Life for the ol' lavahead continues to spiral downward into the abyss. He is now begging the handful of remaining readers of the "blog" to "abandon ship." There is no reconciliation, no absolution, just an upcoming horrid ending not even worthy of delineation.
Silence, Little Lamb! |
To add insult to injury, the cheap "smartphone" has been designated the command center of doom. Say what? All current and future operations will be controlled through the cheap "smartphone." The aforementioned horrid ending will also be directed through the device.
Typical Terse Hottie |
With that said, any future postings or updates to the "blog" will only be executed in terse mode. That is, if there are any more posts or updates.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but your Blog may be the oldest continously running weblog in the WWW. Exsqueeze me? Stop? Dincontinue? No more? I had expected the ol' blog to go on forever, just like those comic strips, like Nancy and Prince Valient and Blondie. The original authors/artists died decades ago, but others carry on where they left off. This must be. There can be no thought of stopping.