Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Human Comedy

Last night, I Spent about three hours viewing various programs on RT (formerly known as Russia Today) I really didn't feel like doing much else. I am still illin' after all. RT is refreshing, a "breath of fresh air." And, I finally feel as though I am being properly informed. Many people may disagree, preferring to rely on the corporate-sponsored media of empire. Few critics actually spend any time with RT, so that presents a credibility problem. Anyway, I urge everyone to check out the programs on [deleted].

This morning at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing), Alan said that he is now attempting to secure a room in the Plumeria Hostel that is comprised of two or more old walk-up apartment buildings. The reviews of the accomodations are mixed. There are short-term and longer-term rentals, relatively speaking, and the rates seem to be fairly high. The only redeeming factor appears to be the tourists who stay there on vacation. Otherwise, the longer-term rentals are somewhat similar in quality and type of residents as the disgusting Chinatown dormitory. Anyway, Alan has submitted a reservation for a room. So, he may be moving in there as early as this Friday.

By the way, I spoke with the landlord of Chaos Manor last night, deploying my cheap "smartphone" for the first time. My tentative move to Waimanalo has been pushed up to next week. There appears to be no hurry now. The landlord's most pressing concern, from what I could ascertain, is to get Alan to move out as soon as possible. It is ludicrous, I know. That's the essence of the grand human comedy. Oh, how I wish to distance myself from human folly! Unfortunately, as long as I am in proximity with other humans, then I will be privy to myriad low-grade sitcom scenarios.

When I arrived back at Chaos Manor in the afternoon, I observed all of Alan's new plastic storage containers lying on the floor in the common area. Alan has labeled each container with a description of its pending contents. He sorted out what looks to me like trash and placed them in the labeled containers. So, what's really happening is that Alan is transferring the accumulated useless junk and trash from the stacks of boxes in his squalid room into the new containers. Nearly everything, and I am being serious, could simply be discarded or thrown into the recycle bin. The plan, I suppose, is that he will move all of that junk into the tiny hostel room. My guess is that Alan will be evicted from the Plumeria Hostel within two weeks after moving in.

The Plumeria Hostel, from what I gleaned in the reviews, is comprised of visiting tourists who are on a budget. There are probably lots of young people, university students perhaps, who stay there. Young hotties could also be part of the demographic. The longer-term residents are, once again gleaned from the reviews, derelicts similar to the residents of the despicable Chinatown dormitory. In other words, losers. There is also section partitioned off for babes only. The neighborhood itself is seedy. Over the years, lots of the homeless and destitute have relocated to the locale. Illegal drugs and drug dealing are commonplace. Alan will not fit into either demographic.

To be honest, my only concern is where I will procure my dinner this evening. New Year's Eve is essentially a half-day holiday. So, my outing at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) this evening will consist of only one survival objective. I, personally, do not celebrate the new year. Why bother? I am only getting older and moving closer to death. Sheesh!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Luscious Hotties … Gone

Yesterday afternoon, just before exiting the gym in Hawai'i Kai, I noticed a small donation box and a note attached to it on the front counter. Apparently, one of the gym staff members, John, had passed on a few days ago. There were no other details except about the memorial service. I was taken aback as I recall seeing him just about a week or so ago. He looked fine. The shocking part is that he was only 39 years old, although he looked as though he was only in his late twenties. Death can about at any time, any age, any moment, and any circumstance.

I have been ravaged by a bout with the common cold for the past three days. Yeah, illin' again. The episodes seem to get worse as I grow older. Nonetheless, I departed for town earlier than usual. My planned itinerary called for the restoration of my extreme monk haircut. However, when I arrived in town, I discovered that the gym was closed for emergency sewer repairs. I had nowhere to store my gym bag. Nor are there any public restrooms close by. Well, there are restrooms in the Walmart® store, but there was no way that I would be allowed in the store with my gym bag. I would have easily been mistaken for a shoplifting homeless guy. I was dumbfounded and frozen in inaction for several minutes. Then, I walked all the way to the I'olani Palace grounds and relieved myself at the public restroom there. Once done, I walked back to the center of town to procure a cup of expensive coffee at the coffee shop.

The day was not a total loss. The gym reopened about 40 minutes earlier than the posted time. I was able to restore my extreme monk haircut at the expense of my gym workout. I only completed an abridged version of my usual weight routine and the full cardio workout, albeit at a slower pace. I was too fatigued. The common cold was wreaking havoc on me. However, any workout is better than none. Sheesh!

As you may have guessed, I am having difficulty with creating filler material to fit between the pictures of luscious young hotties. Not much really transpires in the day of a senior citizen. We already know my limited routine quite well. And, I can only discuss my useless gadgets so many times before the topic becomes repetitive and boring. Well, the sad part is that there are still hundreds of hottie pictures in the queue. It is safe to state that the "blog" would be nothing without the hottie pictures.

I have heard nothing from the landlord of Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) yet. However, construction materials are gradually accumulating in the first floor common area. So, I assume that the landlord still wants Alan and I to vacate by this weekend. Alan has made no effort to pack all of his junk. There is no way that he will be moving anywhere unless he hires professional movers to do the task for him. I seriously doubt that he will be able to petition the landlord for more time. Is he suffering from early dementia, or what?

Once again, let's review the selected hottie pictures. The other contents of the "blog" pales in comparison. In fact, the only way that the "blog" could redeem itself is if the ol' lavahead had all of those hotties coming around, if you know what I mean. Obviously, that's never going to happen. Oh brother.

Chaos Manor Mini-Update®
Looks like I spoke too soon. Alan has commenced packing all of his junk in preparation for moving out of Chaos Manor. He has purchased about twenty large plastic storage containers.

Monday, December 29, 2014


Last night, I repeated the nearly regular dinner routine during my outing in Kahala. I cleverly end up at the fast food joint in order to exploit the free wireless Net "hotspot." Once there, I deployed my cheap "smartphone" for the task. Then, I observed that nearly everyone else in the dining room was doing the same ... seated at a table and staring at a small rectangular slate. Yeah, I have mentioned the same observation repeatedly. I assumed that nearly everyone was preoccupied with Facebook®. And, I was correct. No matter where I look, I am always privy to espy Facebook® on the small screen. What exactly is there to do on Facebook® that requires constant attention?

I really have to wonder. I once had a Facebook® account. Of course, that was back in the "Dark Ages" when accounts were limited to members of academia. Nonetheless, people were still addicted to the Web site (i.e., no "app" was available then). So, what exactly causes people to spend a sum total of over six hours per day on Facebook®? My guess is that it panders to the narcissistic self, goading the ego, and boosting self-importance to megalomaniac levels. Frankly, I find Facebook® to be totally boring. Perhaps someone could educate me about what I am missing.

Net addiction, however, has always been a problem for users ever since the Net went commercial. Since then, Net addiction has reached epidemic levels. And, that's where the "smartphone" steps in. Having an uninterrupted data connection allows Net addiction to fester like a malignant tumor, at least until the device's battery needs to be charged. Naturally, even that hindrance doesn't squelch Net addiction for some people.

I was once a Net addict and, to some extent, still am. I waste a lot of time on the Net, but I am limited to the availability of wireless Net access. The cheap "smartphone" has a miniscule amount of data allocation, albeit high-speed 4G LTE. Yet, I only compose the "blog" and read (or view) trustworthy news sources. So, why is it so important for me to be on-line? Yeah, that's the big question.

For me, the Net addiction conundrum is the main issue after crossing the official senior citizen threshold. Why would an old codger waste so much precious time on the Net? Very few Web sites and social networking channels cater to the geriatric crowd. Perhaps the old folks spend most of their on-line time visiting medical sites to learn more about their onslaught of chronic maladies. Or, maybe the old codgers are perusing the young hotties featured in hurdy-gurdy video clips. That could lead to "dirty old man" syndrome. Sheesh!

I called and left a message for the landlord. The deadline is nearing for me to vacate Chaos Manor (read: rental housing). So, I am attempting to make the transition as smooth as possible later this week. I will be moving there "sight unseen," by the way. As for Alan, who knows? He has not mentioned anything about moving. In fact, he has acquired more "stuff" and more food. Sometimes I wonder if he's showing signs of early dementia. Oh well.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Last night, the evening outing in Kahala excluded a visit to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall). I just procured a sandwich at the sandwich shop and a greasy "value menu" item at the fast food joint. Then, I sat and ate my pathetic dinner at the latter establishment. I wasn't in any mood to deal with crazed Post-Saturnalia shoppers. For some strange reason, shopping and stupidity go hand-in-hand. So, I returned to Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) early and spent the rest of the evening viewing [deleted] news programs.

In useless gadget news, I discovered that the cheap "smartphone" cannot be used on the Tracfone® network because it is an LTE device. So, I would have to purchase a new cellphone, most likely the cheesy $3 "flip phone" model. And, sadly, I have been experiencing several of the documented iOS v8.1.2 problems with the iPad® tablet computer. To say that I am disappointed would be an understatement.

In moneygrubbing Chink news, I must confess that no progress has been made on my part. I have not even started on the paperwork for Small Claims Court. The whole process is fatiguing to me. Mind you, I should first explain that my viewpoint of money has radically altered since turning 60 years of age. I am just not overly concerned about money anymore. Sure, the moneygrubbing Chinks have committed grand larceny. For that reason alone, I should seek justice.

Let me also state that I have had ample time to contemplate the many fortunate circumstances that have graced me over the years. I feel a sense of gratitude, but there is no one or no higher source to address. For example, just this year alone, I was assigned an excellent no-cost health insurance plan. Had that not happened, I would be in arrears for over $10,000 in medical expenses due to an unidentifiable heart problem. That's one of the reasons why I avoid spending money unwisely. I do not desire to make a mockery of my good fortune. And, that's also the reason why I did not entertain the idea of exacting homicidal rampage toward certain moneygrubbing Chinks.

Another day of horrendous mishaps, which is rapidly becoming the "norm." Even my morning coffee ritual was ruined when I spilled half the cup of the expensive brew. And, I was only afforded a microsecond glimpse of a certain fitness and training hottie as baby was leaving the gym just as I arrived. Baby was looking mighty fine, by the way. Well, there's no need to chronicle more of the "bullshit." Just know that I was left in a bad way as a result.

My days at Chaos Manor are numbered. Yet, I have not decided upon a day to move out. Frankly, I am not at all excited about moving to Waimanalo. It is out in the middle of nowhere. In addition, commuting by bus will be both challenging and taxing. The landlord's place is about a half-mile from the bus stop. So, that will be a laborious walk in either the hot sun or pouring rain. I have no other options because I simply let time run out.

At least I have started to pack up what little material possessions that I own. Moving out of Chaos Manor should only take about five minutes. I plan to post to the "blog" daily until the move. Or, maybe I will wait until I exhaust the archived collection of hottie pictures. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Yesterday, I neglected to mention that the Post-Saturnalia holiday was sheer madness. There were crowds everywhere. Traffic was horrendous. Shoppers and tourists apparently were out in force. Can anyone really get tired of shopping or gawking at cheesy tourist attractions? Apparently not. And, no surprise, the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) was packed with crazed shoppers last night. To top it all off, the emperor (or president, monarch, puppet, dictator) of empire is on vacation in Kailua. Many of the serfs of empire were loitering in the vicinity just for a peek at "royalty."

The local public radio news revealed that the official number of immigrants over the past year was 10,000 upward. I assume that the number only included legal immigrants. It does not include the internal migration of both the homeless and the extremely affluent of empire. It also does not include illegal immigrants, myriad foreigners who simply purchased one-way airline tickets to Hawai'i. The actual number of immigrants over the year should be revised upward to 20,000 or more.

Are there really that many illegal immigrants? Sure, why not? There is absolutely no enforcement of immigration and naturalization laws. Thus, there has been an influx of Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, and other Asiatics. There could very well be numerous illegal immigrants from Europe, Mexico, South America, and the Middle East, too, but their numbers are much lower in proportion to the Asians. Incidentally, the Micronesians and other Pacific Islanders are allowed to migrate anywhere in empire because of the Compact of Free Association. The reason is that the brain-dead scientists of empire decided to atmospheric tests of prototype atomic bombs in the vicinity of those small island nation-states. Anyway, most of the Pacific Islanders choose Hawai'i as a final destination because of the similarity to their homelands.

Thus, when I complain that the island is way too crowded, I am not just imagining the situation. Add in the tourists, and we have an untenable and unsustainable environment. Let me also mention that the employment figures for Hawai'i are bogus. There are large numbers of homeless and illegal immigrants working for cash "under the table." There may also be a small number of "sweatshops" as well, primarily employing illegal immigrants. Mind you, unemployment is allegedly very low in Hawai'i. However, there are large numbers of the population who are legally employed at two or more concurrent wage slave jobs. I believe that each job position is being counted as one person. So, a wage slave working at two different jobs is being counted as two separate employed individuals. Hence, the bogus low unemployment statistics. In addition, at any time on any given day, there are just too many people out and about doing nothing.

The illegal immigrants appear to be quite savvy upon arrival in the islands. They immediately seek refuge in established ethnic enclaves. An air of legitimacy is claimed because anyone with the same surname is broadcasted as "family." The ethnic enclaves provide minimal protection, preservation of language and culture, as well as the pooling of financial resources that are critical for survival. Needless to say, the ethnic enclaves are overcrowded and normally border other ethnic enclaves. Older enclave "family" members work to insure that recent immigrants have the appearance of assimilation in order to prevent detection by the authorities. A few immigrants have started up small businesses, which seems to be the best fast track to legitimacy.

On the other hand, the homeless population will continue to grow. Don't even bother with "official" estimates. There are about 500 to 1,000 homeless immigrants arriving from the mainland empire every month. The State government has set aside a paltry sum of money that is slated at reversing the trend by giving about one hundred homeless people a one-way ticket back to the mainland empire. A ridiculous program at best. The homeless have no enclaves. So, they are "homesteading" anywhere and any place. The municipal government has enacted all kinds of anti-homeless ordinances that do nothing but provice a "revolving door" between prison and the streets for the homeless. The homeless have already saturated every marginally habitable spot on the island.

In the near future, there will be a larger homeless migration to the neighbor islands. The only impediment now is the lack of charitable and social services. Once in place, though, droves of homeless will be importing themselves there. In the end, extremely Draconian measures will be invoked. Hawai'i may end up leading the nation and serving as a model for the eradication of the homeless. I would not be surprised to see the local authorities round up and incarcerate the homeless in an internment center that is located on a dangerous and uninhabited island like Kaho'olawe. If such drastic measures are not taken, all of the islands will be overtaken by the homeless. As it stands, the homeless presence has affected the tourist industry, the "bread and butter" of the local economy. Public outcry has been increasing. I am not advocating for Draconian action, but I know that it's coming.

Naturally, no one is complaining about the influx of extremely affluent immigrants, both from empire and abroad. Using the maxims of the "ownership society," they are purchasing all forms of real estate and assets on all of the islands. Since they control the wealth, they control the power (political and so forth). The affluent class has divided and conquered the middle class of Hawai'i. We are at their mercy, of which they have none. Rather, the affluent class are driving more and more of the rank-and-file peons into poverty. Soon, the newly impoverished will find themselves interned on Kaho'olawe with the homeless and destitute. I may be joining them. Sheesh!

Surveillance Mini-Update®
The Google® surveillance robot made an unexpected visit at 4:10pm HST for no particular reason. Sorry, the "dirty old man" has not made any perverted moves yet.

Friday, December 26, 2014


Yesterday, I spent nine hours straight at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. That's right, nine hours. I was nearly delirious at the eight-hour mark. Fortunately, I was able to nourish myself with an allegedly healthy meal from the fast food joint. Saturnalia is not a favorite holiday of mine. Well, thank Molech, it's over!

Keeping up with the tradition of fooling around with my gadgets, I restored the default home screen on the iPad® tablet computer last night. And, I am even considering the removal of the GarageBand "app," since I have yet to use it. As mentioned previously, the so-called "productivity" software has already been removed. The point of the aforementioned time-wasting activities is to remove my dependence on technology gadgets.

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms is doing fine. The agenda is always the same. After my workout at the gym, I stopped by the Radio Shack® store in Koko Marina. Using a discount coupon, I was able to purchase the overpriced Apple® Earpods (with built-in microphone) at a discount. Yeah, another waste of money. Anyway, it's all part of the plan to use the iPad as a VOIP phone.

My revised plan is to divest the cheap "smartphone" as soon as possible. My original intention in acquiring the device was to expedite the search for rental housing and to sell my vehicle. So far, I have done nothing of the sort. Well, I have foolishly spent $110 for the device and two months of service. Sadly, I prefer to not converse on the phone. Phone phobia, you think? I also do not care to have the oversized cranium irradiated.

So, I will wait to see if there are any compelling reasons to keep the cheap "smartphone" when I move to Waimanalo. If I can get by without it, then I will opt for a budget plan on a different carrier with a "dumb" cellphone (i.e., really cheap "flip phone" model). It will be used for emergency purposes only. The phone number will also suffice as the required forwarding number for Google® Voice. Subsequently, the iPad will assume all non-emergency phone functions.

Arguably, there seems to be no doubt that I am driving myself to clinical insanity. Let me explain. I have previously engineered my way into a leisurely senior citizen life-style. Unfortunately, the situation on a societal level has degenerated into chaos and anarchy. I am having a difficult time working through artificially created problems and crises. From my own observations, reality no longer exists. Thus, real solutions do not exist. There is no way to engineer a way out of a false reality. Rules, laws, order, axioms ... none apply to anything. Wrong is right. Up is down. Left is right. Order is chaos. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
Upon further investigation, I discovered that I may be able to switch to a different cellphone service provider like Tracfone® and keep the cheap "smartphone." Tracfone® offers really minimal plans that are perfect for ascetic monks. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Thursday, December 25, 2014


Saturnalia is upon us once again. The madness leading up to the religious holiday is finally over. And, with it goes the gross hypocrisy in both ideology and actions. Perpetuating the myth of Saturnalia, now known as Christmas, undermines the already-stunted intellectual capacity of the rank-and-file peons. Legitimizing the myth only serves to cast doubt on the truth of quantum physics, the "Big Bang" origin of the universe, the mapping of the human genome, the evolution of chimpo sapiens from the "lower" animals, and the inevitable causality of death. Hence, the cyclical resurgence of malignant and unfounded religious beliefs.

Last night, I viewed a very compelling episode of "Worlds Apart" on [deleted]. Oksana Boyko shared dialogue with author and religious historian, Hanne Nabintu Herland, from Norway. Herland offers the most logical and meaningful explanation for the secular degradation of the "West" that may finally lead to the demise of all humans. In a passionate plea, Herland urges us to review the world events and prevalent thinking circa 1938, a watershed year in history leading up to war, that is being repeated now. Have "exceptionalism," intolerance, and aggression caused humans to revert back to their raw animalistic "instincts"?

I departed for the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala at 8:30am this morning. Driving my vehicle on the highway, I found myself besieged by other inconsiderate drivers. Yes, even on a holiday, people were driving recklessly and at excessive speeds, foolishly cutting off other vehicles and engaged in fruitless endeavors to transport themselves to another locale instantly. I was, however, pleased to find the coffee shop open for business. People were already sitting at the tables in the coffee shop, immersed in passive activity with notebook computers. Nearly all of the other customers and bystanders were fiddling with their "smartphones." As for me, I was busily composing the "blog" on the tablet computer.

By 10:30am, people were filing into the mall in droves, most of them clutching their "smartphones." Although the coffee shop was the only establishment open for business, the brain-dead consumer is programmed to return to any focal point of consumerism to fill an existential void. What is even more astonishing is that the very same people were overwhelmed with an abundance of "gifts" (the burgeoning result of the last few weeks of rampant consumerism) just an hour or so prior. Oh, the absurdity!

I attempted to enjoy the moment, even amidst the presence of an increasing crowd of shoppers with nowhere to go. I reflected on the folly of my own use of gadgets like the tablet computer and cheap "smartphone." There is no question that my sole purpose for deploying the devices is the composition of the "blog." My one-and-only tax spreadsheet is moot since I have no verifiable income. So, a spreadsheet "app" is essentially useless. Aside from that, I only browse the Web to read trustworthy news sites, view RT programs, check the arrival time of buses (if the GPS locator is even operational), and peruse blurry hurdy-gurdy video clips should the atrophied Vienna Sausage require "testing." Otherwise, I have no time for social networking, gaming, or other forms of digital sedation.

I decided to remain at the den of consumerism for the remainder of the day. After six hours, I found my mind swirling in the vortex of an existential crisis of my own making. However, I preferred a brush with insanity rather than transport myself back and forth from Chaos Manor (read: rental housing). Alan has been on vacation for about a week, so he's been leisurely lounging at the dump. Needless to say, he appears to not have taken a shower once during that time. I doubt that he has secured another rental housing arrangement, so I assume that he will be moving in with his friend's family in Kapolei. I can't say how long that will last before Alan is evicted (due to extreme hoarding and poor personal hygiene). Alan will most likely be forced to officially retire early and move back to his "McMansion" in Arizona. How he will pay the mortgage is unknown.

Well, to cap off an extremely laborious Saturnalia holiday, I purchased the healthier food options for dinner at the fast food joint in Kahala. Healthier? Yes, a chicken salad meal with a fruit and yogurt parfait for dessert. Upon completion of dinner, I wrapped up the Saturnalia posting of the "blog" and "published" it using the cheap "smartphone." Then, I loitered for a while longer before departing for Chaos Manor. I can hardly wait until next year to do it all again. Sheesh!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Well, the failed on-line transaction yesterday on the Sprint® site was actually processed. So, another month of pre-paid cellphone service has been procured. By the way, I have disabled all of the Google® "apps" on the cheap "smartphone" except for the Chrome browser. So, surveillance has been minimized, and the device is as close to the spartan Android Open Source Project (AOSP) as possible. Also, the Google® Hangouts "app" has been temporarily removed from the iPad® tablet computer.

I am also reviewing the iPad® "apps" that I installed on the device. Do I really need them? They are all Apple®-branded software. All were "free" (for newly purchased devices). Unfortunately, if the "apps" are uninstalled, they cannot be re-installed without paying the regular price. I discovered that fact the hard way. Anyway, I do not plan to divest the iPad® at this time. However, I believe that the iPad® mini product line will probably be discontinued next year and replaced by more "phablets."

Last night, the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala was swamped with Saturnalia shoppers. I purchased a sandwich at the sandwich shop outside the mall. Then, I procured a greasy "value menu" item at the fast food joint, where I ended up eating my complete dinner and exploiting the free Net wireless "hotspot" with the cheap "smartphone." I could not wait to return to Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) to spend an hour or so viewing [deleted] news on the iPad®.

I departed for town early this morning on the bus. Two locations of Starbucks® in town were crowded, so I ended up at the third location. All of the are within a city block of each other. The coffee itself isn't really good, but it seems to have less caffeine than the equivalent at various fast food joints. The snob appeal, of course, is distasteful to me. I commenced my workout at the gym earlier as well. The gym closed at 2pm this afternoon, and it will not be open for Saturnalia. Oh, what will I do?

By the time I arrived at the den of consumerism in Kahala this evening, all of the stores and eateries were closed. Only the fast food joint was open to serve the residual losers with no place to go. So, more greasy "value menu" items were ordered and consumed, most likely insuring another untimely visit to the emergency room at the hospital. With no other options, I loitered in the dining room until my usual departure time. At least I was able to finish composing the "blog" using the cheap "smartphone" and the free wireless Net "hotspot."

In retrospect, I should have purchased one of those cheap and embarrassing $3 (on sale) "flip" cellphones as I had initially intended. That's all I really needed, along with a cheap "talk" plan that costs only $20 for three months of service. After next month, I may switch to such a device and plan. Then, I can switch the forwarding number for Google® Voice and use the VOIP phone in the Hangouts "app" on the iPad® if necessary. The aforementioned cellphone "gymnastics" are necessary because Voice requires a forwarding number even if call forwarding is disabled. I can subsequently use the cheap "smartphone" as a paperweight or a disposable tablet computer.

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I made the decision to uninstall the Apple® Pages and Numbers "apps" from the iPad® tablet computer. My one-and-only tax spreadsheet has been archived as an e-mail attachment. And, I experimented with the spartan Google® Sheets "app" on the cheap "smartphone." It will suffice for editing purposes. So much fun to be had by all. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Did you invest all of your hard earned money in the stock market of empire as I suggested? If so, you would be part of the "one percent" by now. Not to worry, the Dow Industrials Index is surging toward 30,000 or so. At the present rate, it should be there before February of next year. No real fundamentals exist, you say? Not to worry. The global central banks will continue to inject infinite amounts of fiat currency, courtesy the zero interest regime, into the "system." A lot of that money is finding its way into the hands of speculators who are using "algo-trading" to artificially pump up equities prices. And, in collusion are the large corporations that are buying back their stocks (using cash-on-hand and debt) to artificially boost price-earnings ratios and artificially increase stock prices.

I should add a word of caution. A catastrophic market crash is likely sometime in the future regardless of the continued injection of infinite fiat money into the "system." Eventually the fragile foundation of fraud will collapse. Unfortunately, the next crash is likely to be devastating with no possibility of a recovery. The "one percent" are going to ride the equities wave right up to the end. Obviously, they will be able to extract all of their wealth just microseconds before the collapse. Well, there is also a contingency plan in the works ... a foolish "think tank" creation known affectionately as "limited thermonuclear warfare." I have previously discussed the issue in the old "blog." The concept is so insane that it's not worth repeating.

Well, now that I have set up Google® Voice account and installed the Hangouts "app" on the iPad® tablet computer ... Wait a second! Was I not trying to escape the Google® surveillance gauntlet? Yes, my hypocrisy has been laid bare for all to see. Really? No, not really. At the present time, I have had second thoughts about the account. Yes, surveillance is at the forefront. In addition, the service is nothing like a dedicated phone line. I could only use the service when the iPad® is connected to a free Net "hotspot." So, once I am confident that I won't require a phone for much of anything, then I will move to rely on such a non-dedicated service (mostly for voicemail). With that said, I will uninstall the Hangouts "app."

Last night, I was privy to witness the debacle of last minute Saturnalia shopping at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. People were lined up with gargoyle-like visages, "smartphones" in hand, at the cashier counters in all the stores, no doubt purchasing anything that will suffice as token gifts. The faux cheerfulness, the faux sense of "giving," all contributing to the overall air of absurdity. In a few days, the general mood will abruptly change when the deluge of useless gifts will leave its new owners in a depressing quandary over proper storage or disposal methods The emptiness of consumerism, although laid bare, would be ignored once again. That is, until the credit card statement arrives a few weeks later.

The faux cheefulness permeated the day. Everywhere I found myself, I observed the comical implementation of Saturnalia "cheer" that will carry forward until the new year commences. Then, everyone will return to "normal," with narcissistic and self-important personas bubbling up to the surface again. The gargoyle grimaces will make a comeback. Of course, only by soaking their brains in a soup of anti-depressants, the real ugliness can remain sublimated. And, full control of their lives can be relegated to their "smartphones" once again.

As for the ol' lavahead, he only cares about his morning cup of coffee and working out at the gym. Everything else is superfluous. Finding rental housing, dealing with moneygrubbing Chinks, worrying about investments, interacting with fools ... all are malignant activities which poison the mind and seed illnesses in the body. Mortality only allows us a limited number of years. Death is always "around the corner" and can occur at any time. Yet, we continue to grasp at permanence. Only death is permanent. Enslavement runs a close second place. The most important aspect of freedom is understanding mortality.

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
Refilling the pre-paid plan for the cheap "smartphone" was a nightmare. The process cannot be done at the Sprint® Store with a credit card. Attempting an on-line payment with a credit card resulted in transaction errors and a lot of grimacing on my part. So, the process could not be completed. Most likely, I will have to purchase a refill card and attempt another on-line transaction. As can plainly be seen, the "inconvenience" is deliberate in order to force a conversion to a regular contract plan. The days of the cheap "smartphone" are limited. Mummification is likely. Another case of wasted money.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Illusion of Empowerment

First off, I should mention that replying to comments in the "blog" is still impossible with the iPad® tablet computer, much as composing "blog" content on it is a "pain in the ass." The problem appears to be JavaScript code that is incompatible with ththe Safari mobile Web browser. I could attempt to deploy the cheap "smartphone" for that purpose, but its small blurry screen and puny virtual keyboard are also a "pain in the ass" to use.

Speaking of the cheap "smartphone," I have not given out its phone number to anyone. I have made no calls on it either. I have not used any of its data allowance, only opting to connect to the Net through free wireless "hotspots." That is, if the device is even powered on. Yeah, so far, it has been a waste of money.

So, I entertained the idea of obtaining a free Google® Voice phone number and utilize the new VOIP feature in the Google® Hangouts "app" to convert the iPad® into a big phone. Unfortunately, there were no local Hawai'i phone numbers available. So, I requested a phone number for Convalescent City in Cali. That's right, Convalescent City, my old stomping grounds (refer to the old journal for all the antics). Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Immediately afterward, I installed the Google® Hangouts "app" on the iPad® and signed into my account. The new Convalescent City phone number was already set up. And, there's a phone dialer built right into the "app." I tested the "app" by using it to call my cheap "smartphone." Whoa! The "app" is definitely functional. After tweaking a few more settings, the Google® Hangouts "app" will allow for the deprecation of the cheap "smartphone." Then again, maybe not.

My gadgets sure allow me to waste a lot of precious time. I sit there thinking that I have developed clever solutions to essentially non-existent problems. Oh, the irony. Every solution only creates more problems. Then, the levels of complexity increase to the point in which I find myself even more enslaved to the gadgets themselves and the "system." That's the illusion of empowerment.

Lots of rain and wetness today. Nonetheless, the usual Hawai'i Kai and evening outing itineraries were maintained. My gadgets always go along for the ride, too. Enslavement? You be the judge.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Contemplating Folly

The world of money is a torrid cesspool of greed and corruption. All of the disgusting human-like roaches are coming out of the woodwork to join the feeding frenzy. The whole affair would not be so sickening if the money was worth something. The zero interest rate farce perpetrated by the global central banks has created infinite fiat money that is backed by absolutely nothing of value. Well, that's not entirely true. The money is backed by debt. And, in the case of empire, the money is also backed by military aggression.

The alleged economic recovery being tauted by the sycophants of empire is merely a ruse. Once again, the zero interest rate farce comes into play. All levels of government have incurred tremendous amounts of debt through the issuance of "alphabet soup" bonds. Those bonds obviously pay nothing to the bearers since the interest rate is zero. And, most of the bonds are being purchased directly or indirectly by the central banks. So, government debt is being monetized despite the denials.

It is, of course, government debt-based spending that is entirely fueling the so-called recovery. If you remember any basic university economics course, you probably know that there is supposed to be a balance between the public and private sector. Not so anymore. The zero interest rate farce now allows all levels of government to assume the role of the economic "engine," not just to stimulate the economy but to maintain it. Any semblance of economic activity is simply a "trickle down" effect. Now, extrapolate the aforementioned phenomenon over all "Western" governments and puppet states.

Will the zero interest rate regime ever end? How could it? Government debt is increasing, with new record highs every year. On the other hand, government revenues have stagnated. Servicing just the accrued interest on the debt has become tenuous at zero percent. Any rate above zero percent is a guaranteed catalyst for catastrophic government default. Of course, all of that is the backdrop for the even more sordid scenario in banking, finance, and the private sector. Little wonder why the entire world appears to have entered a phase of collective schizophrenia.

All that to say ... nothing. Well, I am continuously attempting to find and understand the truth about everything. I can no longer wade through the propaganda "bullshit" spewed by the corporate "mainstream" media. The current fad of bashing the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China is a case in point. What can be accomplished by playing a game of brinkmanship with two highly armed sovereign states? What other purpose is there for a secular Armageddon except to reset the "Western" debt burden? Is war (with atomic weaponry) now the only option left to satisfy the insatiable greed of the few? Who, aside from the world's rank-and-file peons, will pay the price, most likely with their lives, for such a folly?

Lots of time being wasted on contemplation about various forms of stupidity and folly, I know. I am simply amazed that human folly has carried us, the chimpo sapiens, this far. What is it all worth in the face of death? What is the point?

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Yesterday, I neglected to mention that I have regained about nine pounds. So, my weight has ricocheted back to normal with a bit of an overshoot. Very strange, indeed. In any case, I must monitor the fluctuations in order to prevent any trend that could lead to my transformation into a "300-pounder." I might also add that I have not incorporated an abdominal regimen into my workout yet. At my age, having "washboard abs" is probably wishful thinking anyway.

My leg workout at the gym seems to be achieving the desired effect of increased firmness and muscle tone. Thus, I have reversed the affects of geriatric atrophy, thank Molech. My daily workouts now comprise a longer duration of time. On the positive side, I have been able to curb some of the stress resulting from "bullshit" and increase my quality of sleep as well.

Some people may say that, after spending all that time and money ($36 per month membership dues) on the gym, the end result may have only bought me a couple more "good" years. And, no matter how much I try to tell myself otherwise, the fact remains that working out is neither painless or fun. Working out is work. I will "soldier on" regardless. Some people may also say that I am obstinately working out at the gym while secretly waiting for a certain fitness and training hottie to come around. Sadly, baby is not coming around anytime soon. Should I terminate my gym membership? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Each passing day is bringing me closer to the edge of sanity. I don't want to deal with "bullshit" any longer. Yet, as I mentioned in a previous "blog" posting, I am trapped. Real freedom is no longer attainable without vast amounts of wealth. Being caught within the ranks of the rank-and-file peons has become intolerable because the latter group has metastasized itself into a band of rabid animals. Close confinement, increasing poverty, and decreasing opportunities have turned the common society of empire into a literal prison. The only escape (term used loosely) is viewing nonsensical content on the small rectangular screen of the ubiquitous "smartphone," the equivalent of peering out of the tiny barred portal of a prison cell. How long can the peons fool themselves into believing that they are still free?

Overpopulation. Overcrowding. Close proximity. The same problems keep repeating themselves. We are squeezed in so tight that the scenario is beyond that of a prison. We're cramped into a slaughterhouse. And, about 70 percent of the corralled population is taking antidepressant medication, making them literal ticking time bombs. No animal wants to be caged and slaughtered. Yet, here we are today.

Friday, December 19, 2014


Working out at the gym remains a priority. If I had my way, the daily agenda would only include the latter activity. Well, loitering at the coffee shop is also a top priority. Nothing more, nothing less. I am an old codger now. I desire to be free of the ills and concerns of the young and the foolish. I don't need to be "out there" in the quest to be somebody. A simple life as a nobody is all that I need. What else can I do? My potential savior, a certain fitness and training hottie, does not want to come around. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Anyway, as I mentioned previously, I have resumed leg workouts. What I didn't mention is that the resumption has come about after a 20-year hiatus. I once foolishly assumed that the cardio workouts on the cross-training machines would provide adequate leg muscle toning. Wrong-O! Several weeks ago, I made the startling discovery that my leg muscles had turned into flab. I was flabbergasted. So, I am now following a new weight regimen for legs. Of course, the process has not been painless. The bottom line? Don't wait until 60 years of age to restart a workout regimen.

There is a method to my madness, so to speak. Keeping all of the primary muscle groups toned and firm reduces the stress on the bones and joints in our skeletal structure. Without that support, our bones and joints rapidly deteriorate resulting in grotesque skeletal deformations. There is also a "point of no return" for our muscles. That's when flabbiness becomes permanent. Then, toning becomes impossible.

I would urge everyone to observe all of the senior citizens in your locale regardless of your age. That's the future right in front of you. A good percentage of senior citizens are out of shape or in poor physical condition, some of whom are not as old as they appear. They have simply "let themselves go." Many of their ailments and disabilities were avoidable. Now, they must accept the resulting pain and deformities as a permanent problem. The only relief, of course, is a battery of medications. Why willingly choose that route?

In a possible dystopian future, when all resources become scarce, the pogrom of eugenics (i.e., mass genocide) may wield its ugly head again. The elderly, the infirm, and the chronically ill would be the first candidates slated for elimination. A "buffed" senior citizen would probably be able to physically resist any attempt at internment. Better to be fit than sorry.

Surveillance Mini-Update®
I mentioned that the cheap "smartphone" had automatically downloaded an alleged system update, which instead added a "smart" contacts and phone dialer "app." I signed in with my Yahoo! account as required only to discover that there was a long list of alleged contacts. I recognized only a few. I then signed onto the Yahoo! Web site to delete the contacts. Nada. What happened? Where did the nefarious "app" obtain the contacts list? Yeah, surveillance. Fortunately, I could disable the "app." Is it time to rid myself of my Yahoo! account?

Thursday, December 18, 2014


A sleepless night at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing), thanks to the construction crew leaving an air compressor powered on. The "piece of shit" kept starting up every 20 minutes or so to pressurize the tank. The air compressor was placed next to a wall in the attached two-bedroom unit at the back. The entire room acted as an amplifier, and my squalid room was the echo chamber. I finally had to trudge back there at who-knows-what-time and pull the plug on it. Sheesh! Otherwise, the entire project appears to have slowed down since the disagreement between the landlord and son. Concrete for the walkway, stairs, and driveway was supposed to be poured last weekend. And, the rerouting of the plumbing was supposed to have commenced earlier this week. Nada.

Needless to say, I was fatigued all day. I was supposed to file the paperwork for Small Claims Court this morning, but I just didn't feel like it. Instead, I opted for an expensive cup of coffee at the coffee shop in town. While I sat and composed the "blog" on the iPad® tablet computer, I managed to observe the myriad brainwashed sycophants of empire stumbling about and either clutching their "smartphones" or engaged in some kind of benign activity with the device. Seen from the viewpoint of a neutral observer, the bleak landscape was a picture of absolute absurdity. I have also noted that the most crowded retail spots are dedicated cellphone stores and kiosks. The entire fragile economy of empire appears to be tethered to "smartphones" and service subscriptions.

"Smartphones" and all of the other junk that we deem to be "necessities" are simply feeble distractions from the overarching issue of mortality. One of my goals in seeking freedom was to emancipate myself from stupidity and ignorance. In other words, I wanted to escape "bullshit." The preoccupation with "bullshit" is what preempts the contemplation of the issue of mortality or, specifically, the logistics of a true-to-self life-style that is devoid of fruitless endeavors. All of my current externally imposed distractions have caused me to deviate from a peaceful "animal" toward the artificial realm of materialism, the superficial boundaries of human "exceptionalism," narcissism, and the subliminal belief in immortality. The forced deviation has been devastating to both morale and well-being. It is the kind of life-style that causes people to lose track of the truth and pursue paths that ultimately lead to self-destruction. Collectively, such thinking can and will result in human extinction.

I yearn to return to the path of the peaceful "animal," a choice that allows me to appreciate every second of my life. That's the freedom which I discussed in the "blog" posting of yesterday, the kind of freedom that becomes more unattainable with each passing day as the proprietors of the "ownership society" steal the paltry assets from and evict the growing impoverished masses from all visible space. Other animals have already suffered that fate. Now, the chimpo sapiens are turning on each other much like rabid piranha fish.

The remainder of the day was mostly a lesson in disillusionment. Myriad people all resembling theatrical zombies. Myriad multi-tonnage motorized chairs (read: automobiles and trucks) clogging all venues and generating vast amounts of pollution. Then, the cheap "smartphone" automatically downloaded an alleged system update. The update was more bloatware that cannot be uninstalled, one of which was a new combination "smart" contacts and phone dialing "app." It's tied to Yahoo! ... yeah, more surveillance. That about sums it all up, eh?

Chaos Manor Mini-Update®
There has been no indication that Alan has secured the two-bedroom apartment in Kaimuki. Neither has he begun to pack for the mandated move in two weeks. As for the ol' lavahead, he's still planning to move out during the last week of the month.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


There's no way around the fact that freedom can only be attained by being "filthy rich." Naturally, affluence presents its own form of slavery (i.e., insatiable greed). However, an awareness of the snare of affluence would easily insure that the proper path to freedom is taken. For me and other rank-and-file peons, game over! We have only minuscule wealth, which amounts to nothing in the grand scheme. Our lives are fraught with serious compromises that can only result in chronic mental illness once the subterfuge of self-delusion is lifted. Truth is the commoner's enemy. Only extreme wealth can purchase freedom.

Yes, human freedom must be purchased. The human web of dominion has engulfed the entire planet. No biological lie form dare escape the tyranny of human dominion, or that's what the ruling class of chimpo sapiens believes. That is, until small non-satient biological predators such as the Ebola virus run rampant and wreak havoc on human populations. Then, the falsehood of human dominion over the planet is laid bare. Yet, the quest for dominion is really the cause and catalyst for sorrow. But, I digress.

If I truly desire real freedom ... freedom from crowds, freedom from noise, freedom from pollution, freedom from disease, freedom from predators, freedom from stupidity and ignorance ... then, I must be wealthy enough to purchase a large enclave and fence it off from outside intrusions. I must be able to secure the facility and make it as self-sustaining as possible. Or, I must import all other necessities through dependable contractors. And, I must be able securely transport myself outside the compound to procure necessary food and supplies. Obviously, a pauper like myself cannot afford to purchase freedom. Instead, I must settle for faux forms of freedom.

So, here I am today. Disillusioned. I briefly fooled myself into believing that I accomplished the first big step toward freedom by emancipating myself from wage slavery. I also divested myself of real estate holdings in order to emancipate myself from debt and taxes. Then, I came to realize that I would always be susceptible to predation, primarily that of financial predators. Old age brings about another form of slavery, that is, indentured servitude and capitulation to physical degeneration and decrepitude. Not even vast sums of money bring about the relief of freedom from senior citizenship. Only death produces the desired freedom. Oh, the stupidity! Oh, the irony! Oh, the futility of it all!

After my workout at the gym this afternoon, I chatted with Maka. We both usually sit in the comfortable chairs across the front desk. He is now homeless. Actually, he's been homeless before for a span of seven years. His place of residence now is a bus stop shelter in an undisclosed location. I confided that I had entertained the idea of homelessness. However, entertaining an idea is far from actual implementation. A victim of adverse circumstances, Maka can only do what's necessary to survive. In a perverse way, he has his freedom. But, he is enslaved by poverty at the same time. A conundrum that I know all too well.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Last night, I made yet another attempt to compose the "blog" using my cheap "smartphone." I discovered that the default (i.e., stock) Web browser was useless. So, I updated the Chrome browser and redeployed it. Success! I was able to embed all of the hottie pictures, add text and hyperlinks, and perform all of the formatting functions on the puny screen. You are seeing the results now. Amazing, isn't it?

I also installed the Chrome browser on the iPad® tablet computer as an experiment. The result was not unexpected ... fail! It is basically a "skinned" version of the included Safari browser. So, the same malfunctions occurred. Needless to say, I have been tweaking the cheap "smartphone" and optimizing it to theoretically replace the iPad®, with an emphasis on "theoretical." The iPad® is not being divested quite yet. I might add that I was able to locate the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) calculator package file and side-load it on the "smartphone" rather than install a bloated third-party "app." That's the beauty of AOSP.

Another morning in "paradise." Lots of traffic. All of the buses were late. No refund check from the moneygrubbing Chinks of the property management firm that oversees the Chinatown dormitory. Lots of dickheads out and about in town, too. 'Tis the season to be jolly! Ho! Ho! Ho! Frankly, I have had my fill of Saturnalia. And, I don't even celebrate the idiotic holiday. Sheesh! I even had a run-in with a dickhead at the gym for the most ludicrous reason. I almost "optimized" his cranium with a dumbbell. My only salvation was a cup of coffee at the coffee shop.

This afternoon, I stopped by the Sprint® retail store in the neighborhood shopping center. I am parking my vehicle in the parking lot during the day again, so the visit was not out of my way. I was, of course, looking for a cheap protective case for my cheap "smartphone." I was told that no accessories were available for that particular model because it had long ago been discontinued. At that point, I realized that I was wasting far too much time and money on the cheap "smartphone." I need to just mummify it already.

Well, I have been "dragging my feet" insofar as the issue with certain moneygrubbing Chinks is concerned. So, I will be dispatching one more courtesy note this evening which will state my intentions to pursue remedial action through the Small Claims Court in order to obtain the delinquent refund and reimbursement of associated expenses. I will also add that I plan to file a grievance with other agencies to insure that other unwitting people do not fall prey to the Chink predators. I do not expect the note to produce any positive result. Only violent "optimization" can appeal to the senses of predators. Subsequently, I will begin the laborious litigation process.

Cheap "Smartphone" Mini-Update®
After some Net research, I discovered that the cheap LG® Tribute "smartphone" was introduced to market in October of this year, just two months ago. So, why was I told that the device was discontinued long ago?

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Game of Fools

Yesterday at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing), Alan told me that he has located a two-bedroom apartment in a Kaimuki high-rise for $1,500 per month. Somehow Alan believes that three people will be able to coexist in a two-bedroom apartment. The third person is Alan's friend, an obese African-American chick. Alan asked if he and I could share one of the bedrooms. How would that be possible? Alan has his squalid room in Chaos Manor completely filled with junk. He can't even open the door all the way. And, there is no way to tolerate Alan's bad body odors in such close proximity. The apartment has no cross-ventilation, so it will be extremely warm inside. It is located near two main streets and the H-1 freeway, so the noise from the traffic will be intolerable.

When I returned from my evening outing last night, I attempted to set up this posting on the "blog" using my cheap "smartphone." I was able to embed the hottie pictures, but not with ease. The puny screen was a distinct disadvantage. To be fair to the cheap "smartphone," I seriously doubt that any "smartphone," except the largest "phablets," could do better. So, the iPad® tablet computer has a short reprieve from divestiture.

Prior to departing for Hawai'i Kai this morning, I noticed that my vehicle was vandalised yet again. I have parking on the side street because of the chaotic construction at Chaos Manor. My day was pretty much ruined. I was in a bad way. And, there were myriad dickheads out in force. Fortunately, moms was with me throughout the ordeal. Sadly, there were a lot of dickheads at the gym as well. What is going on? Social order finally breaking down, you think?

When I returned to Chaos Manor this afternoon, I could hear the landlord and the landlord's son arguing about the latter's grandiose plans. The difference in opinion may result in a short reprieve for me. I chatted with the landlord a few minutes later, and there was no sense of urgency for me to move out. So, I will attempt to stay a little longer to "tie up loose ends." I also chatted with Alan. He is completely enamored with the two-bedroom apartment in Kaimuki. That is where he wants to move, although he has not signed a lease yet. I doubt that he will be accepted. As you probably have guessed, I have will have no part of that charade. Adios, Alan!

As it stands, I plan to move to Waimanalo before the end of the month. I will continue to look for other rental housing options during my tenure there. The rent will remain the same as I am paying now, which is a lot less than the rental listings that I have perused recently.

Surveillance Mini-Update®
The Google® surveillance robot made an unannounced visit at 4:45pm HST for unknown reasons. Could it be spying on an unsuspecting perverted "dirty old man"?


The "blog" has temporarily returned to daily postings. The primary purpose is to showcase more young hottie pictures. Commentary by the ol' lavahead is secondary. Old news, I know. So, just check out the hotties instead. Sheesh! The "blog," by the way, is a point of contention insofar as the iPad® tablet computer is concerned. If I did not have to compose the "blog" on the iPad®, then it would be close to the ideal device (i.e., minimal surveillance) for me. The iPad® has a few other shortcomings (detailed in previous "blog" posts), but none are too serious. Of course, my cheap "smartphone" can accomplish all tasks quite well given the puny screen.

Lots of rain this morning, but the participants of the Honolulu Marathon were not dissuaded. The run route passes right by Chaos Manor (read: rental housing). Several lanes of the highway were closed off for the runners, the majority of them already on the return segment of the event. Naturally, nothing deters the ol' lavahead from fulfilling his daily itinerary in town, which now includes a visit to the coffee shop.

As usual on Sunday, a certain fitness and training hottie was at the gym. Baby was looking mighty fine. Baby has, of course, abstained from coming around. A tragedy, I know. With no savior, there's no stopping my downhill slide into the abyss. Anyway, baby has been working out subsequent to her client training sessions. To say that baby is fit would be an understatement. Tight is more like it. And, seeing baby in her tight workout outfit invokes intrusive erotic (read: animalistic) thoughts in the oversized cranium. Tight body, tight outfit. What's an old codger to do?

The remainder of the day was blasé at best. Once a babe like a certain fitness and training hottie is observed, everything else is subdued to the point of being insignificant. All that was left for me was where to procure my dinner, a purely animalistic drive. Inexpensive dinner choices at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala are limited. So, every evening, I must choose between three eating establishments. so pathetic.

Well, I will probably waste some time this evening in contemplating whether I should divest the iPad®. Aside from the various technical problems that I have experienced, the device presents several existential problems as well. I must worry about it being stolen or damaged from carelessness. And, I must recharge its battery religiously. Seems a lot like slavery, doesn't it?

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Mad House Redux

Moving to Waimanalo is going to present a few logistical problems, primarily involving commuting. During the daylight hour, I will most likely ride the early morning and late afternoon express bus (excluding weekends) to town. Or, I can ride the regular bus that runs through Kailua. My evening outing in Kahala poses the biggest challenge. Many of the bus routes are limited in the evenings and service ends early. I could easily end up stranded in town.

The idiotic "chef" finally moved the last of his worldly possessions from Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) this morning. He was doing infinite loads of laundry to the very end of his rental tenure. I'll probably never the see the fool again. Good riddance! The coffee shop in town was nearly empty when I arrived at 10am. Surprising, considering the gloomy and cool weather outside. I'm not complaining, mind you. I was able to enjoy the cup of coffee without being privy to any extreme display of stupidity.

Yesterday, at the gym, I added leg exercises to my workout. I also plan to include abdominal exercises soon. Previously, I had only been doing upper body training. I really have no idea why I bother. I am an old codger. And, a certain fitness and training hottie is not going to come around. But, I digress. Eventually, any kind of workout or exercise will be futile. Have you ever seen a "buffed out" old geezer? I rest my case. Anyway, without the gym, I would have absolutely nothing to do.

At this point in time, I can safely state that I am fatigued. Exhausted is more like it. The upcoming hasty move from Chaos Manor to Waimanalo, the upcoming hearings in Small Claims Court because of a few moneygrubbing Chinks, the overcrowding of the entire island due to illegal and legal immigrants (many homeless, all poor), the proliferation of 300-pounders (i.e., obese people), and so on. There is just no end to the madness.

When I returned to Chaos Manor this afternoon, I chatted briefly with Alan. He is desperately attempting to find rental housing for himself. If all else fails, he can stay temporarily with a friend and his family. Alan didn't bother with the listings that I provided the other day, so he is on his own. Alan needs to find a place of his own. His extreme hoarding of junk and poor personal hygiene is not conducive to communal living. Heck, I am probably the only tenant in the history of Chaos Manor to not be overly concerned about Alan's slobbish ways. I also chatted with the landlord's husband. I may have a few more days before I have to vacate. I should be adequately prepared by then.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Mortal Combatant

Usual Hawai'i Kai visit. Moms had an appointment at the clinic this morning. So, while waiting for moms, I purchased a cup of coffee at the nearby fast food joint and accessed the wireless Net "hotspot" to compose the "blog." I also called (not using my "smartphone") and left a message with the landlord of Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) to postpone my move to Waimanalo for at least another week. The reason is a matter of commuting convenience. Sadly, I don't expect Alan or I to find alternative rental housing during that time period.

The sheer number of senior citizens at the fast food joint in Hawai'i Kai was mind boggling. I shouldn't be surprised. Most of Hawai'i Kai is populated by people in my parents' generation. Yeah, senior citizens on parade. I was able to observe and interpolate my near future, all within the 30 minutes that I was there. Not a good experience at all. In fact, I felt a tremendous surge of anxiety. Mortality became even more pronounced in my mind. I also felt a sense of urgency ... but, to do what?

At the gym this afternoon, I observed the latest example of rampant stupidity yet again. People in the weight room are using the various weight machines as chairs to lounge upon while they fiddle around with their "smartphones." Some people spend twenty minutes or longer engaged in the sedentary activity. Just before exiting the gym after my workout and shower, I noticed a number of Saturnalia decorations hanging from the perimeter of the front desk. I looked more closely and noted that there were small notes on each one. Various needy children were requesting small gifts. I was overcome by grief. Here I am, surrounded by greed and moneygrubbing daily, trying to make sense of it all. The greed of the few has caused the pain and suffering of the many.

When I returned to Chaos Manor late this afternoon, I was able to chat briefly with the landlord's husband. Apparently, the landlord's son has been changing the plans for Chaos Manor regularly at his whim and fancy. There's no need to detail the stupidity, but his latest brainstorm for the renovation is the reason why I must move to Waimanalo soon. The new plans require the rerouting of the existing plumbing, most of which will have to be done by ripping out the ceiling in my squalid room. Even the landlord's husband was exasperated by the constant change of plans.

I was an hour late when I finally arrived in Kahala for my evening outing. As usual, the scheduled bus didn't arrive at all. Most likely, it broke down somewhere in Hawai'i Kai. Happens all the time. So, I ended up dining at the fast food joint. Greasy "value menu" items. Yum! Fortunately, the iPad® tablet computer was at my side. I decided to loiter at the fast food joint and finish composing the "blog" by accessing the wireless Net "hotspot."Of course, I will be riding a later bus back to Chaos Manor.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Yesterday, we learned that death is liberty, at least in empire. Why has it come to this? Well, the rank-and-file peons (i.e., the "ninety-nine percent") have willingly allowed themselves to be repressed, disenfranchised, brainwashed, compartmentalized, gentrified, and lobotomized. Rhetoric aside, what really is the source of the problem? "Smartphones" and Facebook® (other social networking sites on the Net as well), both of which are instrumental in the "dumbing down" of the general populace. People are spending way too much time taking "selfies" and posting them on-line along with inane commentary. Little wonder why stupidity and ignorance run rampant.

Speaking of "smartphones," I have disabled most of the Google® "apps" on my own "smartphone" to downgrade it as close as possible to the spartan Android Open Source Project (AOSP). Foolish, I know, since the device is rarely powered on. However, there's no telling what those "apps" are doing in the background. They are not as benign as most people believe. Who knows? I may just give in and enable all of the them again just to join the masses.

This morning, I retrieved the necessary forms from the District Court in town in order to file for a hearing in Small Claims Court. The moneygrubbing Chinks at the property management firm that oversees the Chinatown dormitory have failed to refund my money or communicate at all. The reason is clear. They are smugly banking on the possibility that I won't pursue any remedy. The litigation process is tedious. I must file two separate forms (at $35 each), one for the security deposit and the other for the first months rent, which means two separate hearings on two separate dates. I will also have to spend money on photocopying all of the evidential documents. The only other, albeit mild, alternative is to seek out the resources of the Mediation Center of the Pacific.

Otherwise, the itinerary is always the same. When I returned to Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) this afternoon, I discovered that the landlord had left me a note. The small studio in Waimanalo is apparently ready for me to move in. The landlord appears to be in a hurry to move us out of the house. Unfortunately, I am not quite ready to move yet. Neither is Alan. As for the "chef," the crazy germ-phobic and treacherous fool won't be missed by anyone.

Oh, I've been yearning for the simple life for years. Yet, the simple life has eluded me. No matter what I do, the machinations of "evildoers" attempt to ensnare me in slavery, money traps, and dimwitted schemes. Pretty much, it's all about the money. The perversion and greed associated with a simple medium of exchange has reached an untenable point. Few even understand that mortality trumps accumulated wealth. No matter how many times people are told, "You can't take it with you," they just don't get it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Last night, I did the unthinkable. No, I didn't succumb to homelessness. Worse, I tied my cheap "smartphone" to my one-and-only Google® account. Since I have ascertained that I am not being tracked for "terrorism," there is nothing to fear. Well, that's not exactly true. I am being tracked for alleged perverted "dirty old man" activities, whatever that might be. Location services are disabled on the "smartphone," so only an approximation of my whereabouts is possible. At least I was able to update the two surveillance "apps" that haven't been intentionally disabled. Oh, the foolishness!

In actuality, my whereabouts can always be tracked with pinpoint accuracy as long as the "smartphone" is connected to a "cell" transmitter. Not to mention, the surveillance apparatus of empire is intercepting all domestic voice, text, and e-mail communications. The only freedom from any kind of surveillance tracking is to power down (or enable "airplane mode") all devices. And, that's exactly what I do.

Speaking of freedom, I have come to the final conclusion that, for contemporary humans, there is no freedom. Death is the only freedom available. The gentrification and lobotomization of humans has resulted in the ultimate prison state. Overpopulation has increased the need to employ Draconian measures of control. We are on an accelerating collision course with self-destruction. Eventually, the controlled and self-policed social order must disintegrate. Why the event hasn't occurred sooner, I don't know. The horrid implication is that, when disintegration does occur, it will be swift and devastating. Human extinction is possible. For the time being, stupidity and ignorance maintains the illusion of faux freedom.

"Give me liberty, or give me death." Those words really ring true even more so today. If the latter quote is interpreted properly, then there exists an equivalence between liberty and death. As with all animals, the human desire for freedom is overwhelming. Unfortunately, in the quest to subdue the "inner animal," chimpo sapiens have resorted to extreme forms of repression, brainwashing, compartmentalization, incarceration, and indentured servitude. Death is liberty.

Another unaccomplished day has passed. The usual itinerary was followed, but I spent most of the time locked in contemplation of my plight as a slave of empire. Money and the "ownership society" are my two greatest adversaries. What can I do to escape the evil web of both nefarious influences? Where can I go? Who will be my savior?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Savior Redux

Extreme monk haircut restoration at the Institute of Hair Design (IHD) was on the agenda this morning. As you may recall, I have been going there for years. I have never received a bad haircut. And, the cost is very reasonable. I also know the headmaster, Leo, since he is a member of the gym. While my hair is being cut, I always observe the different haircuts of the students and other IHD patrons. The IHD is really a landmark of downtown.

Coffee has made a big comeback for me. I actually don't mind the expensive coffee from the coffee shop. There seems to be less caffeine in a cup when compared to the equivalent brew from the fast food joint. And, my primary purpose is to access the free wireless Net with my troublesome iPad® tablet computer.

The sole purpose of each day of my existence is ... working out at the gym. Somewhat pathetic, I know. What else can I do? I am an old codger, and working out has kept me appearing younger than my true age. Of course, I know my true biological age. Sometimes I am really bothered by that fact. Frankly, I am getting tired of this old age crap. If only I had a savior, like a certain fitness and training hottie. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

When I returned to Chaos Manor (read: rental housing), I was able to chat with the landlord. The arrangements to move to Waimanalo are complete. All that's needed is the exact day. I also queried the landlord about the possibility of Alan or I renting a unit a Chaos Manor once the renovations are completed. The landlord, however, was no longer open to the idea of having Alan as a tenant. Apparently, the landlord's son had gone into Alan's squalid room to take measurements. What he allegedly observed and smelled in there was the final deciding factor. Aside from all of the junk stacked up everywhere, the room has not been cleaned in the seven years of Alan's tenure.

So, that's the situation for the ol' lavahead right now. He will be moving to Waimanalo in a few weeks. He is still waiting for the moneygrubbing Chinks at the property management firm that oversees the Chinatown dormitory to return his money. And, now he's totally on his own, growing old and decrepit, while waiting for his savior.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Theater of Perversion

Last night, after I returned to Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) from my evening outing, I chatted with Alan about the housing situation. He was fairly incoherent. I am sensing that he's going to seek a place on his own. There's a house in the Kahala area wherein the owner is individually renting out two large rooms, each with a bathroom but no kitchen, for $1,000 per month (utilities extra). I don't really know how he is going to fit all of his "stuff" in there. He stated that he would purchase a small refrigerator, microwave oven, and hotplate in lieu of kitchen facilities. I doubt that the owner would allow him to cook inside the room. The idiotic "chef" has been doing two loads or more loads of laundry daily. I suspect that his germ phobia has "kicked into high gear" with all of the construction debris.

I played around with my new, albeit cheap, "smartphone" as well. Even with the small blurry screen, I was able to ascertain that I can perform all of my daily functions on it. And, that includes composing the "blog." From what I could tell, I would not have to invoke any workarounds to accomplish editing tasks or embedding hottie pictures. I may attempt to create a posting entirely on the "smartphone." In the end, I may not have any need for the iPad® tablet computer.

For the time being, my Hawai'i Kai visits will remain in effect. I don't expect any changes even if I move to Waimanalo. Speaking of Waimanalo, I left a note for the landlord indicating that I can move to the studio over there at anytime. There's no reason to stay on at Chaos Manor. Heck, I can't even park my vehicle in the driveway anymore. I believe that Alan is going to rent the room in Kahala out of desperation. It's best that I move on as well. In any case, the window of opportunity for rental housing that is available around the first of January is rapidly closing.

I was planning to purchase a case for the cheap "smartphone" this evening at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. However, the sale items were sold out. And, at $18 for a thick purse-like case, I was not impressed. The plastic sandwich bag will suffice. I then observed whether the average shopping zombie had a "smartphone" case. Bumper cases were prevalent, but many people had no protection for their devices. I also observed the sheer number of people clutching their "smartphones" while walking around. There were a fair number of zombies who were staring at or thumb-typing on the screen of their devices while walking around. Yeah, sheer absurdity.

I am finding much difficulty in filling text around the numerous hottie images embedded in the "blog." Yet, there are still hundreds of hottie images in the queue. Some of the images may be repeats from the old "blog." I can't remember, and I am certainly not going back to check for redundancy. Strange that an old codger would feature myriad images of gorgeous young hotties in his obscure "blog." No wonder that the "blog" was once under constant surveillance. No telling what a perverted "dirty old man" would do. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Surveillance Mini-Update®
Hard as it may be to believe, the Google® surveillance robot paid the "blog" a visit at 10:45pm HST this evening. Perhaps the surveillance is not about terrorism but about old codger perversions. Oh brother.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Last night, I was stranded at the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala for nearly two hours. Due to a Saturnalia parade in town, the buses were running way off schedule. Actually, that's typical of all weekends. Anyway, I always monitor the GPS arrival times using an iPad® in the Apple® Store. My usual bus was scheduled to arrive at 7:50pm, but the GPS corrected it to 8:45pm. I kept checking the arrival time. No change until about 8pm when the arrival time suddenly was one minute. Just as I hastily exited the mall, I observed the bu in the distance heading off to Hawai'i Kai. Subsequently, I walked back and forth between the mall and the bus stop because the GPS kept reporting phantom bus arrivals. I finally boarded a real bus at 9:22pm. I chatted with the bus driver about my ordeal. Then, I noted the number of his bus. The GPS had reported that the bus was already in Hawai'i Kai and returning to town. Sheesh!

Why don't I just use my new "smartphone" and access the GPS arrival times from it? Shame from owning a cheap device, you think? Heck, it is usually not even powered on for service. I have also deliberately disabled the data option. So, of what use is the device? I really don't know.

This morning, Alan and I were off on an excursion from Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) in Alan's decrepit automobile to view a few rental housing options in person. We drove by the approximate location of a listing in Upper Aina Haina. We could not locate the house because of an incorrect address. We then drove to Waikiki, but there was no parking available. Alan called the resident manager of the apartment building that we were supposed to visit. Somehow parking arrangements were made. Then, he dropped me off at the nearest bus stop. I rode the bus to town to commence my usual Sunday itinerary. By the way, Alan is a horrendous driver. I don't know if the reason is old age or lack of sleep, possibly both.

Naturally, I espied a certain fitness and training hottie at gym. Oddly, baby has been working out after her client training sessions for the past three weeks. Baby is in awesome shape. My mind began playing tricks on me. I experienced intrusive erotic thoughts about baby for the rest of the day. However, baby has not come around. Too bad, only baby can be my savior. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

I returned to Chaos Manor at 3:45pm. The construction crew was in full swing. The pounding noises were horrendous. Alan I were supposed to view a couple of rental housing listings at 4:30pm. I don't know if Alan knocked on the door of my squalid room before departing alone. If he did knock, I could not hear him over the racket. The noise drove me to depart on my evening outing at 5pm.

The den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala was packed with myriad zombies who were engaged in rabid Saturnalia shopping. I loitered in various locations for an hour and observed the sheer absurdity of the spectacle, something that would probably even shock Kierkegaard. For some reason, I then became consumed by my own insignificance. I felt entirely alone. I began to question my existence, as if I could do anything about it. Obviously, I need a savior. Unfortunately, baby is not coming around.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


The situation at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) continues to degenererate. From what I have observed, the landlord's son has given the "green light" to begin work in the main part of the house. That, of course, means that construction will commence while three of us are still residing there. The "chef" is moving out next week, so he will be barely affected. I can move out at a moment's notice. However, Alan has not even begun to pack. His squalid room is full of "stuff" piled up everywhere. His kitchen cupboard space is filled as well as his allotted space in the refrigerator.

This morning, I submitted a list to Alan which included three houses in Kahala, Upper Aina Haina, and Hawai'i Kai that are available now. All are three-bedroom structures with one-and-a-half bathrooms and laundry facilities, all below $3,000 per month for rent and in ideal locations. However, Alan has become fixated on the idea of contesting the Chaos Manor landlord on flimsy legal grounds. I can empathize that he's perturbed about the situation. However, the landlord's megalomaniac son is going to renovate our current living space while we are still residing there whether we like it or not and whether it's legal or not. I have provided the list of rental homes to Alan because he is the only one who can initiate the leasing process. With only three weeks of time left, most of it tied up by holidays, we have no time to bicker with the landlord or the landlord's megalomaniac son.

As I have stated previously, I have grown quite weary of the current housing situation. The option of going homeless is "back on the table." I don't know. I am an old codger now. I don't need to impress anyone, so having a "home" of any kind is moot. I don't need anything, including my four battery-driven gadgets that require regular recharging. Why shave? Why clean my teeth? Why access the Net? Why bother with anything? I am an old codger. Nobody knows that I even exist. I am a non-entity like most senior citizens.

Just before departing for town this morning, I overheard the landlord's son give the construction crew approval to begin tearing down the main part of the house. After following the usual itinerary, I returned to Chaos Manor fully expecting it to live up to its new moniker. Sure enough, the construction crew was literally tearing apart the second floor suite. I am expecting the demolition of the first floor kitchen and common area to commence tomorrow. Obviously, both Alan and the "chef" will be in an uproar. The landlord left me a note stating that I can move into the attached studio in Waimanalo anytime. That further clued me that the first floor demolition work is set to start very soon. In fact, I am certain that my squalid room will be torn apart right after I move out.

Well, I will attempt to postpone the move for a few days. That will give Alan some time to pack up, that is, unless he decides to take legal action against the landlord. Nothing is going to stop the landlord's megalomaniac son, even though he is clearly violating the tenants' legal rights. The entire first floor will gutted before Alan could even initiate any kind of legal action. Game over!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Mad House

Our days at Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) are nearing an end. The landlord has notified both Alan and I that we must definitely vacate the premises on January 3rd or preferably earlier. So far, neither Alan or I have any new leads on places to rent. The landlord has offered me a temporary solution. I can rent an attached studio (at the same monthly rate) at the nursery in Waimanalo until I can find a more long-term solution. As it stands, I really have no choice but to accept the proposition. Alan will most likely be forced to stay temporarily with a friend in Kapolei.

well, I have drafted a "goodwill" note addressed to the moneygrubbing Chinks at the property management firm that oversees the Chinatown dormitory. I will mail it tonight during my evening outing in Kahala. Of course, I will make a copy of the note as part of the on-going document trail. Next week, I will be filing the paper work for a Small Claims Court hearing. I seriously doubt that the moneygrubbing Chinks will willingly return my money. So, off to court we go!

As it stands, I am now seriously considering the divestiture of my Nissan® Frontier truck. The resale value appears to be fairly high. Yet, I do not know if that is a good idea right now. I am also considering the divestiture of the iPad®. Sadly, the device has been a major disappointment to me. I'd like to say that I really enjoy using the various workarounds to get anything accomplished, but I am only annoyed instead. Or, I could simply be grumpy because of old age. Sheesh!

Speaking of workarounds on the tablet computer, I am beginning to suspect that most of the problems with composing the "blog" actually originates with Google® itself. The JavaScript code in the on-line composer is probably deliberately designed for some incompatibility with the Safari Web browser. JavaScript is supposed to be standardized, though. I would not be surprised that the incompatibility is there to force the user to install and use the Blogger® surveillance "app."

Oh, I just don't know anymore. The rental housing situation has really fatigued me. I am tired of the whole situation. To be honest, I can afford to pay the exorbitant rents for most of the small, dumpy apartments and rooms available. What stops me is that I will be paying out the same amount as a monthly mortgage on a huge edifice (somewhere on the mainland empire) and only be given a small coffin-like living space here. That is an insult to anyone's intelligence. Yet, there are people who are employed at two or three wage slave jobs just to make the rent for housing. Or, ten people are stuffed in a coffin-like space designed for one person. Little wonder why insanity is rampant in the islands.

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
Alan mentioned this evening that he has a lead on temporary housing in Waikiki. He wants us to share a coffin-like one-bedroom apartment while we wait for a three-bedroom house that the property manager alleges will become available soon. The rent is $1,100 per month and parking is $75 per month for each vehicle. That amounts to $725 per month each. Frankly, I don't like the idea. I'd rather reside in the landlord's studio unit and enjoy some peace of mind until we move into a real house for more madness.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


A hectic morning commenced with the usual moving of my vehicle from Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) to the shopping center nearby. I had just enough time to walk to the bus stop to board the scheduled bus to town. Naturally, the bus never showed. I waited for over 30 minutes for the next bus. It was completely crowded because the last bus had apparently suffered mechanical problems. So, all of the stranded passengers were on the bus as well. I alighted the bus in Kahala to wait for yet another bus just to get a reprieve from the crowd.

When I finally arrived in town, I was already in a provoked state. I dropped off my completely stuffed gym bag at the gym. Then, I walked to the Legal Aid Society. I was sure that there would be a long waiting list, but I was pleasantly surprised to find no one ahead of me. I chatted with one of the staff attorneys about my plight with the moneygrubbing Chinks at the property management firm that oversees the Chinatown dormitory. Unfortunately, my modest financial assets disqualified me from obtaining detailed legal advice. I cleverly asked a few questions anyway. The gist of the conversation is that I would ultimately need to sue the moneygrubbing Chinks in Small Claims Court. Since no legal representation is allowed in court, I would be on my own anyway. He also agreed with me that I could send one final note to appeal to the senses of the moneygrubbing Chinks as a show of goodwill before undertaking legal proceedings. I thanked the counselor for his assistance. Then, I was off to the coffee shop.

The coffee shop in town was crowded. Fortunately, there are three locations within a block of each other. Needless to say, I finally ended up with a cup of coffee. And, I was able to compose the "blog" in a relatively calm environment. I also sat and pondered the debased state of affairs in empire. It's all about the money. Money, money, money. And, I am not just referring to the moneygrubbing Chinks. Every activity in my daily life revolves around money. The only people who feign friendliness are involved in some kind of financial transaction with me. All of my critical decisions involve money. And, I am constantly being queried about my financial assets. Not to mention, I am inundated with cheesy advertising. What I just described does not in any way define "living." We are essentially walking point-of-sale (POS) terminals (read: zombie slaves). Note that POS is also the acronym for "piece of shit."

From my daily observations, I have ascertained that the general population of empire has been made subservient, ignorant, and docile by the "smartphone." At any given moment, a majority of people are passively engaged with the device. And, I rarely observe anyone who is not clutching a "smartphone" in hand. Even at the gym, I have seen people endlessly thumb-typing while sitting at various weight machines. The "smartphone" is a narcissistic gadget. Everything about the device screams, "Me, myself, and I!" Social networking is simply groups of people shouting, "Me, Myself, and I!" at each other.

On a side note, Alan has located a three-bedroom rental house in Waipahu for about $1,900 per month. The problem is Waipahu itself, which is the largest Filipino (Including legal and illegal immigrants) enclave on the island. In addition, Waipahu is completely congested. The population density per square-mile is probably equivalent to Makiki and Waikiki. Traffic into town is horrendous, too. Homelessness is really beginning to look like an attractive alternative.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Ever listen to an old codger spew endlessly about his accomplishments? Aside from feigned interest, did you really care? Human vanity knows no bounds, much like human stupidity. Success, accomplishments, meaning, purpose ... all vanity in the face of death and mortality. Fame and fortune today, decrepitude and obscurity tomorrow. That's the only real wisdom that I can convey to those who are willing to listen. Since crossing into old codger territory, however, I have realized that no one has time to listen to my pathetic legacy. Heck, I have no time to tell it. Only the "blog" serves as my testimony.

Incidentally, I have yet to receive the refund from the moneygrubbing Chinks at the property management firm that oversees the Chinatown dormitory. It's now past the legal 30-day requirement. I will send one last written note (as part of a document trail) to the firm. Moneygrubbing Chinks, as opposed to decent Chinese people, have infested most of the planet. The 70-year-old realtor whom I spoke with yesterday concerning an overpriced rental is a good example of a moneygrubbing Chink. The landlord of Chaos Manor (read: rental housing) is Chinese, but actually a decent person. The son is another story. Anyway, I plan to visit the Legal Aid Society for assistance soon.

After my discovery yesterday of my ineligibility for any rental housing, I realized that I will have to rely totally upon Alan. He has to secure the housing rental. Then, he must sublet a room to me. Although Alan is a good guy, I do not have a lot of confidence in his ability to find an adequate housing situation. He does, however, already have a third tenant in mind. Naturally, I have been wondering whether I should just succumb to homelessness. What is the point of continuing the expensive charade of "normality"? I am an old codger. And, a certain fitness and training hottie is not going to come around anyway.

I am also wondering about how long I can survive in empire. The social structure of empire has degenerated to the point in which I consider it uninhabitable. Just take a look around. All I see are zombies walking around with bulbous headphones on while staring continuously at a "smartphone" screen. The rules of social order are callously disregarded. Fools are running amuck. And, clinical insanity is at an all-time high. Don't even get me started on the Orwellian police state.

Speaking of "smartphones," I don't really know why I need one now. I won't be actively searching for rental housing because I am ineligible. I don't have any friends or acquaintances who need to contact me for anything. And, the tablet computer works best for what I need to do. So, have I wasted yet more money on another useless "piece of shit"?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Slave in the Mirror

This morning, I checked out a small attached studio rental unit ($965 per month for an area equivalent to a large closet) in Hawai'i Kai. The owner, a 70-year-old Chinese realtor and property manager, resides in the main house. Although quite amicable, the owner was obviously preoccupied with money and wealth accumulation. The five-bedroom house was filled with useless crap. The studio unit was originally the patio of the house, if you can believe it. The owner once rented out the other bedrooms, but the latter are currently filled with useless crap. In order to qualify for the rental, I would have to provide all kinds of financial documents, including my credit score. In other words, I would have to pay for my own credit check. People who are preoccupied with money always count every penny. I could also sense that there was an underlying feeling of disdain about my choice to prematurely emancipate myself from wage slavery.

I would like to move to Hawai'i Kai, but I don't want to subsist in an environment of fake opulence, greed, and an insatiable desire to attain immortality through wealth accumulation. I doubt that I would be accepted for the rental anyway, mainly because the owner of the house has little respect for unemployed people. The lesson to be learned is that slavery of all types is embraced and self-policed by the slaves themselves. Institutional brainwashing is so entrenched in empire that there is no escape but to become a detested pariah. At this point in time, I may be forced to become homeless for the simple reason that I cannot produce any paycheck stubs.

Few people realize that the current air of "prosperity" is being fueled by massive global money "printing" or "liquidity injections." Money, backed by absolutely nothing, is being flooded into global economies. The "free" money, in turn, is being used to purchase accrued government and private debt. The purchased debt is rehypothecated endlessly to produce a new recursive chain of debt. Hyperinflation has not occurred because everyone, including the rank-and-file peons, are grabbing whatever money is coming there way. Much of the "free" money is flowing into the equities market, now tainted by enormous stock buybacks (i.e., a nefarious method to "goose the system"). The fact that the whole scheme is accelerating at a blinding pace suggests that any future correction will cause severe dislocations, even more wealth redistribution in favor of the "one percent," and dire impoverishment of the masses.

I have returned to drinking coffee regularly, although the main reason is the free Net "hotspot" at the coffee shop in town. I spend the precious time there composing the "blog." I also had time to contemplate the earlier meeting with the owner of the coffin-sized studio unit. As stated previously, the 70-year-old Chink moneygrubber has a five-bedroom house stuffed with useless crap that was financed by her various dubious enterprises. Where does the bitch think all that crap is going when she "kicks the bucket"? To "Heaven" with her? Most likely the surviving family members will have the stockpile of junk hauled off to the landfill or it will be donated to charity. Moneygrubbers are exactly like religious fanatics.

I really wish that the damned "system" would collapse already. There are too many people who need to be forcibly put in thir place, if you know what I mean. They walk around as if they have a stick up their asses, and their noses are held up high in snobbery. Systemic collapse would shove the stick all the way into the colon and wake the fools up from the stupor of self-importance. Maybe then, the long-awaited revolution will bring about real change.