My sister-in-law mentioned yesterday that she had seen Aunty Maria in town recently. Aunty Maria was being assisted by a caregiver. Apparently, Aunty Maria can no longer bend for herself and is now living in a senior citizen care home. The degree of dementia is so bad that Aunty Maria could no longer recognize my sister-in-law.
Moms is now having difficulty writing. For being 92 years old, that's a minor problem. Moms is still fully ambulatory. There's some forgetfulness, but no dementia. Of course, moms suffers from a few other senior citizen maladies, but the latter are not debilitating or life-threatening.
Typical Worldly Hottie |
I have been preoccupied with my own foray into senior citizenship. Thus, my interest in worldly affairs has diminished. After all, the issue is mortality. Nothing will be of importance after death. Worldly affairs are, after all, the denial of death.
My current maladies were somewhat disconcerting until I realized that I am an old codger. My body is breaking down in preparation for death. My only true purpose, as with all humans, is to procreate. Having failed at that, I am prematurely withering away. The heart problems, the weight loss, and whatever else are just part of the natural degeneration process. What more can be said?
Surveillance Mini-Update®
Here I am, withering away, and the "piece of shit" Google® surveillance robot is still "dogging" the "blog." The situation around the world is reaching critical mass, but the damned 'bot is still here. What's the problem? Didn't I already supply the "terrorist" trigger words?
Ol' Lavahead Mini-Update®
As an old codger, I have nothing better to do than view lots of "mainstream" flicks (courtesy bit-torrent downloads) on the poor man's home theater system. Yeah, the hurdy-gurdy video clips are going to the wayside, what with my low testosterone and all. More about that later. Anyway, I really enjoyed viewing "Safe," "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," and "Gun Woman."