Everyone's in a hurry. No matter where I am, people are scurrying around me as though I am standing still. Driving a motor vehicle is an even worse nightmare. The resulting stupidity and recklessness is of no surprise. Is the necessity to shave off a couple of seconds of time worth the effort?
Silence, Little Lamb! |
I am finding that I am completely out of touch with the modern life-style. Take the use of "smartphones," for example. My currently active, albeit cheap, "smartphone" is rarely powered on. Thus, I am not perpetually "connected." That can work against me, as is the case with securing affordable rental housing. A perpetually "connected" candidate will be able to view a posted listing in real time and call the prospective landlord immediately. The latter is just one example. The few people who refuse to be perpetually "connected" are at a severe disadvantage.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
No one wants to wait for anything anymore. Instant gratification has been taken to ludicrous levels. Only the economically disenfranchised are forced to wait for long periods of time. Riding the bus is an example. The more affluent classes can afford to purchase and maintain an automobile, with which they speed around recklessly to go nowhere as rapidly as possible.
Typical Speedy Hottie |
The need for speed generates high levels of stress, probably more than the threat of homelessness. Little wonder why 70 percent of the populace of empire is medicated with anti-depressants. The contraindications of anti-depressants include inflated self-esteem, delusions of grandeur, narcissistic tendencies, aggressive behavior, and feelings of invincibility. Sound familiar?
Typical Routine Hotties |
The routine remains the same. The Hawai'i Kai visits continue as well. Moms is doing fine. I am beginning to wonder if moms will survive beyond the lifespan of my bro, my sister-in-law, and myself.
Typical Endorsed Hottie |
Incidentally, my homeless buddy (who is Vietnamese) had endorsed my decision to remain in Hawai'i while moms is alive. "You only have one mother," he had told me. "Everything else will work out." Loyalty to family runs deep in all Asian cultures. Why?
Typical Mendicant Hottie |
Anyway, I must begin to plan for the contingency if moms passes on earlier than expected. I must relocate to an area, in or out of empire, more suited to my mendicant, agoraphobic, and
pariah ways. Any suggestions?
Typical Young Hottie |
I will also commence the search for a beat-up minivan (i.e., homeless motorhome) as well as a suitable overnight parking venue. Time and money are both depleting rapidly.
Well, on a somewhat related note (the need for a car in Paradise) our little experiment with living out in Hawaii Kai with the daughter has more or less crashed and burned, mainly because it takes Uncle Frank's Limo about an hour and a half just to get downtown, and about an hour to Whacky Key, including a mandatory transfer at the Kahala Money Pit to either the Beach Bus, or the grossly unreliable Rt. 23. Holy shit, I do like riding TheBus (it's the grimmest and most bizarre show in town. Pure entertainment.) but the wife does not. And, I just gotta go to Chinatown at least 3-4 times a week to my fav bakery across from the Ross store, or the Love's day-old shop down the street for a fruit pie (slightly stale and somewhat crushed with busted crusts) but you can't be an old fart without patronizing the day-old shops for stale bakery items. Yup, Hawaii Kai is nearly as bad as Whacky Key in the Shit Heel Dept., lots of rich fucks all over the place, but at least it's closer to Don Quixote and cheap food.