Thursday, July 31, 2014

Fantasy & Reality Revisited

The readership of the "blog" continues to dwindle, but there are still about four loyal readers. Why? I have done nothing to improve the "blog." Rather, it has degenerated into a mindless editorial. A trivial pursuit at best. The only highlight is the inclusion of non-related hottie pictures.

Typical Non-Related Hottie
I mentioned previously that I am now an avid fan of the popular "young adult" flicks, namely "Divergent" and "The Hunger Games." I find them refreshing. No gratuitous violence, no unnecessary gore, no vampires, no zombies, no grotesque extraterrestrials, no explosions, no obligatory vehicle chases, no "smartphones," and absolutely no cussing. Yet, the lack of the formulaic ingredients of cinematic success did not hurt either flick. Incidentally, I am looking forward to viewing "Insurgent" (sequel to "Divergent") on the "big screen" in a theater next year.

Scene From "Divergent"
Unfortunately, I have lost interest in other "mainstream" flicks. The aforementioned formulaic ingredients only produce rote formulaic flicks. Believe me, I know. I have viewed hundreds of them. And, only a handful are even worthy of mention.

Why am I wasting so much time on the fantasy world of flicks? Well, I am an old codger, locked into a confined world of slow degeneration by virtue (term used loosely) of age and impoverishment. I am imprisoned on an island that has devolved into a vicious two-class system. The class of the economically disenfranchised is growing exponentially with the influx of illegal immigrants and the non-indigenous homeless. The class of the affluent (also immigrants, but of the desirable variety) continues to "raise the bar" for the cost of living. And, the growing numbers of decrepit senior citizens has brought about a new "virtual" class of geriatric zombies.

Typical Fantasy Hotties
Thus, my only escape is through the lens of a passive participant of a sedentary audience of "mainstream" flicks and hurdy-gurdy video clips. I live vicariously through "virtual reality" media because I am too old and too poor to experience reality. Fantasy is my only reality. So pathetic.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


As we all know, I spend every evening viewing "mainstream" flicks (acquired via bit-torrent download) on the poor man's home theater system. Pathetic, I know. What else am I supposed to do? I am an impoverished old codger. Sheesh!

Scene From "Divergent"
Anyway, I viewed "Divergent" recently. At first, I was hesitant about viewing it. After all, it's target audience is teenagers. Obviously, I am not in that age group. However, once the flick commenced, I was completely enthralled. Sure, there are some New Age and religious elements embedded within. And, yes, the general plot is of the generic dystopian aftermath of global warfare. There are "older" people, too. Thankfully, they were not portrayed as buffoons. Expendable, but not clowns.

In any case, "Divergent" is now at the top of my list of favorite flicks. I am not exactly certain about what resonated with me. However, if I had to choose between my microscopic hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) and "Divergent," I would choose the latter. And, in second place is "Angels & Demons."

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I have commenced viewing "The Hunger Games" series of flicks. Make no mistake, there is no similarity to "Divergent." However, I must admit that I am quite impressed. These "teenager" flicks are really quite excellent.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Oil Change

My aging Nissan® Frontier truck was taken in to the dealership for its annual oil change ($35 with coupon). That's right, the oil is changed only once per year. Sadly, with only 20,000 miles on the odometer, there are a couple of major issues to be dealt with: fluid leakage from the power steering pump and the rear differential.

Rather than wait for over an hour at the dealership, I opted to ride the bus to town. Big mistake. The bus ride took me through the entirety of picturesque Kalihi. Lots of Filipinos and Micronesians. Lots of obesity. Lots of poverty. The bus was completely full all the way to town.

Typical Air-Conditioned Hotties
I purchased a nice greasy breakfast (with a $1 off coupon) at the fast food joint in town. Very delicious. I loitered there for a while before walkng to the gym. The heatwave has continued unabated since I last mentioned it. And, the gym has been hot and stuffy. There appears to be a problem with the air conditioning system. Needless to say, cardio workouts have been very taxing.

The ride back to the dealership on the bus was exactly the same as the earlier trip ... crowded with Filipinos and Micronesians. Kalihi is basically a third-world city. Once I retrieved my truck, I drove back to Slob Manor (read: rental housing). I stopped off at the 7-Eleven® store in Niu Valley for a refreshing Slurpee®. Another day, another dollar ... short.

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
I rarely speak anymore, so I have discovered that I am "losing my voice." My vocal chords only emit squeaky, raspy noises now. I really don't care anyway. Talk is cheap. Very cheap.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Shrinking Life

There's actually nothing new to report. My life continues to shrink into senior citizenship. My ties to the outside world also continues to shrink. I have had to eliminate many Net sources because of recent ignorant statements made in lockstep with the empire's propaganda. Truth has become an unknown entity.

Typical Expanding Hottie
At the despicable Slob Manor (read: rental housing), I have resolved the problem with Net resource hogging. I have access to the wireless router through its Web interface. Thus, from the comfort (term used loosely) of my squalid room, I was able to defeat the default QoS (Quality of Service) and WMM (WiFi Multimedia) settings. Net access equality has been restored.

My formerly-homeless buddy has been meeting with me most mornings in town. He has advised me to submit the application for the Chinatown dormitory only when I am ready to move there. With a check for the first month's rent and security deposit in hand, I will be able to secure a unit right then. The question is: Do I really want to move there?

No medical appointments until early August, thank goodness. The "cleansing" diet is still in effect. I am looking forward to returning to a more "normal" diet, possibly next month.

Slob Manor Mini-Update®
The obnoxious "chef" has apparently gone through five different chicks in the last four months. He's now working on his sixth "score." That explains why he's become extremely arrogant. He thinks that he is a "stud." I have never seen any of his harem, so I don't know if they were hotties.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Contrary to what most people believe, this is not the most exciting time to be living. The invasive human species is wreaking havoc on the planet we call home. Most of the problems, as I have stated many times, is our dysfunctional beliefs. We know what damage cancer causes, but we just cannot accept the human population analogy. Pathetic.

Typical Standby Hottie
The fast food joint in town no longer serves oatmeal. I had to substitute a couple of greasy "value menu" items this morning. What a mistake! Why didn't I just bring my old standby, granola, with me?

Typical Dormitory Hotties
My formerly-homeless buddy met up with me at the fast food joint. He provided me with a few more details about the dungy dormitory in Chinatown. I have made no decision about moving there yet. However, I will most likely submit the application anyway.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I departed for town earlier than usual on the bus in order to arrive in time for my appointment with the cardiologist. Once again, I provided the nauseating details of the circumstances that led to my untimely visit to the emergency room at the hospital about six weeks ago. Long story short, the cardiologist believes that the root of the problem may be dehydration. Nonetheless, he has ordered more blood work, an echocardiogram, and the infamous treadmill test. So, I have more medical appointments in the queue. I will also be continuing with the low dosage beta blocker medication. In addition, I will be taking a low dosage of aspirin daily.

Typical Hydrated Hottie
To celebrate my indoctrination into medical oblivion, I purchased a vanilla milk shake (half-price with coupon) at the fast food joint in town. My formerly-homeless buddy stopped by a few minutes later, so we were able to chat. He has completed the chemotherapy treatment for colon cancer, although he said the tumor was still there. Foot surgery was successfully completed, too. No motorized wheelchair required. So, he has restored his membership at the gym.

Typical Impressive Hottie
My former-homeless buddy has assumed that I will moving to the dormitory in Chinatown. He's pretty excited. I didn't tell him that I was not too impressed by the dump. My cost analysis yields that any savings will be minimal, not enough to offset the dismal environment. The rooms are small and stuffy. There's a small refrigerator included. A bed will be provided, if requested. The windows are fairly large and face into the inner courtyard (term used loosely). There is a huge industrial sink in each room, a hideous hunk of porcelain. The common bathrooms are clean. No mirrors, no electric outlets, just a shower and a huge industrial sink. No common kitchen either.

Typical Decvisive Hottie
I don't know. I shouldn't really complain because the dump fits my pathetic life-style. However, $425 per month is way too much for that. The "crack house" was only $300 per month. Vegicle parking will cost an additional $100 per month. The nearest parking structure is about three blocks away. So, the final decision has been postponed. I have to deal with my medical decrepitude first. Sheesh!

Surveillance Mini-Update®
I have temporarily thwarted the damned surveillance 'bot by sequentially uploading a legitimate posting along with the dummy "Booyah!" posting. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Downtown (Continued)

Is downtown really calling me? Oh, I don't know. I visited the Chinatown dormitory, City Villa, at 10am this morning. I had made an appointment to view one of the rooms. The manager showed me two available rooms on the third floor. Like the "crack house," it is four-storey concrete bunker. No elevators. The rooms are small, but manageable. "Dump" is what comes to mind. I won't waste time describing the place. Let's just say that it was not as great as described by my formerly-homeless buddy. The common restrooms were clean, but dumpy. No kitchen area. The tenants? Losers. Rent is $425 per month. I have a rental application in hand, but I am not certain about its submission.

Typical "Straight Up" Hottie
Speaking of my formerly-homeless buddy, I ran into him at the bus stop a few minutes later. Yes, he has moved into City Villa. He advised me to wait a few days because he has a lead on another place in Makiki. I was actually happy to see him. My formerly-homeless buddy is the only person who has been mostly "straight up" with me out of all of the fools that I deal with. He rode the bus with me until I alighted about two blocks away. I then restored my extreme monk haircut, a real relief during the current heatwave.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


The new downtown Walmart® store opened yesterday. It's just a stone's throw from the gym. I decided to check out the store this morning. The entire place was filled with Filipinos and senior citizens. Navigation was nearly impossible due to the former and latter. Thus, I was not able to make any assessment.

Typical Downtown Hottie
With that said, I am ready to move to downtown. Slob Manor (read: rental housing) is beyond detestable to me. The tenants leave a lot to be desired. I have also lost any desire to ride the bus. Too many damned fools and psychos. And, I really don't enjoy my evening outings to the den of consumerism (read: shopping mall) in Kahala. Again, too many damned fools and psychos.

Typical Cleansed Hottie
Although, I will admit that I have enjoyed patronizing the Jamba Juice® outlet in the mall. Most of the "team members" know me by name. They also know what I order. So, yes, I am still on the "cleansing" diet.

Typical Dormitory Hottie
Why move downtown? Well, if I move into the dormitory in Chinatown where my formerly-homeless buddy now resides, then I can save money. No more bus rides, too. And, the Walmart® store will become a mainstay for cheap crap. I pay a lot more to live (term used loosely) in Slob Manor. All I do there is download flicks "mainstream" and hurdy-gurdy video clips and view them in the evenings. So boring.

I am a senior citizen, an old codger, now. I don't have anymore time to waste with idiots like the Slob Manor tenants. I am no longer highly entertained by the Net, "mainstream" flicks, and hurdy-gurdy video clips. I need to be in my element ... that is, other old codgers and losers. Downtown is calling!

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
Although I am only marginally entertained by "mainstream" flicks, I still happened to view "Under the Skin," "Transcendence," and "Sabotage" recently.

Surveillance Mini-Update®
Yeah, the surveillance 'bot is still around. Mummify! I've been triggering it with the infamous "Booyah!" dummy posting. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Old Man Maladies (Ad Nauseam)

Another visit to the Makahiki clinic. The comprehensive tests on my blood sample only produced good news. Every criteria, including cholesterol, was fine. I am actually borderline with LDL cholesterol and one thyroid gland marker. Not bad, though. The lowered cholesterol level was surprising, considering that I have been battling the malady only with psyllium and self-imposed dietary constraints.

Typical Wellness Hottie
Unfortunately, the source of my heart problems remains a mystery. The blood work implicates the heart itself. In other words, I have a defective "ticker." So, I have already made an appointment with a cardiologist next week. In fact, I have appointment after appointment lined up, just like a good senior citizen. That's all senior citizens do ... visit medical clinics and go shopping.

Typical Shopping Hottie
The whole situation has made me wary. Ever since I was accepted into the Medicaid program (along with the homeless and destitute), I have become a medical "cash cow." So, I will probably be routinely in and out of medical clinics for the rest of my life. Unless, of course, I put a stop to it.

Typical Liquid Hottie
The weight loss issue still bothers me. However, I seem to have stabilized at 137 pounds. My guess is that the longer cardio workouts at the gym and the "cleansing" diet are the culprits. Incidentally, the "cleansing" diet was not completely clean. I adulterated it daily with one greasy "value menu" item from the fast food joint in Kahala. I needed something cheap and slightly filling to offset an essentially liquid diet. Sheesh!

Surveillance Mini-Update®
Yeah, the surveillance 'bot is still at it. I nefariously triggered it with a dummy posting titled, "Booyah!" Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Withering Away

My sister-in-law mentioned yesterday that she had seen Aunty Maria in town recently. Aunty Maria was being assisted by a caregiver. Apparently, Aunty Maria can no longer bend for herself and is now living in a senior citizen care home. The degree of dementia is so bad that Aunty Maria could no longer recognize my sister-in-law.

Moms is now having difficulty writing. For being 92 years old, that's a minor problem. Moms is still fully ambulatory. There's some forgetfulness, but no dementia. Of course, moms suffers from a few other senior citizen maladies, but the latter are not debilitating or life-threatening.

Typical Worldly Hottie
I have been preoccupied with my own foray into senior citizenship. Thus, my interest in worldly affairs has diminished. After all, the issue is mortality. Nothing will be of importance after death. Worldly affairs are, after all, the denial of death.

My current maladies were somewhat disconcerting until I realized that I am an old codger. My body is breaking down in preparation for death. My only true purpose, as with all humans, is to procreate. Having failed at that, I am prematurely withering away. The heart problems, the weight loss, and whatever else are just part of the natural degeneration process. What more can be said?

Surveillance Mini-Update®
Here I am, withering away, and the "piece of shit" Google® surveillance robot is still "dogging" the "blog." The situation around the world is reaching critical mass, but the damned 'bot is still here. What's the problem? Didn't I already supply the "terrorist" trigger words?

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
As an old codger, I have nothing better to do than view lots of "mainstream" flicks (courtesy bit-torrent downloads) on the poor man's home theater system. Yeah, the hurdy-gurdy video clips are going to the wayside, what with my low testosterone and all. More about that later. Anyway, I really enjoyed viewing "Safe," "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," and "Gun Woman."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Accidental Trigger

I "accidentally" triggered the Google® surveillance robot while performing minor editing on prior "blog" postings. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! "Accidentally" ... get it? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Typical Trigger-Happy Hottie
So, what better time to feature another gorgeous young hottie? Well, Mista Bumpy really appreciates the bevy of babes who grace the otherwise boring "blog." Come to think of it, so do I. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Blood Work

I woke up early this morning and transported myself to town to have a blood sample drawn at the local diagnostic laboratory. A whole battery of tests, about $200 worth, will be performed. Of course, I had to fast for twelve hours prior, so I was famished.

Typical Diagnostic Hottie
What a way to start off the new month. Well, that's why I am compelled to feature yet another gorgeous young hottie in the "blog." The Google® surveillance 'bot should be adequately appeased. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Slob Manor (Read: Rental Housing) Mini-Update®
The arrogant "chef" always finds new and nauseating ways to inconvenience everyone else at the dump. I am guessing that he has installed a YouTube® downloader onto his computer. His "piece of shit" computer is running 24 hours per day, seven days per week. My guess is that he is downloading several hundred HD "conspiracy theory" video clips simultaneously. Obviously, the latter activity hogs all of the available "bandwidth" on the wireless router. What a dickhead!

Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
The "cleansing" diet will remain in effect until the blood sample test results are in. I will find out next week when I return to the clinic in Makahiki.