The new downtown Walmart® store opened yesterday. It's just a stone's throw from the gym. I decided to check out the store this morning. The entire place was filled with Filipinos and senior citizens. Navigation was nearly impossible due to the former and latter. Thus, I was not able to make any assessment.
Typical Downtown Hottie |
With that said, I am ready to move to downtown. Slob Manor (read: rental housing) is beyond detestable to me. The tenants leave a lot to be desired. I have also lost any desire to ride the bus. Too many damned fools and psychos. And, I really don't enjoy my evening outings to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Again, too many damned fools and psychos.
Typical Cleansed Hottie |
Although, I will admit that I have enjoyed patronizing the Jamba Juice® outlet in the mall. Most of the "team members" know me by name. They also know what I order. So, yes, I am still on the "cleansing" diet.
Typical Dormitory Hottie |
Why move downtown? Well, if I move into the dormitory in Chinatown where my formerly-homeless buddy now resides, then I can save money. No more bus rides, too. And, the Walmart® store will become a mainstay for cheap crap. I pay a lot more to live (term used loosely) in Slob Manor. All I do there is download flicks "mainstream" and hurdy-gurdy video clips and view them in the evenings. So boring.
I am a senior citizen, an old codger, now. I don't have anymore time to waste with idiots like the Slob Manor tenants. I am no longer highly entertained by the Net, "mainstream" flicks, and hurdy-gurdy video clips. I need to be in my element ... that is, other old codgers and losers. Downtown is calling!
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
Although I am only marginally entertained by "mainstream" flicks, I still happened to view "Under the Skin," "Transcendence," and "Sabotage" recently.
Surveillance Mini-Update®
Yeah, the surveillance 'bot is still around. Mummify! I've been triggering it with the infamous "Booyah!" dummy posting. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Well, I gotta say one thing for a downtown Walmart, and this is gonna catch on real quick with the homeless types, I can tell ya - they got a goddam pisser in there, where a person can take a whizz! I'm sick and tired of having to go to the Library to piss, only to discover that, once again, some scuzbucket trashwhore of a street loser has torn the urinal off the wall or plugged the can with a monstrous fecal load too big to flush. Yellow tape across the door can only mean one thing - Homeless rage strikes again! Of course, I could drag my bony ass up one flight of stairs to the second floor, where the shitter is usually in somewhat good repair, but dammit all - I’m a hard working, tax paying sumbitch that deserves the best the ground floor has to offer, not some walk-up crap like that. I either shit in luxury, or I hold it in! Constipation Rulz!! Seriously, they gotta do something about the shitter situation in Chinatown and elsewhere, but especially Chinatown. The cop station on Hotel is just about the only public dumper in the area, and who wants to walk in there with the fuzz watching your every move. Don’t tell me they don’t have spy cameras in the head. They’re cops, dammit! And at Maunikea Marketplace, for example, you have to beg a merchant for a key to the head, and other places, you gotta leave your I.D. Or license with the merchants. I call bullshit on that. I’ll cross River St. to the park and take my chances with the troglodytes and bag ladies that live over there. At lease they got a bathroom, dirty as it is.