Friday, December 19, 2014


Working out at the gym remains a priority. If I had my way, the daily agenda would only include the latter activity. Well, loitering at the coffee shop is also a top priority. Nothing more, nothing less. I am an old codger now. I desire to be free of the ills and concerns of the young and the foolish. I don't need to be "out there" in the quest to be somebody. A simple life as a nobody is all that I need. What else can I do? My potential savior, a certain fitness and training hottie, does not want to come around. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Anyway, as I mentioned previously, I have resumed leg workouts. What I didn't mention is that the resumption has come about after a 20-year hiatus. I once foolishly assumed that the cardio workouts on the cross-training machines would provide adequate leg muscle toning. Wrong-O! Several weeks ago, I made the startling discovery that my leg muscles had turned into flab. I was flabbergasted. So, I am now following a new weight regimen for legs. Of course, the process has not been painless. The bottom line? Don't wait until 60 years of age to restart a workout regimen.

There is a method to my madness, so to speak. Keeping all of the primary muscle groups toned and firm reduces the stress on the bones and joints in our skeletal structure. Without that support, our bones and joints rapidly deteriorate resulting in grotesque skeletal deformations. There is also a "point of no return" for our muscles. That's when flabbiness becomes permanent. Then, toning becomes impossible.

I would urge everyone to observe all of the senior citizens in your locale regardless of your age. That's the future right in front of you. A good percentage of senior citizens are out of shape or in poor physical condition, some of whom are not as old as they appear. They have simply "let themselves go." Many of their ailments and disabilities were avoidable. Now, they must accept the resulting pain and deformities as a permanent problem. The only relief, of course, is a battery of medications. Why willingly choose that route?

In a possible dystopian future, when all resources become scarce, the pogrom of eugenics (i.e., mass genocide) may wield its ugly head again. The elderly, the infirm, and the chronically ill would be the first candidates slated for elimination. A "buffed" senior citizen would probably be able to physically resist any attempt at internment. Better to be fit than sorry.

Surveillance Mini-Update®
I mentioned that the cheap "smartphone" had automatically downloaded an alleged system update, which instead added a "smart" contacts and phone dialer "app." I signed in with my Yahoo! account as required only to discover that there was a long list of alleged contacts. I recognized only a few. I then signed onto the Yahoo! Web site to delete the contacts. Nada. What happened? Where did the nefarious "app" obtain the contacts list? Yeah, surveillance. Fortunately, I could disable the "app." Is it time to rid myself of my Yahoo! account?

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