himself, probably because he's been dosing liberally with ground maca root. In reality, he's really a 30-year-old loser who is playing a confidence (read: con) game.
I have discovered the daily pay rate for substitute high school teachers in Honolulu. Based on a nine-month school year, the "chef" earns about $28,000 (before taxes) with no health plan, no paid vacation, and no retirement plan. After taxes, his disposable income would be $24,000 or so ($2,000 per month spread across twelve months). Deducting $700 for rent and $600 in student loan payments (if his parents did not pay it off for him), he would only have about $700 in disposable income per month. All his other expenses, including his costly organic habit and $140 monthly yoga class membership, would have to come out of that measly amount. That's really nothing to be smug about.
One has to wonder ... what kind of chick would fall for a guy like the "chef"? He's no "hunk," believe me. He has absolutely no future. He's stuck with substitute teaching. He's not taking massage therapy classes, so that career may be over before it started. And, how many babes could even keep a straight face after hearing him tell them about how he's going to make a killing in massage therapy? Hotties are especially "high maintenance," and the poor "chef" is not Big Money Grip.
The "chef" is probably looking for a babe to take care of him, pamper him, and financially support him. Lots of local guys have the same ambition, I'm afraid. Of course, the "chef" feels a natural superiority over the ol' lavahead. I have told him about how close I am to being penniless and homeless. All the while, I am laughing my ass off behind his back as he struts around the dump like a "hog with big nuts." Ground maca root can really work wonders, I suppose.
I am really hoping ... one could even say, praying ... that the "chef" bamboozles a chick, any chick, to "shack up" with him. Then, I would never have to deal with the fool ever again. Yet, it would only take her about a month to see just how weird he really is (e.g., spending six hours in the kitchen daily). Well, enough of the moron.
There's been very little to report that is not out of the ordinary. I can barely find anything newsworthy to include as a Mini-Update®. Sheesh!
Slob Manor Mini-Update®
Some people may wonder why Alan or Tom can't see through the culinary con artist's ruse. Both Alan and Tom are taken in by his awkward con jobs, most likely because he does give them the attention that they crave. In reality, the "chef" is just schmoozing them in order to increase his locus of control. Alan and Tom appear to have low testosterone (i.e., "Low-T") which have made them more gracile, less manly. The "chef" can sense that and uses it to his advantage.
Zero-Sum Game Mini-Update®
On the matter of spending six hours per day in the kitchen cookin up his organic "medicine man" concoctions, the "chef" is hoping to prolong his lifespan and live disease-free. Let's do the math now, shall we? Let's say that he keeps up the insane regimen for 35 years. Out of that time, he will spend the equivalent of 8.75 years in the kitchen. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Terminal Heartbeats
There was some dubious research a while back which correlated heart rate, mammilian size, and lifespan. Long story short, the main thesis was that mammals have an average finite number of heartbeats in their lifespans. We humans supposedly have somewhere around three billion heartbeats before we "kick the bucket."
With that said, I have accelerated my cardio workouts at the gym. I am up to 50 minutes at close to the peak heart rate for my age group (which is pathetically low). I am sweating profusely, so I am glad that I purchased the synthetic tank tops. I can perspire all I want because I hand wash them every night. But, I digress.
My resting heart rate is fairly high. And, I have spent most of my adult life engaged in heavy cardio workouts. And, remember when I used to do da wild thing with a babe about four or five times daily with a certain babe for over a year straight. Whew! I really "pushed the envelope" in my younger years. So, how many heartbeats do I have left? I believe that I am fairly close to the three billion mark already.
Well, I suppose that I could "keel over" at any time now. That's a comforting thought, eh? Don't laugh. Lots of people "keel over" at an early age. So, here I am, just "kickin' the can down the road," just wasting time when death could visit me in the next second. Oh, the irony! Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Slob Manor (Read:Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
From what I can gather, the "chef" has apparently "hooked up" with another babe. The pattern appears to be a mirror image of what transpired with his last "squeeze." The ground maca root is paying off already. Only four days at the yoga studio and ... he shoots, he scores!
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I am now purchasing a small serving of hot oatmeal at the fast joint in town as part of my breakfast regimen. It's old man food, so I am really getting to like it. Sheesh!
With that said, I have accelerated my cardio workouts at the gym. I am up to 50 minutes at close to the peak heart rate for my age group (which is pathetically low). I am sweating profusely, so I am glad that I purchased the synthetic tank tops. I can perspire all I want because I hand wash them every night. But, I digress.
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Typical Workout Hottie |
Well, I suppose that I could "keel over" at any time now. That's a comforting thought, eh? Don't laugh. Lots of people "keel over" at an early age. So, here I am, just "kickin' the can down the road," just wasting time when death could visit me in the next second. Oh, the irony! Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Slob Manor (Read:Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
From what I can gather, the "chef" has apparently "hooked up" with another babe. The pattern appears to be a mirror image of what transpired with his last "squeeze." The ground maca root is paying off already. Only four days at the yoga studio and ... he shoots, he scores!
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I am now purchasing a small serving of hot oatmeal at the fast joint in town as part of my breakfast regimen. It's old man food, so I am really getting to like it. Sheesh!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
ObamaScare Nightmare
Let me "cut to the chase" and cite two important articles that are archived on the Institute for Political Economy site:
Of particular importance is the information on Medicaid and the little known issue of "estate recovery." The affected age group is 55 years old and above. Yes, that includes all the senior citizens like the ol' lavahead.
With that said, I decided to peruse the Hawai'i Health Connector out of curiosity. I already knew that the health insurance premiums for my age group run about $500 to $700 per month without subsidies. That's for the cheapest plans (i.e., "Bronze" and "Silver"), by the way, with high deductibles and steep co-payments. However, with zero income, I don't qualify for any subsidies. Thus, if I can't afford the insurance premiums, I will automatically qualify for Medicaid.
Much to my surprise, the "asset test" has been completely removed from the enrollment criteria. So, my homeless buddy was absolutely correct when he claimed that "they are giving out health insurance for free." In other words, a millionaire with no income instantly qualifies for Medicare. Sounds great, eh?
Well, the "free" health insurance works best when the applicant has absolutely no assets or assets that are completely hidden from view. Otherwise, the nefarious "estate recovery" comes into play. If the Medicare recipient is single with no heirs, no problem-o. Upon death, the deceased's entire estate will simply be confiscated. No loss. In the case of leaving surviving family members, a spouse, or heirs ... well, read the cited articles again.
Insured wage slaves may simply dismiss ObamaScare as not being applicable to them. However, in these trying times, anything can happen. Employment or health insurance status can change overnight. Then, it will be "all over but the crying."
In my case, I have decided to put off the Medicaid decision. Yes, I will incur the $95 penalty on my tax return. However, it will accrue no interest if not paid. In addition, I have significant losses and deductions. So, the penalty may simply be canceled out.
Next year, I will not have to file the empire's tax return, only the state tax return. That's because I have no income. I had no income last year, but I must file the empire's tax return because of the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit. Anyway, I am guaranteed no income because Wall Street "sock puppet" and Fed chairperson, Janet Yellen, has promised to never raise interest rates ever again. So, no tax return, no penalty for no health insurance.
Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
The "chef" has apparently enrolled as a member in one of myriad yoga studios for $140 per month. He claims that the main reason is because yoga will help with his surfing. Yeah, right. He seems to be more concerned about "hooking up" with as many of the hotties in class as possible. He's already worked up a game plan to "get laid," which he disclosed to Alan. He also described the numerous yoga babes in lurid detail. Obviously, since his parents paid off his $50,000 debt, he has "money to burn." That's why he spent over $500 on three small kitchen appliances (i.e., heavy-duty blender, exotic food processor, and programmable slow cooker) a couple of weeks ago. He also continually stocks about five pounds of ground maca root, which is an important ingredient in his "medicine man" concoctions. And, it's also the cause of his aggressive behavior and increased libido.
- "Obamacare: A Deception"
- "Obamacare: The Final Payment – Raiding the Assets of Low-Income and Poor Americans"
Of particular importance is the information on Medicaid and the little known issue of "estate recovery." The affected age group is 55 years old and above. Yes, that includes all the senior citizens like the ol' lavahead.
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Typical Healthy Hottie |
Much to my surprise, the "asset test" has been completely removed from the enrollment criteria. So, my homeless buddy was absolutely correct when he claimed that "they are giving out health insurance for free." In other words, a millionaire with no income instantly qualifies for Medicare. Sounds great, eh?
Well, the "free" health insurance works best when the applicant has absolutely no assets or assets that are completely hidden from view. Otherwise, the nefarious "estate recovery" comes into play. If the Medicare recipient is single with no heirs, no problem-o. Upon death, the deceased's entire estate will simply be confiscated. No loss. In the case of leaving surviving family members, a spouse, or heirs ... well, read the cited articles again.
Insured wage slaves may simply dismiss ObamaScare as not being applicable to them. However, in these trying times, anything can happen. Employment or health insurance status can change overnight. Then, it will be "all over but the crying."
In my case, I have decided to put off the Medicaid decision. Yes, I will incur the $95 penalty on my tax return. However, it will accrue no interest if not paid. In addition, I have significant losses and deductions. So, the penalty may simply be canceled out.
Next year, I will not have to file the empire's tax return, only the state tax return. That's because I have no income. I had no income last year, but I must file the empire's tax return because of the sale of the detestable "condotel" unit. Anyway, I am guaranteed no income because Wall Street "sock puppet" and Fed chairperson, Janet Yellen, has promised to never raise interest rates ever again. So, no tax return, no penalty for no health insurance.
Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
The "chef" has apparently enrolled as a member in one of myriad yoga studios for $140 per month. He claims that the main reason is because yoga will help with his surfing. Yeah, right. He seems to be more concerned about "hooking up" with as many of the hotties in class as possible. He's already worked up a game plan to "get laid," which he disclosed to Alan. He also described the numerous yoga babes in lurid detail. Obviously, since his parents paid off his $50,000 debt, he has "money to burn." That's why he spent over $500 on three small kitchen appliances (i.e., heavy-duty blender, exotic food processor, and programmable slow cooker) a couple of weeks ago. He also continually stocks about five pounds of ground maca root, which is an important ingredient in his "medicine man" concoctions. And, it's also the cause of his aggressive behavior and increased libido.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Thoughts on Real Threats
We already know that the "chef" of Slob Manor (read: rental housing) fame is a paranoid "conspiracy theory" nutjob. He's fretting over chemtrails, alleged concentration camps of empire, loss of the right to bear arms, takeover by a totalitarian regime, amongst other popular scenarios. That's why he purchased a shotgun, which is stashed in squalid room. He's also in complete fear of being poisoned by his food. What a maroon!
I am not going to deny that I, too, have often contemplated more than my fair share of ludicrous ideas. I am not going to dismiss them outright, though. There is probably a time in the near future when extreme Draconian measures will be forcefully exacted upon the empire's rank-and-file peons. Some kind of collapse would be the precursor.
There are a number of scenarios which are in play and have cleared the "conspiracy theory" stigma. They are fact, and they will indeed precipitate collapse of one kind or another. Let's discuss them now, shall we?
Global Climate Change. There is no doubt that human activity, now encompassing nearly the entire planet, has caused an increase in greenhouse gases. The result, an average global temperature rise of just a few degrees centigrade. That's the crux of "global warming." To the casual onlooker, such a small temperature differential sounds ludicrous. However, the operant term is "average." The rising temperatures are not only causing the melting of Artic and Antarctic ice formations. Weather is being severely affected. And, the Pacific Ocean jet stream is also being influenced.
Overpopulation. Humans (i.e., chimpo sapiens) are the only large animal species surpassing the seven billion population mark. No other large animal even comes close. Humans are intelligent enough to realize that, when species populations go out of balance, the inclusive ecosystems will suffer. We've seen the results of invasive species as they overtake a local ecosystem. Why can't we see that we have become a global invasive species? Overpopulation, of course, can be tied to most of the problems we face today, including global climate change, pollution, food scarcity, disease, diminishing resources, and so forth.
Casino Economics. The last ten years or so have seen the rise of rigged economic systems and fraudulent financial markets. The purpose, of course, was to prevent the entire financial "system" from collapsing. Unfortunately, the fundamentals were cast aside or ignored. Every effort was made to "goose" the markets and support them with endless "printed" money. Propaganda and "goosed" statistics were used to further the ruse. More and more "bubbles" formed. Sooner or later, though, the "bubbles" must pop. The larger the "bubble," the bigger the pop will be.
Global Conflicts. Wars amongst humans have probably preceded time, but we are now in a period of extreme instability. Overpopulation, diminishing resources, and megalomania contribute to a volatile environment. Numerous regional wars have been instigated in order to relieve the pressure for another global war. Unfortunately, there are so many "spheres of influence" and proximity logistics that a small controlled conflagration could easily cause unintended consequences. One wrong move and a global thermonuclear war will easily erupt.
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Meltdown. The continuing and escalating problems at the defunct Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant warrant its own category. From what we know, there are four nuclear reactors that have gone into meltdown. Most likely all four reactor cores have breeched their containment vessels and have bored their way below the surface. There are a number of spent fuel rod containment vessels suspended above ground which have lost structural integrity due to numerous explosions. The roofs of the containments no longer exist.
An enormous amount of water has been pumped into those containments as well as into the reactor cores in order to stabilize the temperatures. Unfortunately, a large amount of radioactive vapor has been sent into the atmosphere along with the debris and vapor from the initial explosions. Lots of radioactive water has also poured into the Pacific Ocean.
The radioactive vapor in the atmosphere has been following the trajectory of the Northern Pacific Ocean jet stream. Thus, it has been flowing over the Northern Hemisphere and landing along the West Coast of empire. Global climate change has, however, affected the jet stream. So, Hawai'i is now included in the lower fringe.
Debris from tsunami that hit Fukushima has been recently sighted and confirmed off of the shores of Hawai'i. If the debris is landing here, then we must assume that the radioactive water is also following the same currents.
The main concern is Cesium-137 "hotspot" radiation. A conventional radiation monitor is unlikely to sense any ambient radioactivity because Cesium-137 is dispersed as tiny radioactive particles (with a half-life of 150 years). Within a given volume of air or water, the total radiation may seem trivial. However, if the tiny particle is ingested, it will lodge itself somewhere in its host's body. The particle itself has enough concentrated radiation to cause damage at the cellular level. Hence, if the radiation leakage at Fukushima is not completely contained soon, it will pose an increasing threat across the entire planet.
Fools. There are just too many fools, brain donors, and nutjobs running amuck such that collapse is imminent. Idiots like the "chef" pose a danger to others because their paranoia is misdirected at the wrong (or non-existent) agents. In the meantime, the real threats continue unabated, unhindered, and unchecked.
Taking three showers per day, eating organic concoctions that "taste like shit," using organic amenities, and stashing a shotgun in his squalid room will do nothing to protect the "chef" from the real threats in the real world. At the least, we can be comforted that he can shoot himself with his gun when times get worse. One less mouth to feed. One less moron to contend with.
The majority of the empire's population are idiots anyway. I am not joking when I keep pointing out that the fools are content to piddle around with their "smartphones" all day long, even while they are supposed to be performing wage slavery. I have been monitoring the morons' activities on their "smartphones" when possible. Lots of video games, fiddling with the music player, text messaging, and watching flicks or tube nonsense. The number one activity, though, is Facebook®. Yeah, that's right. Hours and hours of useless social networking.
End Game. Whether anyone believes it or not, we are rapidly moving toward some kind of collapse. Worst of all, the scenarios presented above will cascade laterally into several major crises. At that particular point, there may not be any possible recovery. We can't rely on technology to save us. Technology is the major culprit. In any case, there won't be a best case scenario.
Are we past the point of no return? Yes. Ruminate on the scenarios presented and attempt to visualize a turnaround of any of them. Not possible. The problems are accelerating. All that's left is ... game over!
I am not going to deny that I, too, have often contemplated more than my fair share of ludicrous ideas. I am not going to dismiss them outright, though. There is probably a time in the near future when extreme Draconian measures will be forcefully exacted upon the empire's rank-and-file peons. Some kind of collapse would be the precursor.
There are a number of scenarios which are in play and have cleared the "conspiracy theory" stigma. They are fact, and they will indeed precipitate collapse of one kind or another. Let's discuss them now, shall we?
Global Climate Change. There is no doubt that human activity, now encompassing nearly the entire planet, has caused an increase in greenhouse gases. The result, an average global temperature rise of just a few degrees centigrade. That's the crux of "global warming." To the casual onlooker, such a small temperature differential sounds ludicrous. However, the operant term is "average." The rising temperatures are not only causing the melting of Artic and Antarctic ice formations. Weather is being severely affected. And, the Pacific Ocean jet stream is also being influenced.
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Typical Non-Invasive Hottie |
Casino Economics. The last ten years or so have seen the rise of rigged economic systems and fraudulent financial markets. The purpose, of course, was to prevent the entire financial "system" from collapsing. Unfortunately, the fundamentals were cast aside or ignored. Every effort was made to "goose" the markets and support them with endless "printed" money. Propaganda and "goosed" statistics were used to further the ruse. More and more "bubbles" formed. Sooner or later, though, the "bubbles" must pop. The larger the "bubble," the bigger the pop will be.
Global Conflicts. Wars amongst humans have probably preceded time, but we are now in a period of extreme instability. Overpopulation, diminishing resources, and megalomania contribute to a volatile environment. Numerous regional wars have been instigated in order to relieve the pressure for another global war. Unfortunately, there are so many "spheres of influence" and proximity logistics that a small controlled conflagration could easily cause unintended consequences. One wrong move and a global thermonuclear war will easily erupt.
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Meltdown. The continuing and escalating problems at the defunct Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant warrant its own category. From what we know, there are four nuclear reactors that have gone into meltdown. Most likely all four reactor cores have breeched their containment vessels and have bored their way below the surface. There are a number of spent fuel rod containment vessels suspended above ground which have lost structural integrity due to numerous explosions. The roofs of the containments no longer exist.
An enormous amount of water has been pumped into those containments as well as into the reactor cores in order to stabilize the temperatures. Unfortunately, a large amount of radioactive vapor has been sent into the atmosphere along with the debris and vapor from the initial explosions. Lots of radioactive water has also poured into the Pacific Ocean.
The radioactive vapor in the atmosphere has been following the trajectory of the Northern Pacific Ocean jet stream. Thus, it has been flowing over the Northern Hemisphere and landing along the West Coast of empire. Global climate change has, however, affected the jet stream. So, Hawai'i is now included in the lower fringe.
Debris from tsunami that hit Fukushima has been recently sighted and confirmed off of the shores of Hawai'i. If the debris is landing here, then we must assume that the radioactive water is also following the same currents.
The main concern is Cesium-137 "hotspot" radiation. A conventional radiation monitor is unlikely to sense any ambient radioactivity because Cesium-137 is dispersed as tiny radioactive particles (with a half-life of 150 years). Within a given volume of air or water, the total radiation may seem trivial. However, if the tiny particle is ingested, it will lodge itself somewhere in its host's body. The particle itself has enough concentrated radiation to cause damage at the cellular level. Hence, if the radiation leakage at Fukushima is not completely contained soon, it will pose an increasing threat across the entire planet.
Fools. There are just too many fools, brain donors, and nutjobs running amuck such that collapse is imminent. Idiots like the "chef" pose a danger to others because their paranoia is misdirected at the wrong (or non-existent) agents. In the meantime, the real threats continue unabated, unhindered, and unchecked.
Taking three showers per day, eating organic concoctions that "taste like shit," using organic amenities, and stashing a shotgun in his squalid room will do nothing to protect the "chef" from the real threats in the real world. At the least, we can be comforted that he can shoot himself with his gun when times get worse. One less mouth to feed. One less moron to contend with.
The majority of the empire's population are idiots anyway. I am not joking when I keep pointing out that the fools are content to piddle around with their "smartphones" all day long, even while they are supposed to be performing wage slavery. I have been monitoring the morons' activities on their "smartphones" when possible. Lots of video games, fiddling with the music player, text messaging, and watching flicks or tube nonsense. The number one activity, though, is Facebook®. Yeah, that's right. Hours and hours of useless social networking.
End Game. Whether anyone believes it or not, we are rapidly moving toward some kind of collapse. Worst of all, the scenarios presented above will cascade laterally into several major crises. At that particular point, there may not be any possible recovery. We can't rely on technology to save us. Technology is the major culprit. In any case, there won't be a best case scenario.
Are we past the point of no return? Yes. Ruminate on the scenarios presented and attempt to visualize a turnaround of any of them. Not possible. The problems are accelerating. All that's left is ... game over!
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Homeless Report - February
A couple of weeks ago, the local newspaper featured a front page article about the unsolved homicides of five homeless guy in the span of two months. No suspects. No motives. No one really cares anyway. The probable cause, as far as I can ascertain, is a series of botched robberies or bad drug deals. As I mentioned previously, there are groups of predators traveling as threesomes specifically targeting the homeless while victim is sleeping. If the victim awakens during the attempted robbery, the predators bludgeon the latter. The more savvy homeless simply continue to feign sleep during the robbery. As for illicit drug deals, that goes without saying. If the homeless victim fails to pay for the product ... game over!
Not a day goes by without some kind of article, opinion piece, or letter from a reader appearing in print about the homeless. Frankly, the homeless situation is way out of control, far worse than most people realize.
Nearly every bus stop shelter is occupied by homeless squatters. There are tents set up in nearly all of the parks in town. Some of the tents are sitting on public sidewalks. Shopping carts filled with luggage and other personal effects can be seen parked anywhere and everywhere during the day.
There are also a number of extremely transient homeless. They are constantly on the move during the daylight hours. Then, after 10pm, they return to their "camp," usually one of the regional beach parks, public parks, abandoned public school campuses, and empty fields. When the sun rises in the morning, they stow their stuff away in a secret location and are on the move again until dark.
Waikiki and Chinatown both host a large number of homeless. There are so many homeless that few of them really need to go incognito during daylight hours. Yes, they are everywhere. Needless to say, the furor over the homeless proliferating in tourist areas has reached a fever pitch.
The influx of new homeless is mind-boggling. A large percentage are immigrating from the mainland empire. Pacific Islanders (i.e., Micronesians, Marshall Islanders, Samoans) and Asians make up the remaining demographic. Asian immigrants (i.e., Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese) and Filipino immigrants end up staying en masse with "relatives," so very few of them wind up on the streets.
We can expect large increases in thefts, muggings, homeless murders, illicit drug and alcohol abuse, vagrancies, and general nuisances in the near future. Hawai'i is "going to hell in a hand basket." Otherwise, no future updates about the homeless situation are necessary, unless even more ridiculous nonsense ensues.
Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
The "chef" has really gone "bonkers." He now chops and stores all kinds of organic vegetables in small plastic containers in the fridge. They are the main ingredients for a sickening green smoothie which he concocts in a blender. He appears to have converted himself to an organic vegan and "medicine man." He now substitutes coconut milk and red beans for animal protein, although he still consumes organic eggs. Alan is also on a diet, but he's only cutting down on his caloric intake. Alan's quality of food is obviously still way below the standards of the "chef."
Flappy Bird Mini-Update®
Thank goodness, the damned thing has been mummified by its creator. Never downloaded it. Never played with it.
Not a day goes by without some kind of article, opinion piece, or letter from a reader appearing in print about the homeless. Frankly, the homeless situation is way out of control, far worse than most people realize.
Nearly every bus stop shelter is occupied by homeless squatters. There are tents set up in nearly all of the parks in town. Some of the tents are sitting on public sidewalks. Shopping carts filled with luggage and other personal effects can be seen parked anywhere and everywhere during the day.
There are also a number of extremely transient homeless. They are constantly on the move during the daylight hours. Then, after 10pm, they return to their "camp," usually one of the regional beach parks, public parks, abandoned public school campuses, and empty fields. When the sun rises in the morning, they stow their stuff away in a secret location and are on the move again until dark.
Waikiki and Chinatown both host a large number of homeless. There are so many homeless that few of them really need to go incognito during daylight hours. Yes, they are everywhere. Needless to say, the furor over the homeless proliferating in tourist areas has reached a fever pitch.
The influx of new homeless is mind-boggling. A large percentage are immigrating from the mainland empire. Pacific Islanders (i.e., Micronesians, Marshall Islanders, Samoans) and Asians make up the remaining demographic. Asian immigrants (i.e., Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese) and Filipino immigrants end up staying en masse with "relatives," so very few of them wind up on the streets.
We can expect large increases in thefts, muggings, homeless murders, illicit drug and alcohol abuse, vagrancies, and general nuisances in the near future. Hawai'i is "going to hell in a hand basket." Otherwise, no future updates about the homeless situation are necessary, unless even more ridiculous nonsense ensues.
Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
The "chef" has really gone "bonkers." He now chops and stores all kinds of organic vegetables in small plastic containers in the fridge. They are the main ingredients for a sickening green smoothie which he concocts in a blender. He appears to have converted himself to an organic vegan and "medicine man." He now substitutes coconut milk and red beans for animal protein, although he still consumes organic eggs. Alan is also on a diet, but he's only cutting down on his caloric intake. Alan's quality of food is obviously still way below the standards of the "chef."
Flappy Bird Mini-Update®
Thank goodness, the damned thing has been mummified by its creator. Never downloaded it. Never played with it.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Stoneface - February
Yes, it's time for another ol' lavahead update. Actually, very little has changed since the last update. In addition, I have posted tidbits whenever possible. In all honesty, I have lost interest in everything. I have stopped reading books. I barely peruse the news media. I am sick and tired of finance and economics, both rigged anyway. I have exited the "ownership society" permanently. I have not taken up any new interests, hobbies, or sports. And, obviously, I have no social life. Heck, even the "blog" has lost its luster.
My only concern now is maintaining some semblance of peace of mind in the timeslice of the moment. Enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning and working out at the gym are my only two event priorities. The evening outing only serves the purpose of procuring dinner somewhere. Nothing more, nothing less. Frankly, there is nothing more.
The old journal and old "blog" stand as testimony to the fact that our lives are a zero-sum game. There's no meaning or purpose. There's no "grand scheme of things," only the ridiculously contrived ideologies of an entire legacy of paranoid controllers. In the present time, we refer to the controllers as the moneychangers and powers-that-be. Controllers want order. The more order that is imposed on a "system" (of sorts), the more disorder results.
So, what's on my mind? Mortality. Death. Truth. They are all synonymous. With that said, I spend some of my ample spare time in engineering further methods to increase the latter. Why would I need more spare time? Freedom, my friends. All animals desire to be free, at least while they are alive.
I had contemplated the reiteration of many of my more salient points of truth into a few postings in the new "blog." Why bother? All that needs to be said has already been stated, albeit in a disorderly fashion. Yet, it's all there in the "blog" and journal archives.
Gym Workouts. I have recently increased the duration of both my weight and cardio workouts, coincident with the inauguration of my new gym attire made of synthetic material. Since, the gym is the only priority on my daily agenda, I may as well exploit it.
Hurdy-Gurdy Video Library (HGVL). Since I have so little time left and no babes (including you-know-who) have come around, I decided to partially resurrect the HGVL ... well, only for hurdy-gurdy hottie, Gianna Capone. So, there is now one HD video clip of baby on the "mobile pr0n terminal (MPT) ... errr, tablet computer. Should I worry about the negative effects of "pr0n"? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! I'm an old codger now. The Vienna Sausage could self-mummify at any moment. I don't need to worry about "pr0n."
Well, not much of an update, eh? Stoneface ... that's the new moniker for the ol' lavahead updates. No telling when the next update will come. Now, for the more mundane stuff ...
Surveillance Mini-Update®
The Google® surveillance gauntlet continues ad nauseam. So tiring. So boring. When will it end?
Slob Manor Mini-Update®
The "chef" has been displaying more complex symptoms of psychopathology. He's still spending upwards of six hours daily in the kitchen, obviously whipping up more ludicrous organic food concoctions. He's now purchasing organic seasoning. He's also using organic toothpaste, organic soap, organic shampoo, organic asswipe paper, and organic deoderant. He has not attended any massage therapy classes since November either. Most likely, his parents have paid off his $50,000 student loan debt. So, he apparently has got money to burn. Oh, he's actively looking for a new "squeeze," too.
My only concern now is maintaining some semblance of peace of mind in the timeslice of the moment. Enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning and working out at the gym are my only two event priorities. The evening outing only serves the purpose of procuring dinner somewhere. Nothing more, nothing less. Frankly, there is nothing more.
The old journal and old "blog" stand as testimony to the fact that our lives are a zero-sum game. There's no meaning or purpose. There's no "grand scheme of things," only the ridiculously contrived ideologies of an entire legacy of paranoid controllers. In the present time, we refer to the controllers as the moneychangers and powers-that-be. Controllers want order. The more order that is imposed on a "system" (of sorts), the more disorder results.
So, what's on my mind? Mortality. Death. Truth. They are all synonymous. With that said, I spend some of my ample spare time in engineering further methods to increase the latter. Why would I need more spare time? Freedom, my friends. All animals desire to be free, at least while they are alive.
I had contemplated the reiteration of many of my more salient points of truth into a few postings in the new "blog." Why bother? All that needs to be said has already been stated, albeit in a disorderly fashion. Yet, it's all there in the "blog" and journal archives.
Gym Workouts. I have recently increased the duration of both my weight and cardio workouts, coincident with the inauguration of my new gym attire made of synthetic material. Since, the gym is the only priority on my daily agenda, I may as well exploit it.
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Gianna Capone |
Well, not much of an update, eh? Stoneface ... that's the new moniker for the ol' lavahead updates. No telling when the next update will come. Now, for the more mundane stuff ...
Surveillance Mini-Update®
The Google® surveillance gauntlet continues ad nauseam. So tiring. So boring. When will it end?
Slob Manor Mini-Update®
The "chef" has been displaying more complex symptoms of psychopathology. He's still spending upwards of six hours daily in the kitchen, obviously whipping up more ludicrous organic food concoctions. He's now purchasing organic seasoning. He's also using organic toothpaste, organic soap, organic shampoo, organic asswipe paper, and organic deoderant. He has not attended any massage therapy classes since November either. Most likely, his parents have paid off his $50,000 student loan debt. So, he apparently has got money to burn. Oh, he's actively looking for a new "squeeze," too.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Neanderthal Mashup
Modern humans have several fragments of Neanderthal DNA, which suggests that the chimpo sapiens did indeed manage to mate successfully with at least one of the other proto-human species. The implications are, of course, broad and potentially volatile.
First, the "purest" humans are most likely only found in Africa, where all species of humans are said to have originated. European and East Asian humans have some traces of the Neanderthal (and possibly Denisovan) genome due to interspecies commingling.
Modern human mitochondrial and Y-chromosome DNA has traced human origins to Africa. Nearly the entire migration pattern out of Africa has also been mapped. Neanderthals and Denisovans (both extinct) were proto-human species, both of which migrated much earlier out of Africa.
In other words, the African "Negro" is the original and purest form of chimpo sapiens. Genetic drift and interspecies DNA dilution account for the rest of what we call humanity. Nearly every foolish belief about "races," ethnicity, genetic inferiority, "pedigrees," and bloodlines are just "hogwash." We are all related, as we have common ancestors way in the deep past.
Barring the extremely unlikely existence of a creative deity, we could extrapolate our lineage right back to ancestral apes and chimpanzees. In other words, we have animal roots. Thus, we are animals, too. The whole of the failed "civilization" paradigm and dominion entitlements can be discarded. Everything we believe is "hogwash."
Accepting the fact that we are animals means that we must discard foolish religious beliefs. The Church of Evolution will be the only credible edifice left standing. Yet, the church has no dogma, no morality, no sin, no commandments, no rituals, no vestments, no priests, and absolutely no deity to worship. A strange, albeit refreshing, church indeed.
So, what's the point? All animals want to be free. In our case, real knowledge can set us free. The Church of Evolution, like the Church of Quantum Physics and the Church of "Big Bang" Cosmology, can emancipate us from the tyranny of human stupidity.
Nearly every aspect of human existence is a state of dominion. We could probably trace the beginnings of the deranged ideology to persons with extreme views on control, that is, a small percentage of the population who must exact tortuous amounts of coercion on everyone and everything. Whereas, the majority of the population are more quiescent in nature, always capitulating to the demands of the controllers. All in all, quite similar to the "pecking order" in avian species.
The "pecking order" and the expansion and amplification of locus of control are issues that have come to the forefront quite recently. The controllers do not wish to grant freedom to anyone. They themselves are not free. Rather, the controllers are locked in a petty internal battle over control of their own psyches. Failing at that, they must use the vehicle of projection to enforce control over all that is external to them. If they cannot control, they lose control (of themselves). That is the so-called "human condition" in a nutshell.
Food Poisoning Mini-Update®
The food poisoning ordeal officially ended on Thursday evening when I procured three bean burritos with lots of hot sauce at Taco Bell® for dinner. Yum!
Tablet Computer Mini-Update®
In an attempt to convert the tablet computer to a passive consumption device, I downloaded free "apps" for free flicks and free Net radio. Alas, so formulaic, so boring, too much advertising ... kind of like a certain capstone football game. The "apps" were immediately mummified.
First, the "purest" humans are most likely only found in Africa, where all species of humans are said to have originated. European and East Asian humans have some traces of the Neanderthal (and possibly Denisovan) genome due to interspecies commingling.
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Typical Modern Human Hottie |
In other words, the African "Negro" is the original and purest form of chimpo sapiens. Genetic drift and interspecies DNA dilution account for the rest of what we call humanity. Nearly every foolish belief about "races," ethnicity, genetic inferiority, "pedigrees," and bloodlines are just "hogwash." We are all related, as we have common ancestors way in the deep past.
Barring the extremely unlikely existence of a creative deity, we could extrapolate our lineage right back to ancestral apes and chimpanzees. In other words, we have animal roots. Thus, we are animals, too. The whole of the failed "civilization" paradigm and dominion entitlements can be discarded. Everything we believe is "hogwash."
Accepting the fact that we are animals means that we must discard foolish religious beliefs. The Church of Evolution will be the only credible edifice left standing. Yet, the church has no dogma, no morality, no sin, no commandments, no rituals, no vestments, no priests, and absolutely no deity to worship. A strange, albeit refreshing, church indeed.
So, what's the point? All animals want to be free. In our case, real knowledge can set us free. The Church of Evolution, like the Church of Quantum Physics and the Church of "Big Bang" Cosmology, can emancipate us from the tyranny of human stupidity.
Nearly every aspect of human existence is a state of dominion. We could probably trace the beginnings of the deranged ideology to persons with extreme views on control, that is, a small percentage of the population who must exact tortuous amounts of coercion on everyone and everything. Whereas, the majority of the population are more quiescent in nature, always capitulating to the demands of the controllers. All in all, quite similar to the "pecking order" in avian species.
The "pecking order" and the expansion and amplification of locus of control are issues that have come to the forefront quite recently. The controllers do not wish to grant freedom to anyone. They themselves are not free. Rather, the controllers are locked in a petty internal battle over control of their own psyches. Failing at that, they must use the vehicle of projection to enforce control over all that is external to them. If they cannot control, they lose control (of themselves). That is the so-called "human condition" in a nutshell.
Food Poisoning Mini-Update®
The food poisoning ordeal officially ended on Thursday evening when I procured three bean burritos with lots of hot sauce at Taco Bell® for dinner. Yum!
Tablet Computer Mini-Update®
In an attempt to convert the tablet computer to a passive consumption device, I downloaded free "apps" for free flicks and free Net radio. Alas, so formulaic, so boring, too much advertising ... kind of like a certain capstone football game. The "apps" were immediately mummified.
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